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3.3.3. Complete the dialogue using the Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous. Reproduce it.

– Can I call on you tomorrow, Linda?

– Tomorrow? What time?

– Well, I'm not going to the institute tomorrow so I (to call on) you at 10 in the morning.

– Oh, no! It's too early. I (to sleep).

– OK. I (to call on) you at noon.

– Well, at that time I (to dye) my hair.

– Perhaps I (to come) in the afternoon, then. What you (to do) at about 3?

– I (to get) ready for my swimming class.

– Well, you (to be) at home, if I come at 5?

– I'm afraid not. I (to be) away to the theatre.

– When can I see you? I want my book back.

– Phone me tomorrow evening. I think, by that time I (to finish) it.

– You haven't finished it yet? You (to read) it for a year by May, 7.

– How do you remember it?

– May, 7 is my birthday.

3.3.4. Translate using either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.

  1. К тому времени, когда мы приедем на вокзал, поезд уже уйдет.

  2. Если ты не поторопишься, они завершат работу к тому времени, как мы придем помочь им.

  3. В следующем году будет уже 45 лет, как мои родители живут в этом доме.

  4. Я напишу ему к твоему приходу.

  5. Ты закончишь переводить статью к понедельнику?

  6. К следующему году мой брат будет заниматься плаванием уже 5 лет.

  7. Я уверен, что он не подпишет контракт к приезду директора.

  8. Я надеюсь, что к тому времени, когда ты вернешься, он уже позвонит мне и сообщит о результатах командировки.

  9. К тому моменту, когда ты придешь, мы уже закончим ужинать.

  10. Я была уверена, что к моменту приезда наших партнеров мы подготовим все документы.

  11. Через 5 минут будет уже час, как ты говоришь по телефону.

  12. Я не уверена, что мы приготовим обед к двум часам. Давайте обедать не в 2, а в 4. К этому времени все будет готово.

  13. Через неделю будет 50 лет с тех пор, как мои родители поженились.

  14. В будущем году будет уже 3 года, как его отец ушел на пенсию.

  15. К понедельнику я обдумаю ваше предложение и сообщу вам о своем решении.

Review exercises Which alternative is correct?

1. In the following pairs of sentences, one sentence is right and one is wrong. Choose the right one.

A) Had you heard the news?

B) Have you heard the news?

A) I was losing my glasses. I can neither read nor write.

B) I have lost my glasses. I can neither read nor write.

A) The plane to Bang Hong has just taken off.

B) The plane to Bang Hong just took off.

A) I’m exhausted. I was packing all day.

B) I’m exhausted. I’ve been packing all day.

A) How long do you write stories?

B) How long have you been writing stories?

A) Have you been to the bank yet?

B) Were you to the bank yet?

A) I saw her just now.

B) I have seen her just now.

A) Last time I spoke to her a week ago.

B) Lately I have spoken to her a week ago.

A) When did they return?

B) When have they returned?

A) How long has he been working here?

B) How long is he working here?

A) Yesterday from 5 to 7 I had been learning English.

B) Yesterday from 5 to 7 I was learning English.

A) Will you have finished the job by 7?

B) Will you finish the job by 7?

A) We are leaving tomorrow.

B) We will be leaving tomorrow.

A) After he translated the text he had supper.

B) After he had translated the text he had supper.

A) Do you know him?

B) Are you knowing him?

A) Before he leaves he’ll phone me.

B) Before he’ll leave he’ll phone me.

A) If it doesn’t rain tomorrow we’ll go to the park.

B) If it not rains tomorrow we’ll go to the park.

A) I’ll talk to him after I have been typing the contract.

B) I’ll talk to him after I type the contract.

A) He’ll wait until I don't come.

B) He’ll wait until I come.

A) What have they been doing now?

B) What are they doing now?