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2. Translate using either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.

  1. К концу месяца он напишет первую главу своего нового романа.

  2. Они будут жить в этом доме вот уже 40 лет к концу года.

  3. К тому времени, когда вы вернетесь, мы уже приготовим ужин.

  4. Вы уверены, что закончите работу к 7 часам?

  5. К 7 часам будет уже 4 часа, как вы переводите эту статью.

  6. К следующему году они будут женаты 40 лет.

  7. К тому времени, когда придет управляющий, секретарь уже просмотрит почту.

  8. Я боюсь, они закончат работу к тому времени, как мы присоединимся к ним.

  9. Мы надеемся, что они получат наше письмо к концу недели.

  10. Ты уверена, что упакуешь все вещи к 6 часам?

  11. К вечеру будет уже 6 часов, как я пытаюсь найти Анну, но ее телефон не отвечает.

  12. К завтрашнему дню я прочту твою книгу.

  13. В мае будет уже полгода, как он ремонтирует свою машину.

  14. Вы переедете в свою новую квартиру к Рождеству?

  15. Я надеюсь, ты будешь готова к 6 часам.

Total: 50/______

The Future Perfect Continuous – the Future Perfect

The Future Perfect is used for an action which will have completed or not completed by a definite moment in the future.

It is always used with a time expression: By the end of summer they will have moved to their new house.

If we want to indicate the duration of an event at a specific time in the future, we can use the Future Perfect Continuous: By March next year he will have been teaching French for 25 years.


3.3.1. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.

  1. I hope they (to repair) this road by the time we come back next summer.

  2. By the time you come back I (to paper) the walls for more than 10 hours.

  3. By the end of next year he (to run) this company for 45 years. And he is not going to retire.

  4. – Come back in an hour. – But you (to pack) by that time? – No, I don't think so. I (to pack) only by midnight, I think.

  5. I am afraid we (not to discuss) all the questions by the time they return.

  6. I hope they (to receive) my letter by Saturday. By the time you get into contact with them they (to arrive) at a conclusion.

  7. We (to solve) this problem for more than two hours by the time you join us.

  8. By the time you are able to start the experiment we (to study) all the documents.

  9. The secretary (to look) through all the papers by the time the manager comes.

  10. By the time he's 17 he (to learn) English for 12 years.

  11. She (to do) the shopping by the time her husband comes home.

  12. By next May they (to live) in this town for more than 50 years.

3.3.2. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Indefinite or Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.

  1. Next year she (to be) 20.

  2. Tomorrow at this time they (to fly) to Rome.

  3. What you (to do) the day after tomorrow from 3 to 5? – But why are you asking?

  4. They (to finish repairing my car by the time I come.

  5. By the time he arrives in Minsk he (to drive) for 10 hours.

  6. How long you (to learn) English by the end of the year?

  7. I'm sorry, but I (not to go) to the theatre with you. I (to stay) at home. My Mum has fallen ill.

  8. Don't cry! You (to forget) about all your troubles by tomorrow.

  9. By Monday I (to work) on this business plan for a month.

  10. I'm sure, I (to read) this article by tomorrow night.

  11. By 5 o'clock he (to translate) this text for 3 hours.

  12. Will you be busy tomorrow evening? – Yes, I (to write) a report. – Will you (to finish) by 9 p.m.?

  13. If nothing happens, they (to return) at 7.

  14. If nothing happens, they (to return) by 7.

  15. I (to wait) until you phone me.

  16. I promise, I (to phone) by the time you get home.

  17. I (to wait) for your call from 1 till 3.

  18. Tomorrow at this time the children (to sleep).

  19. As soon as I buy the tickets I (to let) you know.

  20. It's going to be a big party. I'm sure we (to have) a great time.