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Progress test

1. Choose the correct tense form.

  1. He said he ..... in New York for 5 years.

    A) had been living

    C) has been living

    B) will have lived

    D) was living

  2. He ..... spaghetti for an hour by the time we get hungry.

    A) will cook

    C) will has cooked

    B) will have been cooking

    D) has been cooking

  3. I ..... on the beach the whole week by the time my friends come.

    A) will lie

    C) will have been lying

    B) will be lying

    D) have been lying

  4. The students ..... the text since the lesson began.

    A) have been translating

    C) translate

    B) are translating

    D) have been translated

  5. You ..... for almost an hour without stopping.

    A) talked

    C) is talking

    B) have been talking

    D) have being talking

  6. The professor ..... the material for an hour before he gave it to the class.

    A) explained

    C) has been explaining

    B) had been explaining

    D) was explaining

  7. Their son ..... with his sisters since breakfast.

    A) has been fighting

    C) have been fighting

    B) is fighting

    D) fought

  8. She ..... TV for some hours by the time her friends come to visit her.

    A) will watch

    C) watch

    B) will be watching

    D) will have been watching

  9. She looks fit and tanned. She ..... outdoors a lot recently.

    A) has been working

    C) is working

    B) has being working

    D) had been working

  10. The students ..... their papers for 2 hours before they went home.

    A) had been correcting

    C) corrected

    B) were correcting

    D) had being correcting

  11. By the end of the year they ..... an exhibition in Paris for a month.

    A) will open

    C) will have been opening

    B) will be opening

    D) open

  12. In a month we ..... Estonia for a fortnight.

    A) will visit

    C) are visiting

    B) will be visiting

    D) will have been visiting

  13. Their cat ..... to catch a mouse since breakfast.

    A) is trying

    C) has being trying

    B) has been trying

    D) will have been trying

  14. John ..... in an old house for 20 years before he sold it.

    A) was living

    C) has being living

    B) had been living

    D) lived

  15. George ..... at the University for 45 years before he retired.

    A) had been working

    C) has been working

    B) will have been working

    D) worked

  16. Ed ..... with his dog in the park since morning.

    A) is playing

    C) has being playing

    B) has been playing

    D) played

  17. After Henry ..... in Puerto Rico for some time, he went to St. Thomas.

    A) had been staying

    C) was staying

    B) has been staying

    D) will have been staying

  18. They ..... to a new flat for a week by tomorrow.

    A) will have moved

    C) will have been moving

    B) are moving

    D) move

  19. By tomorrow it ..... since Friday.

    A) will snow

    C) will have been snowing

    B) will be snowing

    D) will have snowed

  20. The policeman ..... the suspect his rights for about 20 minutes before he arrested him.

    A) had been reading

    C) has been reading

    B) read

    D) was reading

  21. I ..... food here since I came to this town.

    A) have been buying

    C) buy

    B) will have been buying

    D) bought

  22. The doctor ..... the patient for an hour before he prescribed the medication.

    A) has been examining

    C) had been examining

    B) had being examining

    D) was examining

  23. In 15 minutes they ..... the house since morning.

    A) will clean

    C) will have been cleaning

    B) will be cleaning

    D) clean

  24. Mary ..... her clothes for an hour before she began to study.

    A) had been washing

    C) has been washing

    B)was washing

    D) will have been washing

  25. They ..... for a new house for the last few months.

    A) have been looking

    C) has been looking

    B) are looking

    D) look

  26. In 15 minutes they ..... the bike for exactly 2 hours.

    A) will be repairing

    C) will have repaired

    B) will repair

    D) will have been repairing

  27. The tourists ..... for the guide since 4 o’clock.

    A) have been waiting

    C) has been waiting

    B) are waiting

    D) waited

  28. By 11.00 he ..... his exam on math for 2 hours!

    A) will take

    C) will have been taking

    B) have been taking

    D) will have taken

  29. The committee ..... the consequences for some time before they voted on the proposal.

    A) had been considering

    C) has being considering

    B) had being considered

    D) was considering

  30. Who ..... with the remote control? It won’t work!

    A) have been playing

    C) played

    B) has been playing

    D) is playing

  31. Customers ..... up all the morning complaining about getting incorrect bills.

    A) have been ringing

    C) will have been ringing

    B) had been ringing

    D) are ringing

  32. Mary ..... in Japan for 2 years. She is working there and likes it a lot.

    A) had been staying

    C) is staying

    B) has been staying

    D) stays

  33. By July she ..... lectures at the Institute for 5 years.

    A) will have been giving

    C) had being given

    B) has given

    D) is giving

  34. They ..... a barbecue in the garden since morning when I found them.

    A) had been building

    C) built

    B) have been building

    D) will have been building

  35. By tomorrow Ann ..... for her birthday for a week.

    A) will have been preparing

    C) is preparing

    B) has been preparing

    D) had been preparing

  36. I ..... in this queue for ages. I’d better return home.

    A) has been standing

    C) am standing

    B) have been standing

    D) will have been standing

  37. He ..... looking at her for some time, wondering why her face was familiar to him.

    A) has been keeping

    C) will have been keeping

    B) had been keeping

    D) kept

  38. By July my friend ..... his driving test for a year. I hope that this time he’ll succeed.

    A) will have been passing

    C) had been passing

    B) has been passing

    D) is passing

  39. By 5 he ..... at the library for 6 hours.

    A) will have been working

    C) works

    B) has been working

    D) is working

  40. Peter ..... next door for quite a long time but he never said more than “good morning” to me.

A) had been living

C) lived

B) has been living

D) will have been living