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3.8. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.

  1. Is you going to visit them next weekend?

  2. Call me as soon as she will send you a letter.

  3. Look at these clouds! It will rain.

  4. I will help you if I will not be busy.

  5. We don't know what will happen in the future.

  6. He finishes his report before he will go to bed.

  7. She says she will be here until he will come.

  8. Will you see Mr Smith tomorrow? I wonder whether you give him a message from Mr Black.

  9. He will has a new computer next month.

  10. When she will arrive, somebody meet her at the station.

  11. Where do you work after you will change your job?

  12. As soon as Terry get over his illness, his work will improves.

  13. Where will you going to spend your summer holidays? – If everything will be OK, I will go to the seaside.

  14. Kate will has her first English lesson next Monday.

  15. The teacher will is angry if Tom lates again.

  16. I believe the Johnsons will move into their new flat in a month.

  17. They will begin to work when everybody are here.

  18. Next time it will takes him less time to get to my place.

  19. Give me the book as soon as you will read it.

  20. Before you will leave, don't forget to shut the window.

3.9. Translate into English. Use the Future Indefinite.

  1. Я не знаю, когда он придет, но если рано, я скажу ему, чтобы он позвонил тебе.

  2. Если она не поспешит, она опоздает на автобус.

  3. В следующем семестре у нас будет три занятия по английскому языку в неделю.

  4. Она сказала, что придет домой в 9.

  5. Я поговорю с ним, как только увижу его.

  6. Нам очень важно знать, когда мы получим эти документы.

  7. Он спросил ее, что она будет делать, если опоздает на 6-часовой поезд.

  8. Еще неизвестно, когда они построят новую школу. Но я думаю, это произойдет через несколько лет.

  9. Спросите его, когда он будет свободен. Нам нужно обсудить с ним важный вопрос.

  10. После того, как она проведет месяц в Москве, она уедет в Киев.

  11. Я не знал, что вы собираетесь уезжать. Почему вы не сказали мне об этом?

  12. Поторопитесь! Такси будет здесь через несколько минут. Я буду ждать вас на вокзале через полчаса.

  13. В ближайший выходной он посетит эту художественную выставку, если ничего не помешает ему.

  14. Если ночью будет сильный мороз, я боюсь, утром машина не заведется, и мы останемся дома.

  15. Смотри! Она сейчас упадет. Она совершенно не умеет кататься на коньках.

  16. На следующей неделе студенты будут сдавать экзамен по английскому языку. Они будут повторять весь материал, чтобы получить хорошие оценки.

  17. Мне кажется, ему удастся закончить свою новую книгу в следующем месяце.

  18. Каковы твои планы на вечер? – Я собираюсь навестить подругу.

  19. Когда ты здесь будешь? – Если собрание закончится вовремя, я приду в 4.

  20. Интересно, получит ли она эту работу. Но я надеюсь, что все будет хорошо.

Review exercises

1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.


When Sam White (1) (to retire) last year, he (2) (to buy) a small cottage in a seaside village. The cottage (3) (to be) built many centuries ago, but (4) (to be) in very good condition. Sam (5) (to think) that he (6) (to have) a quiet life there, but in the summer holidays he (7) (to get) a shock. Hundreds of tourists (8) (to come) to the seaside village. Sam's cottage (9) (to be) the most beautiful building in the village and many of the tourists (10) (to come) to see it. From morning till night there (11) (to be) tourists outside the cottage. They (12) (to keep) looking through the windows and some of them even (13) (to go) into Sam's garden. This (14) (to be) too much for Sam. He (15) (to decide) to drive the unwelcome visitors away, so he (16) (to put) a notice in the window. The notice (17) (to say): "If you (18) (to want) to satisfy your curiosity, (19) (to come) in and (20) (to look) round. Price: ten pence." Sam (21) (to be) sure that the visitors (22) (to stop) coming but he (23) (to be) wrong. The number of the visitors (24) (to increase) and Sam (25) (to spend) every day showing them round the cottage. "I (26) (to come) here to retire, not to work as a guide," he (27) (to complain). In the end, he (28) (to sell) the cottage and (29) (to buy) a small modern house. It (30) (to be) an uninteresting little place and nobody (31) (to want) to see it.


There (1) (to live) long ago in the broad lands of Scotland a worthy lord who (2) (to have) an only son. And as he (3) (to come) to lie on his death bed, he (4) (to send) for the lad and (5) (to say):

“My son, I (6) (to know) too well that when I (7) (to be gone), you (8) (to waste) the money and the land that I (9) (to leave) you, and one day you (10) (to come) to poverty.”

The Heir of Linne, as the youth (11) (to be called), (12) (to begin) to say that he (13) (to be) careful and (14) (to do) everything to obey the wishes of his father. But the old man (15) (to tell) him not to make promises which he (16) (to be tempted) to break, but only to assure him of one thing.

“Far away in the borders of our land,” he (17) (to say), “(18) (to stand) a deserted cottage known as the Lonesome Lodge. (19) (To promise) that if you (20) (to sell) all you (21) (to have) in the world, you never (22) (to part) with this. (23) (To take) the key, and (24) (to hang) it round your neck, and (25) (to remember) that when your friends (26) (to turn) their backs upon you, and you (27) (to have) no place to go to, you (28) (to go) to the Lonesome Lodge, and there you (29) (to find) a friend in need. It (30) (to be) my desire.”

This (31) (to seem) a very strange saying to the young man, but to satisfy his father, he (32) (to hang) the key round his neck, and soon after the old man (33) (to die).


Speaking about my parents I should say that my mother and my father (1) (to be) very different people. Mum always (2) (to be) very calm; not exactly easy-going, because she (3) (to take) things very seriously sometimes, but she (4) (not to get excited).

When we (5) (to be) small (my brother and me), she almost never (6) (to shout) at us. When we (7) (to do) something wrong, she (8) (to talk) to us about it firmly, but in a calm tone of voice. If we (9) (to shout) and (10) (to cry), she (11) (to make) us go and sit by ourselves in her room until we (12) (to calm) down.

Dad, on the other hand, (13) (to use) to shout and go for a long walk to try to cool off. During the next few days he (14) (to be) cross with us a lot of time, which (15) (to upset) us, as nothing (16) (to be) our fault.

Both of us kids (17) (to be) worried about what (18) (to be going) to happen, and a bit afraid, but we (19) (not to talk) to our parents much. Most of all we (20) (to be) worried about having to leave all of our school friends.