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2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.

  1. What they (to do)? – They (to plan) their next holiday.

  2. Nick (to work) all day yesterday that's why he couldn't go to the cinema with us.

  3. When you next see me I (to wear) my new dress.

  4. What you (to do) when Mr Smith arrived? – I (to type) a contract.

  5. At the moment Kate (to learn) new words and I (to look) through a magazine now.

  6. While her friends (to swim) in the river, she (to sunbathe) at this time next Sunday.

  7. He bought his car five years ago and he still (to drive) it.

  8. The boy jumped off the bus while it (to move).

  9. Mr Brown lives in Washington though he (to stay) in London at the moment.

  10. What do you think the children (to do) when you get home? – I expect they (to have) their supper.

  11. It (not to rain) when she got up.

  12. Call her later. I don't think she (to sleep).

  13. Linda is away on holiday so Janet (to handle) her work.

  14. The students of our group (to discuss) a very important question the whole lesson yesterday.

  15. Open the door, please. Somebody (to knock) at it.

  16. He still (to work) when she comes?

  17. Can I borrow your pen or you (to use) it at the moment?

  18. Mary (to stand) at the bus stop when I saw her. I asked her what bus she (to wait) for.

  19. This time the day after tomorrow he (to write) a test.

  20. Tom has a bad habit. He always (to put off) some difficult work to the very last moment.

  21. What Ann (to do) in the library? – She (to prepare) a report.

  22. The house was in great disorder because he (to redecorate) it.

  23. She'll be cooking dinner while her husband (to pack) their things.

  24. Why is it so cold in the room? – We (to air) it.

  25. It (to rain) when you left the office? – Yes, it (to rain) heavily.

  26. Has she typed all the documents yet? – No, she (to type) them the whole day tomorrow.

  27. Our friend is in hospital. I wonder, how she (to get) on.

  28. We had a terrible time looking after your dog. It constantly (to chase) the cat next door.

  29. Mary won't be able to join us. She (to look) after her younger sister at the time.

  30. I (to taste) the tea to see if it is sweet enough.

  31. While the workers (to repair) the roof, they broke the bathroom window.

  32. Mr Nutton (to investigate) a new case at present.

  33. The secretary (to type) the contract the whole morning tomorrow.

  34. Why she (to cry) when I entered the room?

  35. Our father (to fish) while we (to swim) in the river next Sunday.

  36. They (to talk) so loudly that we can't really hear your words.

  37. Kate still (to do) the flat when her parents come home.

  38. We (to wait) for him during the break but he didn't come.

  39. Nick (to wear) a nice suit when I saw him at the party.

  40. The children are in the sitting room now. While Tom (to draw) a picture, his brother (to play) with his toys.

3. Translate into English.

  1. Пока студенты будут составлять диалоги, преподаватель будет проверять их контрольные работы.

  2. Он пришел, когда мы все еще обсуждали план поездки.

  3. Здесь очень шумно. Я не слышу, о чем они говорят.

  4. Завтра после шести его не будет дома. Он будет играть с друзьями в футбол.

  5. Сегодня вечером Том уезжает в Лондон на конференцию. Его поезд отправляется в 9 часов.

  6. Когда мы гуляли в парке, начался дождь. Мы поспешили домой, так как у нас не было зонтика.

  7. Я уверена, что когда мы придем, он будет все еще готовиться к экзамену.

  8. – Ты не знаешь, почему она плачет?

  9. Послезавтра в это время они будут возвращаться домой с юга.

  10. Секретарь печатала документы, когда вошел посетитель.

  11. Я не знаю, с кем она разговаривает. Может быть, это одна из ее учениц.

  12. Мы собирались провести прошлые выходные за городом, но пошел дождь, и мы остались дома.

  13. Завтра после обеда Марк будет работать над своим новым сценарием. Он хочет закончить его через неделю.

  14. – Почему здесь так холодно? – Я проветриваю комнату.

  15. Они катались на лодках, когда разразился шторм.

  16. Пока мы будем кататься на коньках, они будут играть в снежки.

  17. – Ты меня не слушаешь. О чем ты думаешь?

  18. Завтра утром мы уезжаем в Крым. Мы собираемся пробыть там две недели.

  19. Пока идет дождь, дети играют дома. Как только он закончится, они пойдут гулять во двор.

  20. Мы обедали, когда почтальон принес нам телеграмму.

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