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Review exercises

1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.


  1. I am sorry, but I can't accept your invitation. We already (1) (to make) our plans for the holiday. We (2) (to decide) to go to Greece. You ever (3) (to be) there?

  2. You are smoking another cigarette. At this rate you (4) (to smoke) a whole pack before lunchtime.

  3. You (5) (to take) all the exams by the end of January?

  4. By the end of next week my wife (6) (to do) her spring сleaning and we'll be able to relax.

  5. Anyone (7) (to see) my dictionary? I can't find it. Yesterday I (8) (to put) it on my desk. Who (9) (to take) it?

  6. When Professor Jones retires next month, he (10) (to teach) for 45 years.

  7. I will go to bed at 10 p.m. He will get home at midnight. I (11) (to be asleep) for 2 hours by the time he gets home.

  8. I (12) (to know) Helen for 10 years. She is one of my best friends. We (13) (to be) friends since we (14) (to be) 7.

  9. Why are you limping? – I (15) (to twist) my ankle. – When it (16) (to happen)?

  10. Are you the boy whose dog (17) (to make) a terrible noise last night? – I am sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (18) (to own) a dog.

  11. The house they (19) (to buy) recently looks much larger than ours. When they (20) (to buy) it? – They (21) (to buy) it two years ago.

  12. Look! Peter (22) (not to eat) all the bread and butter, he (23) (to leave) some in the plate.

  13. I never (24) (to see) so many beautiful girls as here at the party! – And you ever (25) (to eat) such a delicious cake?

  14. I (26) (to order) a taxi to take us to the airport. So we'll be on time. You (27) (to pack) our things yet?

  15. You (28) (to cut) your finger! How it (29) (to happen)?

  16. Unfortunately they (30) (to destroy) most of the houses by June.

  17. He waited until the rider (31) (to disappear) and started on his way home.

  18. By the end of that year he almost (32) (to recover).

  19. More than a year (33) (to pass) since I first met him.

  20. I (34) (to speak) to our agent about the schedule by 9 and I think the matter will be settled to your satisfaction.

  21. George (35) (to pass) his driving test by Monday and he (36) (to buy) a car by June.

  22. As I (37) (not to get) an answer, I sent him another letter.

  23. We reached the village before it (38) (to grow) dark.

  24. After John (39) (to listen) to the radio, all the batteries ran out.

  25. Hardly the robbers (40) (to steal) the car when they drove away.

  26. By the time you leave the city, we (41) (to visit) the museum.

  27. By 10 o'clock I (42) (to clean) the flat.

  28. The clock (43) (to strike) sooner than the first guests (44) (to appear).

  29. No sooner I (45) (to come) than the lecture (46) (to begin).

  30. This man (47) (to be) ill for years when the doctor came.

  31. When I woke up, it was 6 a.m. Although it (48) (to stop) raining, it was very cold.

  32. Hardly I (49) (to come) home when they brought me a telegram.


A few days after Sue's encounter with the policeman, she decided to visit her parents. It was a long drive and she felt rather nervous on account of her lack of driving experience. It (50) (to rain) earlier that morning and the road still (51) (to be) wet. Before she (52) (to get in) the car, she (53) (to check) that her rear lights were working properly! When she (54) (to make sure) that the road behind her was clear, she (55) (to drive) off.

She (56) (to be) on the road for about 20 minutes when she (57) (to see) a warning sign for a sharp bend. By this time, it (58) (to start) raining again and the roads (59) (to be) slippery. She (60) (to look) in her rear mirror and (61) (to see) to her horror that a sport car behind her, driving much too fast, was just about to overtake! It was heading for a collusion with an oncoming Mini!

Sue (62) (to jam) on her brakes and (63) (to pull up) at the side of the road to give the sports car room to pass. The two cars (64) (to scrape) against each other and came to a sudden halt. Luckily, there were no serious injuries. As soon as the drivers (65) (to recover) from the shock, they (66) (to get out) to view the damage.

10 minutes later, a policeman already (67) (to arrive) at the scene of the accident, the same policeman Sue (68) (to encounter) the week before! When he (69) (to see) Sue, he (70) (to say): "Oh! So it's you again, is it?" But before he could continue, the driver of the Mini broke in: "If this young woman hadn't reacted so quickly, officer, I might have been killed! She's obviously a very experienced driver!"



Good morning. This is Peter Dale speaking. I've been wondering whether any decision has been taken on the applications for the post of graphic designer.


I'm afraid I can't help you very much at the moment, Mr Dale. Mr Finch will not be able to come to a decision until he (71) (to interview) all the applicants.


He (72) (to let) all the applicants know as soon as he (73) (to reach) a decision.


He (74) (not to be) in a position to offer anyone a post officially until he (75) (to speak) to the Board. When his decision has been passed to the Board, he (76) (to make) an offer to the successful candidate immediately.


You (77) (to inform) me as soon as you know his decision?


If you like I (78) (to ring) you at your home number as soon as Mr Finch (79) (to dictate) a reply to you.


That would be most kind. You'll understand that the matter is rather important to me. Thank you very much. Goodbye.


Goodbye, Mr Dale.


Dear Elizabeth,

I (80) (to get) 2 pieces of news which I am simply dying to tell you!

First of all, Peter (81) (to get) the job which I told you about in my last letter! We are so thrilled, as it means an increase in salary. Also, it means that Peter will be free of his grumpy old boss, who is really beginning to get on Peter's nerves!

Secondly, we (82) (to buy) that old house which was advertised by the local estate agent. I (83) (to tell) you about it recently, the one which was in quite bad repairs and therefore very cheap for its size. The owner, who (84) (to be) abroad for a year now, was willing to let it go for almost any price! The repairs, which unfortunately took longer than expected, were completed a week ago, so we'll be moving in very soon! The new neighbour, whose wife (85) (to be) for 2 weeks in hospital, says that he'll do what he can to help, but what I need most is someone to give a hand with all the cleaning!

Do come and visit us when we move in!

With much love,



Dear Jim,

We (86) (to move) into the old house at last! The repairs took longer and were more expensive than we (87) (to expect), but living in the old house is just as much fun as we (88) (to hope) it would be!

The cleaning wasn't quite so bad as we were anticipating, but of course, the more we cleaned, the less we enjoyed it! But we knew that the sooner we started, the sooner we'd have it all finished.

The actual removal went quite smoothly. Fortunately, the removal men weren't as careless as we (89) (to fear), so we had fewer breakages as expected. The grandfather's clock stood up to it all very well!

How are things with you and the family? Sorry I (90) (not to write) earlier, but as we say "Better late than never!"



Dear Chris,

Many things (91) (to happen) since I last was in New Baytown. My best friend, Tony, was no longer there when I came. He (92) (to go) away. By the way, the neighbours told me on the first day I came here that Mr Jackson didn't live in Oak Street any longer. He (93) (to leave). You wouldn't recognize the Grand Street. They (94) (to change) there everything there. But on the whole I found the town much as it (95) (to be), green and quiet. On the second day I went to see our school and it was still there, but they (96) (to add) a new wing. The bookstore where we used to buy textbooks and pens was no longer there. It (97) (to close) down. But they (98) (to build) a new bookstore not far from it and they (99) (to open) a very nice café in the old building for a month. On the whole I was very pleased to see the place again. I (100) (not to see) it for 10 years, you know.

