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1.1.7. Translate using either the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.

  1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дождевые капли на стекле.

  2. Почему ты так странно смотришь на меня? Что ты хочешь мне сказать?

  3. Куда вы спешите? Проходите, мы как раз пьем чай. Вы любите чай?

  4. Мы приближаемся к морю. Ты чувствуешь запах моря?

  5. Позвони на вокзал и узнай, когда приходит поезд из Киева.

  6. Не входи в комнату, дети спят.

  7. Что ты делаешь? – Я завтракаю. – Ты всегда завтракаешь так поздно?

  8. Я не люблю этого человека. Он часто обманывает.

  9. Чем занимается твой брат? – Он студент. – Где он учится? – В университете.

  10. Мои друзья приезжают навестить нас в субботу. – Они всегда навещают тебя летом?

  11. О чем ты думаешь? – Моя бабушка больна, а у меня сегодня совсем нет времени зайти к ней.

  12. Что ты думаешь о последнем романе этого писателя?

  13. Почему ты не слушаешь меня? – Прости, у меня ужасно болит голова.

  14. Почему ты не хочешь присоединиться к нам? – Я плохо себя чувствую.

  15. Ты собираешься встретить их в аэропорту?

  16. Мы опоздаем на поезд, если не поторопимся.

  17. Я объясню тебе все, когда вернусь домой.

  18. Прежде чем он примет окончательно решение, он обдумает все детали.

  19. Не звони ему. Он занят. Он просматривает почту.

  20. Он ненадежный человек. – Что ты имеешь в виду? – Он никогда не держит слова.

1.2. The Present Indefinite – the Present Perfect.

While the Present Indefinite is used to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly the Present Perfect denotes an action which has a definite connection with the present.

Compare: Every summer he goes to Canada.

He has gone to Canada. = He is in Canada or on his way there now.

1.3. The Present Perfect – the Present Perfect Continuous. Entry test

1. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. You (1) (to read) the book for 5 months and (2) (not to finish) yet.

  2. My brother (3) (to play) tennis since he was 6. He is the best tennis player at school.

  3. Her sister is keen on English. She (4) (to learn) it for 15 years already. She (5) (to be) to the USA and Great Britain several times.

  4. You look tired! – Yes, I (6) (to play) football since morning and I (7) (not to play) for years.

  5. How long you (8) (to know) Ann? – Since childhood. We always (9) (to be) good friends. She never (10) (to let) me down.

  6. He (11) (to look) for a job for six months but (12) (not to succeed). He (13) (to work) for a big company for 12 years. But last year the company went bankrupt.

  7. Nobody (14) (to live) in this house since October. So, it (15) (to be) empty for half a year.

  8. At last he (16) (to buy) a car. He (17) (to dream) of it for years and only yesterday his dream came true.

  9. What you (18) (to do) here for such a long time? – I (19) (to repair) my son's bike, but I (20) (not to repair) it yet.

  10. You (21) (to find) me in the photos?

  11. He (22) (to go) already. He (23) (to wait) here for an hour.

  12. It (24) (to rain) for 3 days. If it doesn't stop tomorrow we won't go to the country to see our grandparents.

  13. Your eyes are red because you (25) (to read) for more than 6 hours.

  14. I (26) (not to eat) anything since morning. You (27) (to have) dinner yet? – Not yet. Ann (28) (to cook) a wonderful Italian dish and in a minute we'll have dinner.

  15. He (29) (not to talk) to the manager yet. The manager (30) (to be) busy since morning. He (31) (to discuss) delivery problems with our business partners already for 3 hours.

  16. Look! Ann (32) (to come). Who she (33) (to bring) with her? Is it Jane?

  17. I must phone my doctor, but I can't. My sister (34) (to talk) on the phone for 2 hours. When will she stop?

  18. For how long he (35) (to work) for this company? – For 17 years. He likes his job and isn't going to quit it.

  19. For how long he (36) (to be) married? – For 20 years. His wife is a wonderful woman. She (37) (to travel) all over the world and (38) (to write) several books about different countries.

  20. We (39) (not to discuss) this problem since he returned. He (40) (to be) away for half a year.