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3.2. Transform the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.

  1. She will have cooked dinner by the time you come.

  2. The play will have already been over when we get to the theatre.

  3. I shall have read the book by next Sunday.

  4. My parents will have gone to bed when we come back from the theatre.

  5. The students will have passed their exams by July.

  6. We'll have finished our work by 7.

  7. They will have learnt to speak Spanish by the end of the term.

  8. By October George will have saved enough money to buy a video player.

  9. Before we part with our friends, we'll have made plans for going to the country next Sunday.

  10. By April the prices for essential goods will have risen by 10%.

3.3. Read the situation and then respond to it. Use the Future Perfect.

Model: Tom is going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it's 7.25 already. It takes Tom 20 minutes to get there. (film/ to start)

When he gets there, the film will have already started.

  1. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o'clock. Andrew is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. (Jim/ to go to bed)

  2. My friends are building a new cottage. Next spring they are planning to finish it. (they/ to build)

  3. John is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of the holiday … . (he/ to spend)

  4. The Halls are receiving guests tonight. They are expecting them to come at 6. Mrs. Hall is having a lot of things to do. (she / to do everything)

  5. Betty's passion is driving. She started saving up 10 years ago. Next summer she is going to buy a car. (she / to save enough money)

  6. Mary came to Italy from the USA two years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly two years since she arrived. (Mary/ to be here)

  7. Next year is Ted and Amy's 25th wedding anniversary. (they/ to be married)

3.4. Answer the following questions about the actions which will have happened by a certain moment in the future according to the model.

Model: Has Jim taught you to play tennis? (next month)

Not yet, but he'll have taught me to play tennis by next month.

  1. Have Tony and Jill decided to get married? (Monday)

  2. Have the Halls bought a new car? (Christmas)

  3. Have you done most of the work? (7 o'clock)

  4. Have you got everything arranged for your trip? (midday)

  5. Has Monica started a new job? (Friday)

  6. Have you booked a long distance call to NY for me? (lunchtime)

  7. Has John been to the bank to get a mortgage? (Wednesday)

  8. Has Nora realized her plan of visiting Rome? (next June)

  9. Has the international flight BA 2 850 from Beijing landed yet? (2.05 a.m.)

  10. Have you signed the contract? (tea-time)

3.5. Read the situation and then respond to it. Use the verb in the Future Perfect in an affirmative and negative form, and by then. Expand your responses according to the model.

Model: Will you be able to return from your trip to Moscow on Sunday?

Yes, I'll have been at home by then. I'll have seen all the places of interest in Moscow by Saturday.

No, I shan't have been at home by then. On my way to Moscow I'm going to visit my relatives who live in the country.

  1. Shall we come round at 8?

  2. Will you finish your work on Sunday?

  3. Can you call on me on Sunday if you return from your tour of Brest?

  4. Will they have supper at 6?

  5. Can you come to our meeting on Monday to tell us about your impressions of Moscow?

  6. Shall we be able to see him if we arrive in time?

  7. Can you give me a ride in the car on Sunday if you repair it?

  8. Will she make her new dress for the party?

  9. Can you take us out on Saturday if you return from your business trip?

  10. Will they manage to build a new house if winter comes earlier than usual?

3.6. Complete the sentences. Use a suitable modifier of time among those given in the margin and translate these modifiers into English.

  1. We hope our luggage will have arrived…..

  1. до того, как отправится поезд

  1. They will have become worst enemies …..

  1. до того, как они проведут там неделю

  1. Everything will have been ready …..

  1. до того, как ему исполнится 50 лет

  1. He will have been in firm industry for years …..

  1. они уедут навсегда из Англии

  1. We'll have packed our suitcases long before …..

  1. он вернется из офиса

  1. The doctor will have examined his last patient …..

  1. к 3 часам

  1. People will have forgotten him and his book long before …..

  1. к 10 часам

  1. They'll have arrived at some agreement before …..

  1. конференция закончится