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Review exercises

1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense forms.


  1. When Mark (to arrive), the Johnsons (to have) dinner, but they stopped in order to greet him.

  2. – What you (to make), Pamela? It (to smell) really nice. – Well, I (to try) a recipe my mother-in-law gave me. It (to sound) really easy.

  3. The river Nile (to flow) into the Mediterranean.

  4. When I (to phone) Helen last night, she (to wash) her hair.

  5. In twenty-four hours' time I (to relax) on my yacht.

  6. Peter couldn't understand what had been decided because too many people (to talk) at once.

  7. – What you (to think) of that new girl, Ann? – Well, frankly, I (to find) her terribly annoying. She always (to make) silly remarks and she never (to listen) to anything you say.

  8. I felt rather worried. It (to grow) darker and colder, and there was still no sign of the rescue helicopter.

  9. Tomorrow at this time I (to fly) to the South and you (to be) in the office, looking at the rain outside and envying me.

  10. I haven't decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But I (to think) about it.

  11. When we (to leave) the café, we (to see) Ann and Harry. They (to laugh) and (to walk) arm in arm.

  12. Can you send me the results as soon as you (to hear) anything?

  13. – What all those people (to do) in the middle of the street? And why they (to wear) such extraordinary clothes? – They (to make) a film. Most of the crowd are local people who (to work) as extras.

  14. This time tomorrow everyone (to read) about your success, and all sorts of people (to ring up) to congratulate you.

  15. – Ann says she (not to come) if Tom is driving. She says she doesn't want to die yet. – Well, tell her, Tom (not to drive). He's had his license suspended.

  16. Mr Jones (to walk) along Piccadilly when he (to realize) that a man with a beard, whom he had seen three times already that afternoon, (to follow) him.

  17. – I (not to think) your brother (to enjoy) the party today. He (to look) at his watch all the time. – Oh, I'm sure he (to enjoy) it. He always (to enjoy) your parties. But I (to know) he (to want) to be home early tonight because he (to expect) an important telephone call.

  18. The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some (to read) magazines, others just (to turn) over the pages. A woman (to knit), a child (to play) with a toy car. Suddenly the door (to open) and the nurse (to say), "Next, please."

  19. The first day of the term will be horrible, for everybody (to talk) about their holidays and (to show) photographs of marvellous foreign beaches, and as I haven't been anywhere it (not to be) very interesting for me.

  20. – Do you know why that man (to stand) in the middle of the road? – He (to try) to get across. He (to wait) for a gap in the traffic.

  21. He (to sit) on the bank fishing when he (to see) a man's hat floating down the river. It (to seem) strangely familiar to him.

  22. This time next month the snow (to melt) and skiing (to be) over.


I (1) (to buy) a new alarm clock the other day in Taylor's, the jewellers, when I actually (2) (to see) somebody shoplifting. I'd just finished paying for my clock and as I (3) (to turn) round, an elderly woman slowly (4) (to put) a silver plate into a bag that she (5) (to carry). Then she (6) (to walk) over to another part of the shop and, when she (7) (to think) that nobody (8) (to look), she (9) (to put) an expensive-looking watch into the bag. Before I (10) (to have) a chance to tell the staff in the shop, she (11) (to notice) that I (12) (to watch) her and (13) (to hurry) out. Unfortunately for her, two police officers (14) (to walk) past just at that moment and she (15) (to run) straight into them.



John (1) (not to look) well these days. Is he okay?


Apparently, he (2) (not to sleep) well just now, although he usually (3) (to sleep) really soundly.


Sounds like something (4) (to worry) him.


Well, that's part of the problem. You (5) (to know) that he (6) (to work) for Tardown, the engineers, don't you?


Yes, ever since he (7) (to leave) university.


That's right. Well, at the moment he (8) (to work) on a major road-building scheme in Liverpool, so he (9) (to drive) up there every day, which (10) (to take) a couple of hours each way. And on top of that, he (11) (to suffer) from a cold and (12) (to have) difficulty in breathing.


Pat left the house and (1) (to go) along a sandy path leading to the vegetable garden. Soon she (2) (to see) that somebody (3) (to move) among the tomato plants. Coming closer she (4) (to recognize) Humphrey Bell. "Hello," Pat (5) (to call) out. "You (6) (to get) tomatoes, eh?" He (7) (to straighten) himself. "Yes, and I (8) (not to be) the thief I (9) (to look). Your uncle (10) (to tell) me to help myself." He (11) (to show) her the basket half full of tomatoes.

"I (12) (to help) you," said Pat and without waiting for his reply she (13) (to begin) to gather the tomatoes.

"You (14) (to look) unusually elegant," he said.

"We (15) (to have) a family dinner party. But they'll not miss me. As a matter of fact, the party is really scattered. The young people have paired off and (16) (to stroll) about."

"Then I (17) (to consider) myself lucky that you have paired off with me – in the vegetable garden."

"It (18) (not to sound) very romantic," she said. "How you (19) (to get) on with your writing? You yourself (20) (to like) what you (21) (to write)?"

"Yes, I do." He (22) (to speak) with conviction.


Meanwhile it (1) (to get) on to the time for the family's usual fortnight at the seaside. They always (2) (to go) to Herne Bay and for years they had taken the same lodgings. One evening Herbert (3) (to say) to his mother as casually as he could: "By the way, Mum, you'd better write and tell them I (4) (not to want) my room this year. Betty and I (5) (to get married) soon and we (6) (to go) to Scotland for the honeymoon."

His mother (7) (not to say) a word. She (8) (to go) deathly pale. "Oh, Mum, don't take it so hard. I'm sure you (9) (to like) Betty when you (10) (to get) to know her. Everything (11) (to be) all right if you only (12) (to be) reasonable."

"That's what you think. Well, let me tell you that this woman never (13) (to set) foot in this house, only over my dead body."