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2.3. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite Passive to complete the following texts. Retell them.


The disaster happened when the ship (1) (to hit) by something unknown. The women and children (2) (to put) into the lifeboats first while the men (3) (to tell) to stay on the ship. A nearby ship (4) (to bring) into action as a rescue vessel. The men who (5) (to leave) on the ship (6) (to rescue). Unfortunately some of the men (7) (to frighten) and jumped into the water. It is believed that they are now dead. The survivors (8) (to take) to hospital by helicopter and maximum effort (9) (to make) to find the missing men.


The Greatest Explosion in the World

Did you know that the greatest explosion in the world (1) (to cause) by a volcano? Krakatoa, an island in Indonesia, erupted in 1883. More than half the island (2) (to destroy). The explosion (3) (to hear) in India and Australia. Rocks (4) (to throw) more than 55 kilometres high into the air. Surprisingly, only a few people (5) (to kill), but a huge wave, 35 metres high (6) (to create) by the explosion. Several small islands (7) (to cover) by the wave. 163 villages (8) (to destroy) and 36.000 people (9) (to drown). Dust (10) (to carry) all round the world and the weather everywhere (11) (to affect) for many years afterwards.


The Royal Hotel almost completely (1) (to destroy) by the fire last night. By the time the Fire Brigade (2) (to call) the hotel was already blazing. Fifteen people (3) (to take) to hospital suffering from severe burns. Seven of them were in a serious condition. The fire had been started by a discarded cigarette.


They were Surprised

Jewellery and coins (to steal) last night from the house of Mr and Mrs Smith. At about 2.30 a.m., a young man (to see) in the Smiths’ garden by a neighbour. The police (to inform) immediately by the neighbour’s wife. Ten minutes later, the man (to catch) as he was leaving the garden and (to take) to the police station for questioning. His pockets (to search). Rings and gold coins worth over 3000USD (to find). When the man (to question) about the theft, he said, “It was easy. A window was open and the safe (not to lock)”.

The jewellery and coins (to return) to the Smiths.

2.4. Transform from Active into Passive where appropriate. (Omit the agent where possible.)

Model: 1) My sister had a baby. (a passive form would be inappropriate)

2) John opened the door. The door was opened by John.

  1. The police questioned George.

  2. My sister married Paul last year.

  3. One of the most famous painters in the world painted this landscape.

  4. Kate asked the policeman for the way to the station.

  5. We didn’t come home late last night.

  6. The nanny took the children to the zoo yesterday.

  7. I left very early yesterday evening.

  8. Victor took these photographs.

  9. United won the cup last year.

  10. The letter arrived a few days ago.

  11. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

  12. I arrived at the airport at 7.30 in the morning.

  13. They washed the car yesterday.

  14. She escaped from prison.

  15. The dentist pulled out the rotten tooth.

2.5. (A) Fill in by or with. (Consult § 1 point 3 for information about prepositions with Passive Voice.)

  1. The lock was broken ..… a hammer.

  2. The book was written ..… my favourite author.

  3. The cake was decorated ..… icing.

  4. The tiger was shot ….. a gun.

  5. Claire was shouted at ….. her teacher.

  6. He was hit on the head ….. an umbrella.

  7. She was woken up ..… a loud noise.

  8. The parcel was tied up ….. string.

  9. John was told off ..… his mother.

  10. This picture was painted ..… famous artist.

  11. The chair was covered ….. a woolen blanket.

  12. The walls were decorated ..… posters.

  13. My car was repaired ….. my father.

  14. This dessert was made ..… fresh cream.

  15. The window was broken ..… a ball.

  16. He was knocked down ..… a car.

  17. That novel was written ..… D.H. Lawrence.

  18. The lion was shot ….. a rifle.

  19. The garden was dug ….. a spade.

  20. The pudding was made ..… fruit and chocolate.

  21. The city was attacked ..… the enemy.

  22. He was hit ….. a handbag.

  23. The picture was painted ….. Jackson Pollack.

  24. The house was built ..… wood and bricks.

  25. The Stadium was packed ..… cheering fans.

(B) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use by or with only where necessary

Model: The police believe that someone used a master key to open the door.

The police believe that the door was opened with a master key.

  1. Mozart, the well-known composer wrote this music.

The music …… .

  1. Apparently, someone used a knife to kill him.

Apparently, he …… .

  1. The police arrested a 39-year-old woman for shop-lifting.

A 39-year old woman …… .

  1. Ice on the road caused the accident.

The …… .

  1. The supermarket manager is afraid that someone put poison into some of the food when he was out.

The supermarket manager is afraid that some of …… .