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3. Translate into English.

  1. Он работает над книгой уже 3 часа. Он никогда не трудился так усердно.

  2. К тому времени, когда я закончу перевод, мои друзья будут ждать меня уже около часа.

  3. Они проговорили около двух часов, когда вдруг он сказал, что хочет повидать кого-то, и уехал.

  4. Я пытаюсь найти тебя целое утро. Чем ты занимался?

  5. Завтра исполнится месяц, как я готовлюсь к тесту.

  6. Наконец-то вы пришли. Мы только что говорили о вас.

  7. К тому времени, когда я приду, собрание будет длиться уже около часа.

  8. Их фирма работала над новым проектом несколько месяцев, когда об этом узнали их конкуренты.

  9. Он учит французский с 3 лет, но до сих пор не выучил.

  10. К июню, когда его друзья приедут навестить его, мой друг будет сдавать экзамены уже две недели.

  11. Он готовится к экзамену всю неделю, и уже прочитал много книг по предмету.

  12. Через месяц будет год, как он работает директором предприятия.

  13. Джон собирает марки с 6 лет. Он собрал уже 1000 марок.

  14. Они долго сидели рядом. Джек первым нарушил молчание.

  15. Где ты была? Я жду тебя в библиотеке с 9 часов утра.

  16. К концу дня Анна будет работать над докладом уже очень долгое время.

  17. Телефон звонил уже несколько минут, когда он, наконец, проснулся.

  18. Она читает эту книгу 3 дня, и уже прочитала 130 страниц.

  19. К понедельнику полиция будет заниматься поисками грабителей уже несколько недель.

  20. К приходу директора мистер Браун будет работать в офисе с утра.

Total: 100/_______


Entry test

1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. How long ..... here?

    A) you live

    C) have you lived

    B) do you live

    D) are you living

  2. We ..... since we left school.

    A) hadn’t met

    C) haven’t met

    B) didn’t meet

    D) not met

  3. He denied he .... the money.

    A) takes

    C) took

    B) has taken

    D) had taken

  4. She ..... for 12 hours before she finished everything.

    A) had been working

    C) is working

    B) has been working

    D) has worked

  5. When I was a child I ..... running every day.

    A) have gone

    C) was going

    B) used to go

    D) had gone

  6. What ..... at 10 o'clock last night?

    A) have you done

    C) have you been doing

    B) were you doing

    D) had you done

  7. He hasn't left the office ..... .

    A) yet

    C) just

    B) before

    D) already

  8. They will have finished the work ..... 8 o'clock.

    A) until

    C) since

    B) by the time

    D) by

  9. He always ..... about his difficulties.

    A) complained

    C) is complaining

    B) will complain

    D) had complained

  10. We went into town and ..... some new clothes.

    A) bought

    C) have bought

    B) will buy

    D) had bought

  11. If you ..... at 7, we’ll leave.

    A) not come

    C) won’t come

    B) don’t come

    D) doesn’t come

  12. What ..... about? – About my son.

    A) you think

    C) you will think

    B) are you thinking

    D) do you think

  13. You look slimmer. – Yes, I ..... 12 kilos.

    A) had lost

    C) have been losing

    B) lost

    D) have lost

  14. I’m having trouble with this exercise. – Don’t worry. I ..... you.

    A) have helped

    C) helped

    B) am going to help

    D) ‘ll help

  15. Have you ever been to China? – Yes, I ..... there in 1990.

    A) have gone

    C) have been going

    B) went

    D) have been

  16. How long have you worked here? – By the end of the month I ..... here for three years.

    A) ‘ll work

    C) ‘ll have been working

    B) ‘m going to work

    D) ‘ll be working

  17. We’ll need some Coke for the party. – I ..... some.

    A) buy

    C) ‘ve already bought

    B) will have bought

    D) had bought

  18. I need to give a message to Susan. – I ..... her at the office this afternoon.

    A) see

    C) ‘ll have seen

    B) had seen

    D) ‘ll be seeing

  19. Have you ever met a famous person? – Yes, I ..... Maria Callas once.

    A) have met

    C) meet

    B) met

    D) have been meeting

  20. These shoes aren’t at all comfortable. – When ..... them?

    A) have you bought

    C) you bought

    B) did you buy

    D) had you bought

  21. What’s wrong with Lynda? – She ..... problems at work lately.

    A) has been having

    C) was having

    B) will have

    D) ‘ll be having

  22. What’s Pam doing? – She ..... .

    A) is working

    C) has worked

    B) works

    D) has been working

  23. How long have you been working here? – ..... 6 months.

    A) Since

    C) From

    B) For

    D) Ago

  24. I can’t stand this noise any longer! – Calm down. They ..... the work by 6.

    A) will finish

    C) have finished

    B) will have finished

    D) are being finishing

  25. How long does it take you to write a novel? – By December I ..... on this one for 3 years.

    A) will work

    C) will be working

    B) will have been working

    D) am going to work

  26. When I saw him he ..... asleep in a chair.

    A) sat

    C) had sat

    B) was sitting

    D) has been sitting

  27. My wife ..... home yet. She never comes home before midnight.

    A) hasn’t come

    C) hadn’t come

    B) doesn’t come

    D) not come

  28. My brother ..... the air force when he was 17.

    A) joins

    C) had joined

    B) has joined

    D) joined

  29. The town ..... its appearance completely since 1968.

    A) is changing

    C) has changed

    B) had changed

    D) changed

  30. We never ..... before.

    A) met

    C) had met

    B) have met

    D) will meet

  31. Hello, who have you brought with you? ..... supper yet?

    A) Has he

    C) Did he have

    B) Does he have

    D) Has he had

  32. ..... chess? – Yes, but I haven’t played for many years.

    A) Have you like

    C) Do you like

    B) Did you like

    D) Are you liking

  33. ..... my name, or have you forgotten it?

    A) Are you remembering

    C) Did you remember

    B) Have you been remembering

    D) Do you remember

  34. Does she always arrive late, or do you think ..... to her?

    A) something has happened

    C) something will happen

    B) something have happened

    D) something will have happened

  35. We have been waiting for half an hour now, so I don’t think she ..... .

    A) comes

    C) will come

    B) has come

    D) shall come

  36. We won't go out until the rain ..... .

    A) stops

    C) doesn't stop

    B) will stop

    D)won't stop

  37. I’ll come to see you before I ..... for England.

    A) was leaving

    C) leave

    B) will have left

    D) had left

  38. When you come back he ..... the house.

    A) will have bought

    C) buys

    B) bought

    D) is buying

  39. By next June he ..... his second novel.

    A) has written

    C) will have written

    B) would write

    D) will write

  40. He ..... nothing before he saw me.

    A) had done

    C) did

    B) has done

    D) has been done

  41. He had already learnt English before he ..... England.

    A) had left

    C) had been leaving

    B) left

    D) was leaving

  42. She ..... the piano when our guests arrived.

    A) played

    C) has played

    B) was playing

    D) has been playing

  43. As soon as he ..... I’ll let you know.

    A) will phone

    C) had phoned

    B) phones

    D) phoned

  44. For three days we ..... the living room, but haven’t finished yet.

    A) paint

    C) have been painting

    B) are painting

    D) were painting

  45. If he ..... mayor he will save the park.

    A) will become

    C) became

    B) is becoming

    D) becomes

  46. She was making supper when he ..... home.

    A) was coming

    C) has come

    B) came

    D) comes

  47. I was doing the shopping while you ..... tennis.

    A) played

    C) were playing

    B) have played

    D) have been playing

  48. They took a short rest only after they ..... the yard.

    A) had cleaned

    C) have cleaned

    B) were leaning

    D) would clean

  49. She ..... off the bus before the accident took place.

    A) has got

    C) got

    B) had got

    D) would got

  50. He is very tired. He ..... hard today.

A) was working

C) has been working

B) is working

D) will have been working

2. Use the proper tense changing the underlined adverb (make use of the adverbs, adverbial phrases and subordinate clauses given in the right-hand column):

1. He left yesterday

  1. unless he feels bad.

  2. in a week.

  3. as soon as his wife returns.

  4. just now.

  5. by 5 a.m.

2. I haven't seen him lately

  1. for ages.

  2. since he left for London.

  3. after he had moved to his country house.

  4. if I don't take a taxi.

  5. until he returns.

  6. before.

3. Translate the sentences in the left-hand column using the phrases given in the right-hand column.

Он сделал доклад

  1. at the meeting yesterday.

  2. before we came.

  3. so now we want to listen to you.

  4. took his things and left the hall.

Этот фильм пользуется популярностью

(to enjoy popularity)

  1. and I advise you to see it.

  2. since it appeared in 1998.

  3. for almost 5 years.

Дети очень устали

(to get tired)

  1. when we got to the camp at last.

  2. let’s have a rest.

  3. and fell asleep at once.

  4. When shall we have a rest?

Мы отправимся в путь

(to set off)

  1. after we have packed all our things.

  2. by the time the sun rises.

  3. if it doesn’t rain.

  4. before they return.

Он поехал в аэропорт

  1. and I don’t know when he’ll be back.

  2. when I called on him in the morning.

  3. after he had seen his father off.

  4. before you phoned him.