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2. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.

  1. Ты когда-либо бывал за границей? – Да. – Когда это было в первый раз? – Я побывал в Польше 3 года тому назад.

  2. Я уже закончил работу. Я закончил ее в прошлый понедельник.

  3. Я никогда ранее не встречала такой красивой женщины.

  4. Я знаю его с тех пор, как он начал работать в нашей фирме.

  5. Последнее время он не звонил мне. Последний раз он звонил пару месяцев назад.

  6. Что-нибудь случилось? – Заболела моя собака.

  7. Наконец-то ты пришел. Где ты был все это время? Ник прождал тебя 3 часа. Он ушел полчаса назад.

  8. Вот уже 4 года как умер мой дедушка. Он умер в возрасте 82 лет.

  9. Он не бывал в своем родном городе с тех пор, как поступил в университет.

  10. С какого времени вы живете здесь? – С тех пор, как мы поженились.

Total: 50/____

The Past Indefinite – the Present Perfect

The Past Indefinite is used for an action whose time is not given but which (Type 1) occupied a period of time now terminated, or (Type 2) occurred in a period of time now terminated.


Type 1: She worked for this company for five years (now she doesn’t work there).

They lived in Russia for a long time (now they aren’t living there).

Type 2: I met him in Rome.

Did you ever watch Ulanova dance? – Yes, I did.

The Present Perfect is a sort of mixture of present and past. It implies a strong connection with the present and is chiefly used in conversations, letters, newspapers, and radio reports.

It is used for a past action whose time is not definite. But if there is a clear idea of when it happened we use the Past Indefinite.

Compare: I have read the instructions but I don’t understand them.

I read the instructions last night.

Have you had breakfast? – No, I haven’t had it yet.

Did you have breakfast at the hotel?

A conversation about a past action often begins with a question and an answer in the Present Perfect, but normally continues in the Past Indefinite, even when no time is given. This is because the action first mentioned has now become definite in the minds of the speakers.

Compare: Where have you been? I’ve been at the theatre.What was the play?– Othelo.– Did you enjoy it?

The Present Perfect is often used in newspapers and broadcasts to introduce an action which will then be described in the Past Indefinite: Two prisoners have escaped from the court. They killed two policemen and got away in a car which someone had parked at the back door.


2.2.1. Complete the sentences using these verbs:

use, study, meet, see, go, finish, work, be

  1. Have you ..... Mr Aziz? He's our Head of Sales.

      1. How long have you ..... for Truman Industrial?

      2. So, you've ..... to Milan before, Toyo?

      3. I can't find my diary. Has anyone ..... it?

      4. Have you ..... this program before, Julia?

      5. Elena, have you ..... the sales report yet?

      6. I think Henry's just ..... out for a few minutes.

      7. Have you ever ..... Japanese?