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Review exercises

1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.


  1. They (1) (to discuss) this matter for 2 hours already when the teacher suddenly entered the classroom.

  2. She (2) (to read) this book for 3 days and (3) (to read) 300 pages already.

  3. She (4) (to learn) French since she (5) (to be) 4. Her parents (6) (to talk) French to her since she (7) (to be) born.

  4. Barry (8) (to do) this room since morning and he (9) (not to finish) it yet.

  5. Since when you (10) (to sit) here? How long you (11) (to wait)?

  6. By noon we (12) (to watch) this film for an hour when our friends phone us.

  7. He (13) (to study) English for 2 years before he came to work here.

  8. His friend (14) (to wait) here for half an hour before his friends called him.

  9. He (15) (to solve) this puzzle at last! He (16) (to solve) it since breakfast.

  10. They (17) (to work) in the garden for some time when we come to help them.

  11. By the beginning of the year she (18) (to deal) with this affair for 3 months already.

  12. By next week my brother (19) (to study) English for a year.

  13. Don't tell me any more lies. I (20) (to listen to) you too long!

  14. I hear Jerry's footsteps. I'm going away. I don't want him to see I (21) (to cry) for some hours.

  15. They (22) (to speak on) that topic for half an hour when the professor came.

  16. My friends (23) (to play) chess for an hour when I came to visit them.

  17. I (24) (to look for) my notebook the whole morning before I finally discovered it under the newspaper.

  18. She (25) (to wait for) us there for a long time when she decided to go home.

  19. I (26) (to rain) for ages before we left home.

  20. By midday John (27) (to work) at the project for 2 hours.

  21. In a month Kate (28) (to live) in her friends' house for 2 weeks.

  22. We (29) (to show) the new engineer round the factory for 3 hours before other engineers joined us.

  23. He (30) (to prepare) for the conference the whole week by the time we visit him.

  24. My friend (31) (to serve) in the army for 10 years before he went to work at the factory.

  25. In an hour they (32) (to attend) the lecture for 4 hours.

  26. By the end of the year Tom and Mike (33) (to live) in Moscow for 2 years.

  27. She (34) (to walk) in the park since morning. It is time to have dinner, but she (35) (not to come).

  28. In 2 hours she (36) (to fly) to Italy for 3 hours.

  29. He (37) (to drive) to London for 6 hours. How many miles he (38) (to cover) by now?

  30. I (39) (not to be) through with this test yet. – Not through! How long you (40) (to write) it? – For an hour.

  31. We (41) (to play) football for 2 hours by the time they join us.

  32. By yesterday my friends (42) (to write) 5 letters. They (43) (to write) them for 2 days.

  33. In 3 hours we (44) (to go) to Miami for 5 hours.

  34. How long you (45) (to prepare) for the exam? – I (46) (to prepare) for it for a week.

  35. She (47) (to work) at school for 5 years before she gave it up and decided to look for another job.


1) Shop


Could you give me some proof of your identity, madam?


But I (48) (to shop) here for 15 years!



I know, madam, but apparently the company (49) (to lose) a lot of money lately and (50) (to make) new regulations which we have been told to apply to all customers no matter how long we (51) (to know) them.

2) Mother:

I (52) (to intend) to call you all the week, but your father (53) (to have) such a terrible cold!


Peter (54) (to have) a cold, as well, and he (55) (to feel) pretty awful with it.


... (56) (to try) giving him hot lemon drinks with honey?


The doctor (57) (to prescribe) him some tablets and cough medicine. He (58) (to tell) Peter to stay indoors for a few days; the doctor hopes that he (59) (to recover) by the 1st of May.


Hmm! Tablets and medicine! No good! Nothing from the doctor (60) (to do) ever your father any good! I (61) (to wrap) his head up in hot damp towels all the week! He (62) (to have) vapour rubs and I (63) (to feed) him on thick porridge and spinach! Anyway, in view of Peter's cold, I (64) (to decide) just to come and visit you for the weekend! Tell Peter I'll have him cured in no time!

3) Mr Brown:

Do come in, Mr Ben. I am sorry to have kept you waiting, but I was held up. You (65) (to wait) long?

Mr Ben:

Not too long, and I (66) (to look) through the material which your secretary handed me.

Mr Brown:

Oh, that's OK then. And the secretary already (67) (to show) you around our department?

Mr Ben:

No, not yet.

Mr Brown:

Well, that can be arranged afterwards. Do sit down. Now tell me, how long you (68) (to work) for your present firm?

Mr Ben:

Oh, let's see, almost 5 years now.

Mr Brown:

And you ever (69) (to work) for television before?

Mr Ben:

Not, not directly.

Mr Brown:

But I'm right in thinking that you (70) (to do) similar work before.

Mr Ben:

Yes, you'll find the details in my application.

Mr Brown:

Oh, yes, of course. And how long you (71) (to work) as a graphic designer altogether?

Mr Ben:

For about 10 years.

Mr Brown:

Fine! So you (72) (to have) plenty of experience in the field already. Now tell me, you ever (73) (to travel) abroad for your present firm?

Mr Ben:

Yes, frequently, but mainly inside Europe.

Mr Brown:

You ever (74) (to visit) America to study advertising techniques over there?

Mr Ben:

No, not yet.

Mr Brown:

Perhaps you (75) (to bring along) some speciments of your work?

Mr Ben:

Yes, here are some ideas from the project (76) (to work on) for the past 6 months.

Mr Brown:

Excellent! Well, we (77) (to have) a long chat and you (78) (to give) me a full picture of your experience and ability. You'll be hearing from us within a week or so.

4) Dear Pierre,

I am glad that you are my new pen-friend. Let me tell you something about myself and my hobbies!

I am 12 years old and I (79) (to attend) our local comprehensive school for almost 2 years. I don't like school too much! I prefer riding my bicycle and playing football. I (80) (to ride) a bicycle since I was 7 and (81) (to play) football for the school team since last January. It is a great fun! But I (82) (not to play) with the team for the last weeks, because the weather's been too wet. I haven't got any favourite school subjects – apart from sports. I (83) (to learn) French at school for a year now, but I don't really enjoy it. I have some interesting hobbies. I often go to football matches and for 2 years now I (84) (to build) a model railway with my father.

I also have a favourite uncle in France. He (85) (to work) in Paris since the summer before last. He often writes to us, but I (86) (not to write) to him since his birthday.

I (87) (to lie) in bed ill for over a week now! I (88) (to have) a bad cold and a high temperature since last Saturday, so I haven't been able to go to school for a week! Isn't that a great pity? I (89) (not to do) my homework for over a week, either! Please write to me soon!

With best wishes,


5) Sue Dale is not happy about the slow progress that the workmen are making with the repairs to the old house. Peter is trying to cheer her up.


The repairs are taking so much time and are costing so much money! Not even half of the work has been completed! When the workmen (90) (to finish) putting the house right?


Don't worry, dear. One can't rush these things. The builder is definitely coming this morning at 9.30, so by lunch-time he (91) (to finish) replastering the bedroom walls.


Well, let's hope he really does turn up at 9.30! And what is about the plumber? He still (92) (not to make) a start on the installations in the bathroom.


Well, he promises that he will come tomorrow morning, and his work will take him about a week, so by this time next week he (93) (to install) the new bath and shower.


And I am not at all happy with the electrician! He (94) (to work) on the rewiring now for 10 days! His bill will be enormous, but whenever I see him, he always (95) (to have) a tea-break.


Ten days! Yes, that is rather a long time, I suppose. But you'll see, in some days all the rewiring will be completed.


At least the holes in the roof are almost repaired! The men (96) (to finish) replacing the slates by 5 o'clock this afternoon at least, as they told me yesterday!


Yes, it will be nice not to have the rain coming through the bedrooms' won't it?


And the joiner still (97) (not to show up)! When did he say he would start?


He can't come until most of the other work has been done. By this time next week he (98) (to make) a start, just you wait and see!


You really are a comfort, Peter! Just imagine, if all goes well, by Christmas we (99) (to live) in the house for almost 2 months!


... or, if all doesn't go well and we can't move into the house, we (100) (to stay) for almost 2 months in our new tent!