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124 Technique 19: Keeping Up-to-Date with apt and Synaptic

• Figure 19-6: Tons of free software.

With so much free software to choose from, it’s a good idea to check out the package details before you download.

When you highlight a package, the frame at the bottom of the screen displays information about that package. You can navigate this information by clicking the following tabs:

Common: Contains a short summary of the package — what section the program belongs to and who maintains the software.

Description: Shows a more detailed description of the package.

Dependencies: Shows a list of the other packages required by the one you’ve selected. Any dependencies shown in red are not currently installed, but that’s okay; Synaptic automatically resolves dependencies for you.

Expert: Offers options for the adventurous — usually alternative versions (which might be untested).

Read through the package information carefully to decide if an alternative package is right for you.

Installing new packages with Synaptic

When you find a package that you want to install, follow these steps:

1. Highlight the package name and click Install

Latest Version.

If you want to install more packages, highlight each one and click Install Latest Version.

2. When you’ve finished selecting packages, click

Execute, and the installation begins.

Depending on the packages you’re installing, a dialog may appear that shows other changes that you must authorize. If the dialog does appear, review the additional changes and click the Apply button.

For example, the new package may have required other packages or updates to currently-installed packages.

3. Click the Proceed button in the Summary dialog to continue.

The new packages are downloaded, and the installation begins — pretty simple.

Technique 58 shows you how to set up a UML jail. Resolving dependencies within a jail can be a time-consuming chore. Use apt and Synaptic to resolve the dependencies for you.

Importing the Keys to the Repository

Sometimes Synaptic prefers that you have the public keys that were used to sign each package before it allows you to install new software. It’s a good idea to install the keys so they’re ready when you need them.

Importing the Keys to the Repository


Each repository has its own set of keys, and you have to hunt around the repository Web site to find them. To download and install the keys to the primary Fedora repository, follow these steps:

1. Open your favorite browser and surf to freshrpms.net/packages.

2. Right-click the GPG Key Used to Sign All

Packages link. Save the file to the desktop.

3. Open a terminal window and give yourself superuser privileges with the su command.

4. Use the following command to import the keys to the repository:

#rpm --import /home/susan/Desktop/RPM- GPG-KEY.txt

The keys to the repository are added to your RPM key ring, where Synaptic can find them if it needs them.

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