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Т е к с т 17. Письмо с уведомлением о прекращении действия контракта


Dear Mr. Lewis,

With this letter we hereby terminate the agreement between Worldwide Ltd., and Lexis Inc. to sell software products in its local retail outlets.

Upon acceptance of this letter, Worldwide Ltd. will immediately cease selling all of Lexis Inc. products and return to Lexis Inc. any leftover products remaining in Worldwide Ltd.

Any authorized sale of Lexis Inc. products after acceptance of the terms of this agreement will constitute fraud and trademark violations for which Worldwide Ltd. shall be liable.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this letter.

Sincerely yours,


Henry Smith,

Managing Director

Lexis Inc.

Т е к с т 18. Ответ на жалобу по поводу неправильной доставки


Re: Your order No. 125-CK

Dear Mr. …,

We thank you for your letter of September 7, 2007, in which you informed us, that case No. 5 of the above consignment contained the wrong goods.

We have looked in this matter and there appears to have been some confusion in the numbering of the two different orders, which were collected by our forwarding agent for shipment to the USA.

We have reviewed our coding system and can assure you that similar mistakes will not happen again.

We have already shipped replacement for the contents of case No. 5 and instructed our representative in the USA to collect the wrong-delivered goods as soon as possible.

Finally, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience we have caused and to thank you for your patience in this matter.

We look forward to hearing of the safe arrival of the replacement and to doing our further business with you.

Sincerely yours,


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Т е к с т 19. Ответ на необоснованную жалобу


Re: Your complaint of July 31, 2007

Dear Mr. …,

I am surprised to learn that you have complained about the quality of the natural silk we have delivered.

Due to your earlier complaints I have made it my business to inspect each item personally before it is packed and shipped. The items matched your samples exactly, in size, color and craftsmanship.

After having compared your sample pieces with the reference samples I find the quality absolutely identical. I must state, however, that there have been quite a few complaints on your part recently, and I cannot help feeling that your sole aim is to obtain an allowance.

Please note, that from now on we are not willing to accept any deductions from the price invoiced to you.

As to your latest complaint I have to inform you that we are not willing to accept it.

I very much regret being compelled to write to you in this way.

Sincerely yours,

Т е к с т 20. Претензия к торговому предприятию о продаже некачественного товара


"__"________ 200__ г. в Вашем магазине я купил ___________

(наименование товара, марка)

___________________стоимостью_________________ рублей. Через ____________ после покупки, в течение гарантийного срока________________________ вышел из строя.

В соответствии с п. 1 ст. 17 Закона РФ "О защите прав потребителей", я требую замены неисправного_______________ на новый качественный немедленно или, если аналогичных товаров нет в продаже, в течение месяца.

Если Вы мне откажете в моем законном требовании, я оставляю за собой право обратиться в суд с исковым заявлением о принудительной замене ________________, о взыскании неустойки за просрочку доставки мне нового_________________ в размере ________% за каждый день просрочки, а также о взыскании морального вреда, причиненного мне вашими незаконными действиями.

О принятом решении прошу сообщить мне письменно в установленный срок.

"__"_________ 200_ г. __________________



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