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Т е к с т 4. Epa paves way for production of fuel-cell cars. California among 11 states affected


by Steve Lawrence


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has cleared the way for automakers to produce hydrogen-powered fuel-cell cars to meet zero-emission vehicle requirements in California and 10 other states, officials said yesterday.

The EPA approved regulation amendments adopted by the California Air Resources Board in 2003, that allow manufacturers to produce fuel cells as an alternative to the battery-powered cars and light trucks previously required by the state.

Since then, 10 other states - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington - have adopted the same rules.

"This waiver simply reflects the prominence of fuel cells," EPA spokesman John Millett said. "Fuel cells have really taken off." Fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen to run an electric motor.

California initially adopted its regulations in 1990, requiring by 2003, that 10 percent of new cars sold in the state by major manufacturers be zero-emission vehicles.

The rules have been modified several times. Currently, they call for 2 percent of the six biggest automakers' new cars to be zero-emission vehicles, 2 percent to be gasoline-electric hybrids and 6 percent to be super-low-polluting, gasoline-powered vehicles, known as PZEVs. The hybrid and PZEV requirements, which some smaller companies must also meet, kicked in last year.

The 2 percent requirement for fuel-cell or battery-powered cars starts in 2009 with a ramp-up period, that will require the industry to market at least 2,500 of the vehicles nationwide over the first three years of the program and larger numbers in subsequent years, air board spokesman Jerry Martin said.

California officials expect credits earned by the car companies by producing zero-emission vehicles before 2009 to fill out the rest of the 2 percent requirement during the first few years of the program, Martin added.

The program allows manufacturers to produce either battery-powered or fuel-cell vehicles. But Martin said, he doubts that companies will opt for battery-powered cars. "Battery technology has been moving forward and batteries are still zero-emission technology, but the car companies have made it very clear, that fuel cells are the technology of the future," he said.

General Motors spokesman Dave Barthmuss said, fuel-cell vehicles were "very viable to be a portion of any automakers' compliance strategy." "A lot of milestones are being met and a lot of progress is really being made" in developing the vehicles, he said, adding that GM plans to put 100 fuel-cell vehicles on the road next year as a demonstration project.

But Barthmuss also said, the air board should be willing to review its requirements, so they stay in line with the "pace of technology."

Ford Motor Co. spokeswoman Jennifer Moore said, much uncertainty remains about fuel-cell vehicles, and that her company agrees with a U.S.Energy Department forecast, that predicts the vehicles won't be available in large numbers before 2015.


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