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Ajax In Action (2006).pdf
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Summary 559

Model and View classes together with an RSSReader Controller class that provided all of the event-management glue and sophisticated interaction of a slideshow with transition effects.

13.8 Summary

In this chapter, Ajax allowed us to obtain information straight from our desktop without requiring a commercial client application, saving us money and allowing us to customize the solution to our needs. We were able to load multiple XML files and only obtain the information that is relevant to our needs. We developed an HTML framework and applied CSS to allow easy customization of the reader. By using DHTML, we were able to develop a rich user interface that allows users to skip messages, pause messages, and add additional feeds as needed. All of this was possible by taking advantage of Ajax functionality to obtain the syndication feeds from websites. By changing a few statements, we can easily adapt the reader to read any XML feed. We can even develop our own custom XML formats to display news, ads, and anything else that may be of importance for our websites. Finally, we repackaged the script along the lines of a Model-View-Controller architecture in order to facilitate the readability and maintainability of our code.