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The Ajax craftsperson’s toolkit

Figure A.10 The logging console in operation, monitoring object creation, network activity, user edits, and so on. We have added a second network request to a nonexistent server resource, moons.xml, to demonstrate the display of the styled logging message.

A.4 DOM inspectors

In an Ajax application, it is common to modify the user interface by modifying the DOM programmatically. Using a JavaScript debugger, we can walk through our DOM manipulation code one step at a time and ensure that it is doing what we want it to do.

The DOM, however, is still one step removed from the view presented to the user. We may be confident that our code is altering the DOM in the way that we think it is, but this won’t necessarily translate into the user interface that we expect. A DOM inspector is a tool that allows the developer to inspect the relationships between the DOM tree that our code works with and the visible interface that the end user sees.

DOM inspectors need to be tightly integrated with the browser and always support only one make of browser. The most popular DOM inspector is the one that ships with Mozilla Firefox, so we’ll look at that first, and then we’ll look at the alternatives for Internet Explorer.

DOM inspectors




A.4.1 Using the Mozilla DOM Inspector

The DOM Inspector tool is bundled with Firefox but needs to be selected as a custom option during installation. If the DOM Inspector is installed, it will appear in the browser’s menu system under the Tools menu as the option DOM Inspector. When initially opened, the DOM Inspector consists of two panes side by side (figure A.11). The left-hand pane presents a tree-table widget, typically showing only a document and an HTML node initially. The nodes may be opened to reveal a head and body to the document, and within the body, an assortment of nodes representing the HTML markup of a page, plus any elements that have been constructed programmatically. Where nodes have been assigned ID or CSS class attributes, these will be displayed in additional columns of the tree-table widgets.

This tree widget is synchronized to the page being displayed in the main browser window. Selecting a tree node with the mouse will make the related element in the page layout flash a red border. The relationship is two-way, too. By invoking the Search > Select Element by Click menu option on the DOM Inspector, the user can click on the web browser window and highlight the tree element corresponding to the element clicked upon. (There’s also a toolbar button for this functionality.)

The right-hand pane lists information about the current node in one of several possible formats, including DOM node, CSS style rules, and as a JavaScript object (figure A.12). In the latter mode, the object may be programmatically scripted by right-clicking on the right-hand pane and selecting the Evaluate JavaScript button. The currently selected DOM element can be referred to as target, so, for example, typing in

target.style.border='4px solid blue'

will outline that element with a thick blue border.

Figure A.11 The Mozilla DOM Inspector presents a structural view of the DOM behind a web page, including nodes declared in the HTML and those generated programmatically.


The Ajax craftsperson’s toolkit

Figure A.12 The Mozilla DOM Inspector allows direct scripting access to elements in the DOM. The variable name target refers to the currently selected DOM node, in this case the image of the planet, whose border we have just altered.

The DOM Inspector also has a third pane, below the other two, into which the visible content of a document can be rendered (figure A.13). If the user types a page address into the URL bar and clicks on the Inspect button, this pane will appear, allowing the abstract DOM and the visible document to be examined side by side.

A.4.2 DOM inspectors for Internet Explorer

As with all the Mozilla-based toolkits, a major drawback is that the inspectors can’t be used to inspect problems that occur only in Internet Explorer. Several DOM inspectors with similar functionality are available for Internet Explorer. Many are commercial or shareware, but some workable free versions also exist, such as the IEDocMon utility (see the Resources section for URLs).

Like the Mozilla DOM Inspector, IEDocMon provides a simple two-pane view of the DOM, with a tree on the left and node details on the right (figure A.13).

That concludes our discussions of specific types of development tools. One very active source of Ajax tools is the community that has sprung up around the Firefox browser’s extensions capabilities. In the following section, we’ll briefly outline how to find and install Firefox extensions.