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  1. The Collectivization in Kazakhstan: the means of introduction and its consequences. The famine of 1932-1933 years.

Collectivization - the process of small-scale individual farming to collective agricultural enterprises through co-operation, one of the most important elements of the socialist transformation of society. The beginning of mass collectivization was laid the CC, CPSU (b) on January 5, 1930. It had been scheduled date of collectivization, the transition to a policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class. Kazakhstan was completed in the spring of collectivization in 1932. Forced collectivisation was carried out: in 1928 in Kazakhstan was collectivized 2% of all households on April 1, 1930 - 50,5%. By October 1931, about 65%. Collectivization in Kazakhstan was carried out simultaneously with the nomads settled down. All this led to resistance to collectivization. A total of 372 performances, which were attended by about 80 thousand people. In Suzak area insurgents were able to take power into their own hands, but performance was quickly suppressed. In the course of collectivization did not take into account the specificity of nomadic society, particularly Kazakhstan. Dispossessed(раскулачивание) were not only Bai economy, but also the average. Created farms did not have the material base. The result was widespread famine in Kazakhstan in 1931-34. The destruction of traditional structures has been a disaster livestock industry. In 1928 in Kazakhstan, there were 6509 thousand head of cattle(крупный рогатый скот), 18 566 thousand sheep, and in 1932 -965 thousand head of cattle, 1386 Thousands of sheep. In September 1932 a resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the VKP (b) of livestock in Kazakhstan. New leadership of the republic: the place occupied Goloshekin F. L. Mirzoyan. But in general the policy of collectivization continued. Representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia sounded the alarm(бить тревогу). Letters of Ryskulov to Stalin from September 1932 and March 1933, he describes in detail the situation. Saving from hunger and repression of 1,7 million people migrated from Kazakhstan, victims of famine in Kazakhstan was 2.1 million.

Question card № 14

  1. The Great Silk Way on the territory of Kazakhstan and its role in cultural and economic development of the region.

The Great Silk Road - the system of caravan roads leading from China to the Middle East and Europe. Much of this segment along the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Silk Road as a commercial highway came in III century BC and existed until the XVI century, our century. In VI-VII centuries, became the most lively way, which led from China to the west, through Semirechje and Southern Kazakhstan. A special flourishing Silk route, which took place on the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan reached in VIII-XII centuries. Cities: Otrar, Taraz, Sairam (Ispidzhab), Turkestan (Iasi), Suyab, Balasagun, etc. Through the Silk Road was the main embassy number and trading caravans in the VII-XIV centuries. Kazakh part Silk Road, when it move from west to east, coming from Shashai (Tashkent) via Turbat in Isfidzhab, Sairam (Saryam). Silk Road rasprostranyalist ¬ gioznye and religious ideas, and missionaries spread their faith in the overseas country.

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