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Question card № 25

  1. The formation of Kazakh khanate. The first Kazakh Khans.

Kazakh Khanate - Kazakh state, formed from the disintegration of the Golden Horde in the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The first Kazakh khans. Kerei Khan 1465-1474, 1474-1480 Zhanibek khan, Buryndyk Khan (son Kereya) 1480-1511, Kasym Khan (son Zhanibek) 1511-1522. Education khanates. After the disintegration of the Golden Horde on the territory of the Kazakh Khanate was founded Abulkhair Khan, but in 1460, dissatisfied austerity policies Abulkhair khan-khan of the tribe, led by the sultans and Zhanibekov Kireyev, had otkochevat in Mogolistan, located in Semirechje where an independent state Education - Ordu, which was the name of the Kazakh and White Horde (Ak Horde). At the adjacent territory, and later formed another Horde, called Blue (Cock-Horde), and Uzbekistan. By 1500 the Kazakh Khanate - Ak Orda markedly increased and expanded their territory to the entire eastern Desht-and-Kipchak.

  1. The policy of “Reorganization”/Perestroika in Kazakhstan (1985-1991): the main stages and their characteristics.

Lasted 7 years and went down in history as the «Perestroika». In the history of the restructuring of four clearly distinguishable stages: 1st stage - March 1985 - January 1987. This stage took place under the slogans - «acceleration» and «more socialism». 2nd stage - 1987 - 1988. The leitmotif of this phase were the slogans - «more democracy» and «transparency». Step 3 -1989 -1990 biennium. period «disorder and reel». This period was characterized by a split in the same camp, before the restructuring, the transition to open political, national confrontation. Step 4 - 1990 - 1991. This phase is marked by the collapse of the world socialist system. The political bankruptcy of the CPSU and the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1986, the economic life of the country was a novelty - public acceptance (gospriemka). It was expected that the admission of the finished products will carry out an independent state commission of enterprises. The results were very poor at the end of 1987 did not pass gospriemku 15-18% of industrial products. In the social sphere, was launched several companies: the total computerization of schools, the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism, and unearned income. Especially high-triggered left in 1985, the CPSU Central Committee Decree «On measures to tackle alcohol abuse and alcoholism». The failure of all initiatives revealed at the beginning of 1987. In January 1987, held a plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, which started a significant change in the economic and political life of the Soviet Union, which can be truly called a reform. The development of economic reform have identified two trends: increasing the autonomy of public enterprises and the expansion of the private sector. In 1987, the Act was enacted on the public company, under which enterprises are translated into self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency and self-financing, can independently enter into contracts for the supply of partners, some large enterprises were not allowed to access foreign markets. At the conference M. Gorbachev proposed that alternative election for the party apparatus to combine the post of party committee sekrktarya with the presidency of the Council of People's Deputies. And, most importantly, the conference has been approved, despite the resistance of the party apparatus, the idea of creating a new, two-tiered system of higher representative power the Soviet Union and the creation of the President of the USSR. This reform has led to the restoration of a new system of representative government and executive power: the power of Representative Executive Branch Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR President of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the USSR at the III Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, held in 1990, the first and last Soviet President M. Gorbachev, was elected. The crisis escalated. M. Gorbachev's authority in the country has been rapidly declining. 1988-1991 years also witnessed fundamental changes in the foreign policy of the USSR. As a result of three meetings with M. Gorbachev President of the United States R. Reagan had reached an agreement on the destruction of missiles, medium-and short-range, in 1988, began the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In late 1989, during almost one month, the Communist Party lost power in Eastern Europe. Thanks to the support of the Soviet Union made possible the reunification of Germany and the destruction of the Berlin Wall became a symbol of totalitarian socialism. Much has been said about the renewal rate, but it was all lip service, but in reality the crisis deepened. As a result of emerging contradictions between the proclaimed lip rate of transformation and the realities of reality have become events of December 1986 in Kazakhstan.

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