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Business English самоучитель.doc
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Notes on english grammar

В этом уроке Вам встретилось время Present Continuous (Present Progressive). Это время наряду со временами Past Continuous и Future Continuos составляет группу времен Con­tinuous. Общим для всех времен группы Continuous является то, что они обозначают действие, происходящее в какой-то определенный момент времени в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем. Они служат для обозначения действия в процессе его развития. Своеобразными сигналами времени Present Con­tinuous являются слова now, at this moment.

Образование глагольных форм времен группы Continuous представлено в следующих таблицах:

Present Continuous (Present Progressive) Forms

Формы образуются по схеме: present tense of be + Present Participle.

Statement Negation Question

1 am (I'm) speaking I am not (I'm not) speaking

You are (you're) You are not speaking Are you speaking? speaking

Не is (he's) speaking Не is not speaking 1s he speaking?

We are (we're) speaking We are not speaking Are we speaking?

You are (you're) speaking You are not speaking Are you speaking?

They are (they're) speaking They are not speaking Are they speaking?

Past Continuous (Past Progressive) Forms

Формы образуются по схеме: was/were + Present Participle

Statement Negation Question

1 was opening opening 1 was not (wasn't)

You were opening You were not Were you opening?

(weren't) opening

Не was opening Не was not opening Was he opening?

We were opening We were not opening Were we opening?

You were opening You were not opening Were you opening?

They were opening They were not opening Were they opening?

Future Continuous (Future Pгogressive) Forms

Формы образуются по схеме: will/shall + be + Present Par­ticiple

Statement Negation Question

I will/shall (I'll) be doing I will/shall not be doing

You will (you'll) be doing You will not be doing Will you be doing?

Не will be doing Не will not be doing Will he be doing?

We will/shall be doing We will/shall be doing Will/shall we be doing?

You will be doing You wi11 be doing Will you be doing?

They win be doing They will not be doing Will they be doing?

I shall not be doing = I shan't be doing

You will not be doing = You won't be doing

В Progressive не употребляются следующие глаголы:

like love hate want need prefer know realize suppose mean understand believe remember belong contain consist depend seem

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