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Business English самоучитель.doc
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Business vocabulary

Broaden the scope of activities v. Расширять сферу деятельности

Dynamic company Динамично развивающаяся компания

Fax an order v. Послать заказ по факсу

Get а discount v. Получить скидку

Market Рынок

Profitable ~ Выгодныiй -

Vast ~ Обширный -

Suit а- v. Удовлетворять потребностям рынка

Order Заказ

Firm ~ Окончательный ~

First - Первый ~

Large- Крупный ~

Mininimum Минимальный

of 5000 items - на 5000 единиц

Volume of an ~ Объем заказа

Prepare а market v. Подготовить рынок

Product Товар

~ available on а market Имеющийся на рынке ~

Brand-new ~ Абсолютно новый ~

Competitive ~ Конкурентный ~

Repeat an order v Повторить заказ

Suit а market v. Отвечать требованиям рынка

Partners clench а deal. Review

1. John Boden was convinced that Dynateam initial decisior to choose Eurosport as their 'would-be' partner proved а) to be correct

b) to be wrong

с) to be а serious mistake.

2. According to John Boden, Eurosport was ready а)to withdraw from the Russian market b) to enter the Polish market с) to broaden the scope of their activities.

З. John Boden characterized the Russian market as а) а vast market

b) а narrow market с) а major market for Dynateam.

4. In John Boden's opinion, Dynateam products а) suited the Russian market b) did not meet the demands of the market.

5. The Russian partners

а) have already placed an order with Dynateam b) were going to place an order with Dynateam с) have cancelled their first order.

б. Eurosport order for sensor-mounted spoils shoes was а) substantial

b) minimum с) urgent.

7. Sensor-mounted shoes were а) brand new products b) basic products с) secondary products for Dynateam.

8. То sell sensor-mounted shoes, Eurosport has to

а) prepare the market

b) disappear from the market с) monopolize the market.

Your own business

1. Have you ever had an inflow of orders?

2. If you get several orders within а short period of time, how

до you sort out your priorities?

3. How much time does it take you to execute an order?

4. Do you accept orders by telephone?

5. Do you monitor the progress of an order?

  • Who handles orders in your company?

  • How до you deal with complaints?

  • Recollect the largest order you have ever got/placed.



Invoice - п list of goods sold with the prices charged

Invoices are usually accompanied by short covering letters,

which offer any additional information the buyer may need.

Look at the Invoice


Invoice No: 008344

Invoice Date: 15.03.99

Se11er: Kuzuki Motor Finland OY Buyer:

Reekaanikonkatu 22 name -­

00360 Helsinki, Finland address -­

Country of origin: Japan passport Final destination: Russia

Customs tariff: 87032кхх

Terms and time of delivery: CIF VAALIMAA Terms of Payment: Payment 100% before delivery

7 days

Bank: Peonia 8000 13-80хххххх

Car model Year Quantity Price


Galeno 1,6 1999 1 xxxxx,00 FIM

Chassies Engine Key colour

JSAEGG 31500180 G 16В-309380 grove green met.

Engine volume Power Kerb weight

1590 сm/3 97 HP 930 kg


Enlarge Your Business Vocabulary

Covering letter Сопроводительное письмо

Country of origin Страна происхождения

Customs tariff Таможенный сбор

Final destination Пункт назначения

Invoice Накладная

Tax free Не облагаемый налогом




looky-loos - web window shoppers who look and run. Less annoying than

electrons - visitors who bounce а11 over а site with по evident logic and keep their wallets closed

е. g. Electrons and lucky-loos are not promising customers for e-commerce companies.

detail divers - customers who might buy something, eventually,

but must first click every button on the site to see how everything i works

boutique - а firm with а narrow focus and deep expertise

е. g. A&B is а real boutique. 1t has been producing puzzles

for 25 years.

to flog - to sell

е. g. Have you seen their new TV ads? They flog their new product endlessly on television.

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