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Business English самоучитель.doc
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Business etiquette

Деловые пeрeгoвopы нe всегдa проходят глaдко. Однако, кaкими бы напряженными ни были переговоры, cтapaйтecь следовать cyщecтвyющим нормaм и правилам поведения зa столом переговоров. Это нe только поможет Вам сохранить дyшeвнoe равновесие, нo и поможет завоевать уважение дe­лoвыx партнеров и в конeчном итоге будет способствовать успеху переговоров.

Bo время пeperoвopoв внимательно выcлyшивaйтe aprумeн-ты противной стороны. B этом cлyчae Bы можете рассчитывать нa ответное внимание co cтopoны Вашего собеседника. Даже если Вам кажется, что деловые пapтнepы невнимательно oт­неслись к Вашему предложению, нe зaдавайте вопросов типа: "Bы меня слyшaeтe?" и нe yпoтpeбляйтe фразу "Сколько раз можно повторять?!". Hи в коем cлyчae нe ставьте под coмнeниe yмcтвeнныепособности других yчacтникoв пeperoвopoв, нe прибегайте к личным оскорблениям и нe высмеивайте пpo­тивoпoлoжнyю cтopoнy.

Если Bы нe готовы дать ответ немедленно, нe стесняйтесь сказать, что Вам нyжнo вpeмя для того, чтобы oбдyмaть пoлy­чeннoe пpeдлoжeниe. Переговоры редко завеpшаются зa один payнд.

Инorдa в ycлoвияx стpессa люди дaют выход cвoим эмo­циям. Если Вы невольно cпpoвoциpoвaли бурную peaкцию co стоpоны партнеров пo пeperoвopaм, извинитесь и поясните, что Bы cдeлaли это неосознанно. Если жe пpoтивoпoлoжнaя сторона явилacь пpичинoй того, что Bы нe сдержaлись, пpи­митe иx извинения и пpoдoлжaiiтe работать. Успеха Вaм зa столом переговоров!

Business documents Offer

Offer - npeдлoжeнue

In reply to your inquiry about a particular kind of products, you will receive an offer from the supplier, on condition the supplier has the merchandize you are interested in. A standard offer usually contains the following parts:

  • Introductory part in which the sender thanks his correspon­dent for an inquiry.

  • Informative part in which the sender provides basic infor­mation about his products, including information on prices, terms, conditions, etc.

  • Conclusion in which the sender encourages the customer to place an order with his company. Usually an offer is accompanied by samples, brochures and catalogs.

Look at the offer made by Dynateam Innovations to Rainbow Homecenter.

DYNATEAM Innovations

7 October 20­

Mr. Rigley

rainbow Homecenter 1212 Westlake Ave. Seattle, Wash. 98404

Dear Mr. Rigley,

We thank you for your inquiry of 5 July in which you asked about sports swimming suits we advertised in June's edition on of `Sports New'.

These sports swimming suits are made of new generation of micro fibers ideally suitable for sensitive skin. They are MicFib products, which is a brand name you are familiar with. Their unique hygienic properties have proved the main selling point of this product. All dealers who have displayed out brightly colored, jazzy products have reported a tremen­dous increase in sales.

You can choose from more than twenty-five designs in all sizes.

We would be pleased to add you to our list of customers and could promise you excellent products and prompt supply.

As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to order earl.

Thank you for your interest. Our services are at your disposal. M. Kerr

Sales Manager Enc. 20- Catalog



Fledgling company - young, inexperienced company; а start-up е. g. Although TBN Pacific is а fledgling company, it has а great potential.

Heavy-weight - а major company dominating the market

е. g. Such heavy-weights as Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. also took part in the trade fair.

Jazzy - stimulating, appealing

е. g These jazzy T-shirts are popular with customers under 17.

Lifeblood - something that gives essential strength, energy

е. g. Newly recruited sales managers are the lifeblood of the company.

Location - department, outlet, shop

е. g. Jim's location has less than half as many delivery problems as yours does.


Importing and Exporting: А Guide for Successful Speaker. Health Management

sometimes 24 hours а day are not enough for а businessman to solve а11 the problems. Often а business schedule will include а transcontinental night flight, long hours of negotiations, а presentation, and а dinner on the evening of arrival.

For anybody, whose voice is already slightly strained from the dryness of conditioned air, the necessity to talk for hours to а colleague on the plane, and the general stress of preparing for а meeting, the perspective of having another 16 hours of talking seems depressing.

Experienced businessmen always take with them:

  • а suitable antacid (антацид)

  • lemon, blackcurrant or other sooting throat lozenges (таб­летки для смягчения горла)

  • sweet pastilles

  • а saline spray to help moisten the nose, and, thereby, the throat (солевой спpeй)

  • an ephedrine preparation (раствор эфедрина)

  • airline plugs (беруши)

Airplane plugs release the pressure very slowly. They are par­ticularly useful for those flying with blocked nose or experiencing discomfort on landing and taking off. Businessmen, like other professional voice users (opera singers, actors) should always take care of their voice. So, before going to bed, they are recommended to have а bath of very hot water and let the steam drift into the bedroom, helping to gently moisten the throat. This is the moment when а saline spray comes particularly handy. If you want to be fit next morning, don't eat а huge meal before going straight to


The late night dinner can have а devastating effect on the early morning voice. 1f it is really unavoidable, then choose non-spicy food. Don't drink too much achocol. Coffee, tea, Cola and chocolate are not recommended either. If the ultimate sacrifice is called for - а visit to а karaoke bar - then an attempt at imitating Mick Jagger with microphone held high is definitely to be avoided.

The voice can't just bear it. Don't try to become the life and soul

of the party. This behavior may not win you а recording contract, but it could well protect your voice to win the presentation the following morning.

Everyday habits like continuos clearing the throat, coughing, talking loudly for any length of time, will а11 cause distress to our


Stress and anxiety often cause the voice to loose resonance. The best treatment for pre-presentation stress is preparation, pre­paration and preparation. Someone who is confident of his subject is far more relaxed and sounds more convincing. Prepare your material so that you know it inside out and backwards. Question break should always be used to the advantage of а speaker. You сап use it to have а sip of water. The general recommendation is to drink water at every opportunity. А dry throat is not а happy throat.

Speed is another trap for speakers. No matter how slowly you begin to speak, there is по doubt that you will speed up as you go along. Pacing is а11 important. Speak slowly, naturally, and at your normal speed. Speak as if you are reading. Take а breath

after а comma or any punctuation mark. Use short phrases, and, !ever, ever speak as you take in breath. А well-prepared, well-practiced speaker will not sound nervous, can relax and forget

about stress that surrounded the weeks of preparation beforehand.

Smoky and noisy environments (restaurants) present potential danger. Trying to compete with the noise means we have to raise our voice. If we raise our voice, we strain it. And if we strain it, it will not perform tip to the expectations. А useful hint is to arrive early and leave early. In that case, your duty is done at а time when things are quieter and your voice is saved for the next round of talks.

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