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III. E. Make up sentences according to the models using the following

a few bananas / a film for my camera / a glass of water / a call at 7 a.m. / some information about boats / 2 tickets for tonight’s performance / a bottle of iodine /

see technical data, a general description of the product / order a hot meal / dance to this music / have a bill / invite guests / buy a present / sign this paper / visit the moon one day / join me for lunch / see my holiday snaps / lay the table / clear the table

IV. A. Practise the dialogues

a) - I’d like a haircut and shampoo. Just a trim, please.

- Certainly, madam.

- And could I have a manicure here?

- Yes, of course.

b) At the chemist’s (EE № 9)

– Good morning. Can I help you?

- Good morning. I’d like two aspirins, a bandage and some toothpaste.

- Here you are. That’s £ 2.40.

- Thank you, goodbye.

- Goodbye.

c) - Good evening.

- Good evening. Have you got a table for one?

- Yes, just over here, sir.

- Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting.

- Not at all.

- Good idea. A steak for me, please.

- Yes, that’ll be fine. Now, what about the main course?

- May I suggest you to try the steak? It’s excellent today.

- Yes, please.

- How would you like it?

- Medium, please.

- Would you like vegetables with it, sir?

- Well, have you got any peas?

- Of course. And to drink, sir? Some wine, perhaps?

- Yes, a glass of red wine, please.

- What would you like for dessert?

- No dessert, just coffee, please. And can I have the bill, please?

- Yes, of course.

- Is service included?

- Yes, it is.

- Thank you.

d) - Would you like a cup of tea?

- No, thanks.

- How about a biscuit?

- May I take your order now?

- Well, I need some advice. What do you recommend for the starter?

- Tomato soup is very good.

- Could you pass me some cream?

- What cream would you like, chocolate or vanilla?

- Vanilla, please.

V. A. Study new words

lights светофор

wall paper обои

couple [′k∧pl] пара

beige [beiʒ] бежевый

note [nout] банкнота

go with подходить

plum [plʌm] слива rather than а не

try on примерять

greengrocer’s [′gri:n,grousəz] овощной магазин

journey [′dʒə:ni] путешествие, долгая поездка

notebook [′noutbuk] записная книжка, тетрадь

stationers [′steinəz] канцелярские товары

cancel [′kænsəl] отменить

go for a ride прокатиться

change разменивать; сдача

felt-(tip) pen [′felt(tip)pen] фломастер

fitting room [′fitiŋrum] примерочная

fountain pen [′fauntinpen] авторучка

afford [əfɔ:d] позволить себе

pineapple [′pain,æpl] ананас

present [prizent] представлять

specially [′speəli] специально

stall [stɔ:l] место в партере

Sweden [′swi:dn] Швеция

utilize [′ju:tilaiz] использовать

would rather предпочитать

appointment [əpɔintmənt] встреча

button [′b∧tn] пуговица, кнопка

believe [bi′li:v] считать; (in) верить

incredibly [in′kredəbli] невероятно

pleasure [′pleʒə] удовольствие

pronounce [prə′nauns] произносить

talkative [′tɔ:kətiv] разговорчивый

traffic lights [′træfik′laits] светофор

stranger [′streindʒə] незнакомец, чужестранец, не местный

reasonable [′ri:znəbl] благоразумный, приемлемый; рассудительный