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Using the Macro Language

Boolean Operations

You can perform Boolean operations from the command line as well.

Boolean subtract

(solid:subtract solid1 solid2)

This subtracts the solid named solid2 from the solid named solid1. The resulting solid is named solid1. If more than two object names are given, all the subsequent objects are subtracted from the first one.

Boolean unite

(solid:unite solid1 solid2)

This unites the solid named solid2 with the solid named solid1. The resulting solid is named solid1. If more than two object names are given, the union of all the objects is computed.

Boolean intersect

(solid:intersect solid1 solid2)

This intersects the solid named solid2 with the solid named solid1. The resulting solid is named solid1. If more than two object names are given, the intersection of all the objects is computed.

Chamfers and blends

A chamfer is a beveled edge that breaks a sharp edge between surfaces with a flat surface. You can modify solid objects with chamfers and blends using macros. A blend is a smooth surface that replaces an edge and provides a smooth transition between two surfaces. Try the following:

(define B1 (solid:block (position -25 -15 -30)(position -5 15 30)))

(solid:blend-edges (entity:edges B1) 3)

The first command creates a block named B1 with corners at the positions shown. The second command puts a blend of radius 3 on the edges and vertices of the block. To apply a chamfer to B1 instead, you would have typed:

(define B1 (solid:block (position -25 -15 -30)(position -5 15 30)))

(solid:chamfer-edges (entity:edges B1) 3)

Macro Programs

You can write your own macro programs and store them in ASCII text files. The default extension for scheme files is scm. You can create a file using any text editor. You run a stored macro program by opening the file using the Macros|Execute menu selection within TracePro.

You can find some example macro programs on the Lambda Research web site (http://www.lambdares.com) in the TracePro Technical Support section, under the hotlink name: Examples.


TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual

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