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Property Database Tools

Parameter Expressions

FIGURE 3.51 - Sphere Geometry Expressions using the iRing Variable.

Decentering RepTile Geometry

The cone, sphere, ellipsoid, and hip (Mansard) roof geometry provide a decenter parameter if the Variation Type Parameterized is specified for the property. In this case the geometry can be decentered within the tile. For the rectangle and staggered rectangle tile types, the input parameters are Decenter x and Decenter y. For ring tiles, the input parameters are Decenter r (positive r is outward) and Decenter phi, where phi is in degrees and 0 phi is in the +X direction. See Figure 3.51 for an example of a ring tile property with sphere geometry.

Property Database Tools

The database menu provides tools to update and maintain the TracePro properties database. The Property data is stored in a Microsoft Access format database file named TracePro.MDB by default. The actual name and location of the property database is defined by an option in the Customize dialog, see “Data Directory” on page 2.52.

TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual


Defining Properties


The Database Import (in the Tools menu) selection translates property data into TracePro from a text file. Unlike the Import Property commands associated with the various editors, the text file can contain several properties, of the same or different types, separated by a “SAVE-DATA” line. Thus, surface properties, material properties, bulk scatter properties, etc. can all be concatenated into a single file, each property separated by a “SAVE-DATA” line. All data from the default property database is included on the TracePro distribution media.

Note: SAVE-DATA is used to define the last line of a property for a concatenated property file. If you are reading the file or creating a property file for TracePro import see the section titled “Property Import/Export Formats” on page 7.84.

During importation, the property names are checked against the current properties in the database. If a name matches an existing property, you are notified. The individual property can be overwritten or skipped. If you are importing many properties you have the option to overwrite the current entry, all subsequent entries, to skip the current entry or to skip all subsequent entries as shown in Figure 3.52.

FIGURE 3.52 - Confirm Overwrite dialog.


The Property Export command will generate a single file containing all property data for a Model. Selecting the Tools|Database|Export menu or pressing the F12 key will generate a text file of property data. The File Save As dialog will be displayed to enter a property file name. Each property is separated by a SAVEDATA line as described in the online help. The data may be reentered using the

Tools|Database|Import menu or F11 key.

If you are working with TracePro support personal or collaborating with other TracePro users and are sending OML files, you can export the model properties and send the property data. These two files contain all the data required to open and analyze a TracePro model.


TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual

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