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Examining Raytrace Results

After a raytrace you need to assess the data that results from it. The Analysis menu provides several ways to view raytrace data. Displaying Rays and Ray Sorting let you view the ray data. Irradiance Maps, Ray Tables and Polarization Maps provide ray results for each surface in the Model if within Analysis mode and on Exit Surfaces in Simulation mode. Candela Plots display angular distributions of ray data in the Model. The Volume Flux Viewer can provide insights into the flux distribution within Model objects.

A variety of Reports are available to help you analyze the ray data and Model properties from the Reports Menu.

The Tools menu includes additional features to improve the raytrace results.

Analysis Menu

Most raytrace results are accessible from the Analysis Menu and are described in this chapter. Ray Tracing is also initiated by menu items contained in the Analysis menus and are described in Chapter 5.

Display Rays

The Analysis|Display Rays selection allows you to control the display of rays. In Analysis Mode, rays are displayed by default after a raytrace is finished or canceled. Rays cannot be displayed in Simulation Mode. To turn off the display of rays, simply select Analysis|Display Rays. The state of Display Rays is indicated by the check mark √ next to the menu item. If many rays have been traced with many splits or “branches,” it can take several minutes for TracePro to finish displaying the rays. You can set TracePro to update the display of rays only at your request by de-selecting Window|Auto Update. Then the display of rays will not be updated until you press F5 or select Window|Refresh. Rays may also be timed during the drawing process with the limit set as a preference. See “Ray Display” on page 2.50.

You can also affect what rays are displayed using Ray Sorting as described below.

Ray Drawing Options

Two options in the View|Preferences|Ray Display dialog provide additional control over the drawing of rays in the Model Window. These options limit the number of starting rays drawn and remove rays that have no surface intersections.

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