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Surface Properties

Wire Grid Polarizers Expert

Lambda Research has written dynamic-linked libraries (DLLs) to incorporate data obtained from MOXTEK, Inc. for their current line of wire grid polarizers. For further detailed information on these polarizers, please contact MOXTEK directly at www.moxtek.com.

The TracePro surface property information is contained in the following files:

The Moxtek properties are included in the default property database shipped with TracePro.

Surface Properties\Moxtek\PBFxx.dll (Data DLLs, one for each type of wire grid polarizer).

Surface Properties\Moxtek_SurfacePropertyCatalog.txt (contains a concatenated file of the surface properties associated with the Data DLLs).

The surface properties refer to the default locations for their respective DLL. This default location is…

C:\Program Files\Lambda Research Corporation\TracePro\Surface Properties\Moxtek\

Upgrading an older property database

With the DLLs in this location, you can directly import the Moxtek_SurfacePropertyCatalog.txt file by selecting Tools | Database | Import from the TracePro menus. If your TracePro installation is other than this default, you may still import the Moxtek_SurfacePropertyCatalog.txt file, but you will need to manually edit each of the surface properties by browsing to the actual location of the corresponding DLL. This can be done from the surface property editor in TracePro. The surface properties are in a new catalog named “Moxtek”.

Applying Wire-Grid Surface Properties

After putting the wire-grid surface properties into your database, apply these properties in the standard way in TracePro – via the Apply Properties dialog box’s Surface tab.

When applying these properties you will also be prompted for location and orientation information. This is accomplished by supplying the x, y, and z components of the Origin, Normal Direction, and Up Direction.

The Origin locates the property in 3D space.

The Normal Direction can be considered the local z direction and designates the propagation direction through the polarizer.

Finally, the Up Direction can be considered the local y direction and designates the direction of the wires of the wire-grid polarizer.

Once this location and orientation information is applied to the surface, subsequent moving or rotating of the TracePro object will automatically update this information to simulate the actual re-orientation of such a component as if on an optical bench.

TracePro 5.0 User’s Manual


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