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1.7. Open the brackets. Use the Present Indefinite.


  1. What you usually (to do) when you (to get) tired? – I (to go) for a long walk to the park which (to be) not far from my house.

  2. How much time it (to take) you to do your homework? – Usually I (to spend) three or four hours on it.

  3. What she (to be)? – She (to be) an economist. She (to work) for an insurance company.

  4. He never (to listen) to what you say. He always (to think) about something else.

  5. You (to recognize) that man? – I (to think) I have seen him before but I (not to remember) his name.

  6. These things (not to belong) to him. They (to be) mine.

  7. So in the first scene we (to see) him getting up and then he (to go) out and (to meet) a strange woman.

  8. She (to like) to travel by plane? – No, she (not to travel) by plane very often. She (to prefer) trains.

  9. The semester (to end) in two more weeks.

  10. You (to have) usually a light or a substantial breakfast? – Frankly speaking, I (to be) a heavy sleeper and it (to be) very difficult for me to get up early. Sometimes and it (to happen) often I (to oversleep). Then I (to be) in a hurry and my breakfast (to consist of) a cup of tea or coffee.

  11. The pie (to smell) delicious.

  12. He (to have) a big family. There (to be) six members in it.

  13. I can't afford that camera. It (to cost) too much.

  14. They often (to go) to the theatre? – Yes, they (to be) great theatre-goers.

  15. It often (to rain) here in autumn? – Yes, it (to rain) almost every day, the weather (to be) dull and cool and there (to be) many puddles everywhere.

  16. Whose French newspapers (to be) there on the table? – It (to seem) to me, they (to be) Terry's. – He (to know) French well? – Yes, and he (to go) to France every year to master the language.

  17. She (to be) busy now. She (not to have) any time to help you.

  18. You (to be) good at tennis? – Yes, I (to play) it four times a week.

  19. The car (to stop) outside the National Bank. Three men (to get) out and the driver (to stay) in the car. The three men (to walk) into the bank and (to take) out their guns.

  20. We (to have) a new girl in our class. Her name (to be) Linda. She (to look) nice. She (to be) tall and (to have) long dark hair. Linda (to be) a good mixer and (to have) lots of friends. She (to be) lively and everybody (to admire) her.


In London it often (1) (not to snow), but when it (2) (to snow), life (3) (to become) very difficult for everyone. Cars have to go very slowly because the roads (4) (to be) covered with ice and wet snow, so there (5) (to be) traffic jams, and lots of people (6) (to be) late for work. The snow usually (7) (to melt) quickly and this (8) (to make) the pavements dangerous. Only children really (9) (to be) fond of snow.

Sam (10) (to work) in the local library where he usually (11) (to have) much work to do. As a rule, he (12) (to go) to work by bus, but this morning he's walking because there (13) (not to seem) to be any buses. He (14) (to be) dressed in his winter coat, but it (15) (to be) cool and it's snowing and the wet snow is trickling down his neck. It (16) (to make) him feel very uncomfortable. He (17) (to be) in a hurry. He (18) (to want) to get to the library as soon as possible to have a nice, hot cup of tea.


The Willsons (1) (to be) in New England. They (2) (to go) there every summer because they (3) (to have) a lot of friends there. One day the Porters (4) (to invite) them to dinner. So the Willsons are motoring along a strange country road to keep the dinner engagement. But they (5) (to be) late and Mr Willson is driving at top speed. In spite of this he (6) (to notice) a large house with a sign which (7) (to say) that a doctor (8) (to live) there.

Half a mile farther on, something (9) (to go) wrong with the car and it (10) (to crash) against a tree. The driver (11) (to be) unhurt but his wife (12) (to be) seriously injured and (13) (to need) medical help. The road (14) (to be) a lonely one and Mr Willson (15) (not to see) any other cars. Suddenly he (16) (to remember) the doctor's house. He (17) (to lift) his wife, (18) (to walk) back to that house and (19) (to ring) the bell. A tall, gray-haired man (20) (to open) the door and (21) (to say) that he (22) (to be) a doctor. There (23) (to be) no one else in the house. They (24) (to carry) Mrs Willson into a small consulting room. The doctor (25) (to examine) her and (26) (to declare) that the only chance of saving her life (27) (to be) to operate at once. Mr Willson (28) (to hesitate) but (29) he (to have) no choice.

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