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2. Use the proper tense changing the underlined adverb (make use of the adverbs, adverbial phrases and subordinate clauses given in the right-hand column):

1. He left yesterday

  1. unless he feels bad.

  2. in a week.

  3. as soon as his wife returns.

  4. just now.

  5. by 5 a.m.

2. I haven't seen him lately

  1. for ages.

  2. since he left for London.

  3. after he had moved to his country house.

  4. if I don't take a taxi.

  5. until he returns.

  6. before.

3. Translate the sentences in the left-hand column using the phrases given in the right-hand column.

Он сделал доклад

  1. at the meeting yesterday.

  2. before we came.

  3. so now we want to listen to you.

  4. took his things and left the hall.

Этот фильм пользуется популярностью

(to enjoy popularity)

  1. and I advise you to see it.

  2. since it appeared in 1998.

  3. for almost 5 years.

Дети очень устали

(to get tired)

  1. when we got to the camp at last.

  2. let’s have a rest.

  3. and fell asleep at once.

  4. When shall we have a rest?

Мы отправимся в путь

(to set off)

  1. after we have packed all our things.

  2. by the time the sun rises.

  3. if it doesn’t rain.

  4. before they return.

Он поехал в аэропорт

  1. and I don’t know when he’ll be back.

  2. when I called on him in the morning.

  3. after he had seen his father off.

  4. before you phoned him.

4. Complete the sentences using the proper tense.

  1. He never talks while he ...

  2. Don’t switch on the light, please. The children...

  3. While Dad was watching TV, Mum...

  4. I am thinking of what you just...

  5. If you help me, I ...

  6. I’ll wait until she ...

  7. The clock had struck 10 when I ...

  8. When ... you ... him last?

  9. Since she arrived, she ...

  10. He ... for this company for 10 years by next May.

5. Translate into English.

  1. Интересно, дождь еще идет? – Да, он идет с самого утра.

  2. Не успели мы открыть дверь, как зазвонил телефон и Джон сказал, что он уже приехал.

  3. Он работает здесь с тех пор, как закончил университет. – Когда это было? – 10 лет назад.

  4. Последнее время мой муж очень занят. Если завтра он будет свободен, мы пойдем в театр. Я уже купила билеты.

  5. Он пошел домой только после того, как поговорил с директором.

  6. Ты переводишь эту статью уже 3 часа, но еще не закончила. Ты закончишь к 7 часам?

  7. Ты пишешь письмо своим родителям? Ты часто пишешь им? Я подожду, пока ты закончишь.

  8. Где ты была вчера вечером? – Почему ты спрашиваешь? Ты звонил мне?

  9. Завтра бабушка приезжает навестить нас.

  10. Ты уже пообедала? – Нет еще. Через полчаса я пойду в кафе.

Total: 100/_______

So far in the previous chapters, we have dealt with the commonest and simplest uses of English tenses.

However, the system of tenses in English, being different from Russian, causes a lot of difficulties for foreign language learners.

The Units below regard tenses in comparison. That will help you to get a better knowledge of the English system of tenses.

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