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Вживання означеного артикля.

Use the with

Don’t use the with

1. united countries:

the United States

the Republic of China

1. countries, cities, states:

Ukraine, Idaho

Kyiv, China


the Netherlands, the Crimea

the Caucasus, the Philippines

2. large regions, deserts:

the East Coast

the Sahara

2. continents:

South America


3. peninsulas, groups of islands:

the Iberian Peninsula

the British Isles

3. single islands:


4. oceans, seas, gulfs, rivers, canals:

the Pacific, the Dead Sea

the Persian Gulf

the Panama Canal

the Dnipro

4. bays:

Tampa Bay

5. multiple lakes:

the Great Lakes

5. single lakes:

Lake Geneva

6. mountain ranges:

the Rocky Mountains

6. single mountains:

Mount Everest, Goverla

7. ethnic groups:

the Indians

7. nations:


8. earth, moon:

the Earth, the Moon

8. planets, constellations:

Orion, Mars

9. schools, colleges, universities when the phrase begins with schools, etc.:

the University of Florida

9. schools, colleges, universities when the phrase begins with a proper noun:

Kyiv National University

10. with ordinal numbers:

the second page

10. before nouns with cardinal numbers after them:

page two

11. wars (except world wars):

the Korean War

11. streets, squares, parks:

Ivy Street, Union Square,

Denali National Park

12. historical documents:

the Constitution

12. sports:

football, basketball

13. theatres, cinemas, museums:

the Royal Opera House,

the British Museum

13. areas of study:

ecology, mathematics

14. organizations and political parties:

the Conservative Party,

the United Nations Organization

14. holidays:

Christmas, Easter

15. days, month:

Monday, November


16. in some word combinations:

at night, by train,

by mistake, to take place,

to go to bed, from time to time

§ 8. Число іменника:

N N + -s


a book books

N N + -es


a watch watches

a fox foxes

a brush brushes

a hero heroes

a thief thieves

a baby babies


a man men

a woman women

a child children

a foot feet

an ox oxen

a tooth teeth

a goose geese

a mouse mice

a sheep sheep

a deer deer


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