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III. Match the term to its definition:

1. property

1. A navigable channel, especially a dredged river or canal.

2. hydro-sphere

2. Useless or damaged material produced during or left over from a manufacturing process.

3. recycling

3. The waste matter intermixed with water and carried away through sewers.

4. waterway

4. An attribute common to a whole class but not necessary to distinguish it from others.

5. sewage

5. A repeated series of operations.

6. wastes

6. The liquid part of the earth’s surface.

IV. Complete the sentences matching the words from the column to the sentence gaps:

1. The most wide-spread substances polluting the soil from the … are nitric and sulphur oxides.

1. domestic wastewaters

2. In the south of our country … can be obtained not only with the help of irrigation.

2. air pollution

3. In the past several years, interest in land disposal of … has increased.

3. depletion

4. Heating systems, … are of greater concern in certain cities, areas and individual factories of our country.

4. stable crops

5. Considerable improvements should be introduced into motor transportations to reduce … by exhaust fumes.

5. industrial wastes

6. Solving the problem of the environment – such as global warming, or the … of the ozone layer is the task of the modern science.

6. atmosphere

Unit 11

I. Grammar:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement. Attributive word-combinations.

II. Texts:

1. Development of Drainage and Ways of its Effective Use.

2. Types of drainage.

I. Grammar exercises

1.1. Analyze the following attributive word-combinations, state the order of translation of their components into Ukrainian:

drainage network construction, dam concrete lining, subsoil drainage research, production staff activity, river flow regulation, agricultural production intensification, electron micrography system, precision dimensional measurements, collector saturation voltage, majority carrier amplifier, automated production system, nuclear fuel control, catastrophe consequences elimination, melioration systems maintenance, soils water regime, natural drainage impediment, soil air-water properties improvement, farm machinery efficient use, excess water accumulation.

1.2. Find in the text the sentences with the attributive word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian.

1.3. Agree the subject and the verb in person and number, choosing the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences:

1. Paul, along with ten friends, (is/are) planning a party.

2. The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories of the past war.

3. If the duties of these teachers (isn’t/aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the new educational project.

4. The effects of cigarette smoking (has/have) been proved to be extremely harmful.

5. The water table (vary/varies) from area to area.

6. The use of credit cards in place of cash (has/have) increased rapidly recently.

7. Advertisements on television (is/are) becoming more competitive than ever before.

8. Government (has/have) initiated a new plan to increase work efficiency in land melioration.

9. Fifty hectares (is/are) too much to irrigate in one day.

10. These scissors (is/are) dull.

11. Neither mole drainage nor pipe drainage (is/are) used on this type soil in our climate.

12. A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.

13. Everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.

14. A pair of trousers (was/were) in the washing-machine this morning.

15. Applying this type of field drains (has/have) enabled better evacuation of excess water.

16. Either Andrew or his wife (make/makes) breakfast every day.

17. A pack of wild dogs (has/have) frightened all the ducks away.

18. The jury (is/are) trying to reach a decision.

19. Neither Dick nor his parents (has/have) seen this show before.

20. There (has/have) been a number of floods this spring.

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