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5.2. Read the text. Text b. Water management in ukraine.

1. Water management began to develop in Ukraine in ancient times. The development of waterways was linked with the Dnieper. The navigation on this river appeared over 2,000 years ago. But the first passenger ship line was opened on the Dnieper in 1850.

2. At the beginning of the twentieth century Ukraine had an inadequate water supply. Only a few large cities had water supply systems. The sewerage and water drainage systems were very limited.

3. In accordance with the plan of the electrification of the country, the problem of the all-round utilization of water resources was tackled in Ukraine. It began with the construction of the Hydroelectric Power Station on the Dnieper. At that time it was the largest water power plant in Europe. The first ships passed through the Dniproges locks in May, 1933.

4. The reconstruction of farming created favourable conditions for the development of irrigation, the construction of large irrigation and flooding systems. Important work was carried out also for reclamation of swamped lands.

5. The water supply to industry, farms and public utilities considerably improved. Special attention was devoted to the water supply of the Donbas and Dnieper industrial areas.

6. Water management developed greatly in Ukraine after the war. New hydroelectric power plants and irrigation and drainage systems were constructed.

7. The Kakhovka hydropower station was put into service in 1956. Four years later the Kremenchuk hydropower plant was constructed and at the same time one of the largest artificial reservoirs on the Dnieper was created.

8. The construction of the two power stations made it possible to irrigate, flood and ensure water supply to the arid southern areas of the country.

9. The fourth stage of the Dnieper cascade of power stations – the Dniprodzerzhinsk HPS was completed in 1963. It was followed by the Kyiv and the Kaniv power stations. Altogether Dnieper cascade of power stations generate a total of 10,000 mln kw-hrs in the average year.

10. It must be said that the water economy of Ukraine has been considerably developed in the recent years. Water resources are used not only for power generation but also for navigation, land irrigation, industrial enterprises. They are a source of the water supply for the population. Many cities, industrial enterprises, state and private farms use underground water.

5.3. Find in Text b English equivalents of the following:

водні шляхи, будівництво, ГЕС, меліорація, значно, сільське господарство, зрошувальна система, створювати, забезпечити водопостачання, виробництво електроенергії, електрифікація, дренажна система, заболочені землі, сприятливі умови, в давні часи, в середньому за рік, промислові райони, згідно з ..., найбільші штучні водоймища, завершити, загалом, потрібно сказати, судноплавство, приватне селянське господарство.

5.4. Complete the sentences with the words given below:

1. The first ships passed through the Dniproges… in May, 1933.

2. The sewerage and water … systems were very limited.

3. Special attention was devoted to the … … of the Donbas and Dnieper industrial areas.

4. The reconstruction of farming created favourable conditions for the development of irrigation, the construction of large irrigation and … systems.

5. It should be said that the … … of Ukraine has been considerably developed in the recent years.

6. The Kremenchuk … … was constructed in 1960 and at the same time one of the largest artificial reservoirs on the Dnieper was created.

(water economy, drainage, hydropower plant, locks, flooding, water supply).

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