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II. Reading exercises

2.1. Practise reading of the following words and word-combinations from the text:

absorb, capillary, furrow, erosive, consist, recommend, uniform, divert, corrugation, wild, flooding, sprinkler, subirrigation, storage, continuously, surface, include, reservoir, close-growing, percolation, reduction, vineyard, contour, orchard, border strips.

2.2. Practise reading of the following verbs of the Present Indefinite in the third person singular paying attention to the pronunciation of the endings -s or -es:

[s] – it helps, she stops, he writes, she seeks, he waits, she takes, he skates, it gets, she speaks.

[z] – he reads, she sees, the bird sings, she plays, he cries, she studies, it seems.

[iz] – she washes, he dresses, the sun rises, it changes, he mixes, she watches, he teaches, it stresses.

2.3. Define whether the word “work” is a verb or a noun. Substantiate your answer:

at work, their work, they work, work begins, good work, you work well, work together, work is over.

2.4. Translate the following pairs of words:

to apply – application, to absorb – absorption, to percolate – percolation, to divert – diversion, to provide – provision, to prevent – prevention, to erode – erosion.

2.5. Memorize the spelling, pronunciation and translation of the following words:

to absorb

поглинати, усмоктувати

to apply

застосовувати, вживати

to depend on smth

залежати від чогось

individual land features

індивідуальні особливості землі


схил, нахил, скат


с/г культура

the ability of the soil to absorb and hold water

здатність ґрунту поглинати і утримувати воду

surface irrigation

поверхневе зрошення


дощування, зрошення розбризкуванням


підґрунтове зрошення

flood irrigation

зрошення затопленням

furrow irrigation

полив по борознах

corrugation irrigation

полив по дрібних борознах

border strip irrigation

полив по смугах (полосах)

basin irrigation

лиманне зрошення

contour or bench border irrigation

контурний полив по борознах

wild flooding

метод суцільним заливанням (дикого поливу)

to be adapted for (to) smth.

призначатися для чогось

close-growing crops

низькостеблові культури

row crops

просапні культури

to percolate

просочуватися, проникати крізь

to divert

відхиляти, відводити

truck crops

городні культури

head ditch

головна частина каналу

to wet

зволожувати, змочувати

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