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5.2. Read the text. Text b. Types of sprinkler systems.

1. Sprinkler irrigation is a means of applying water to the surface of any crop or soil. A sprinkler system can be completely automatic or can be manually operated.

2. In general, a sprinkler system can be employed for most soils and topographic conditions and for those areas where surface may be inefficient and expensive.

3. The sprinkler is the most important part of a sprinkler system. Most sprinklers consist of one or more nozzles that spray water under pressure through the air to irrigate some area.

4. The high degree of water control is the outstanding advantage of sprinkling over other methods of irrigation. Sprinkler systems generally utilize smaller rates of water-flow than surface irrigation methods and are of distinct advantage on soils of high permeability, or low water-holding capacity.

5. One of the advantages of sprinkler systems over surface or sub-surface irrigation systems is that they are used not only to water crops. They can also be used for fertilizer application, frost protection, pest and disease control.

6. Sprinkler systems also have disadvantages, depending on the conditions involved. Frequently labour costs of sprinkling may be higher than costs for surface irrigation.

7. There are many types of sprinkler systems. All may be grouped into three general classes:

a) portable sprinkler systems;

b) semi-portable systems;

c) stationary or solid-set systems.

8. A fully portable system consists of either a stationary or a portable pump and portable main lines, laterals and sprinklers.

9. The semi-potable system usually consists of a stationary pump and stationary main pipelines with portable laterals.

10. Stationary systems are those in which the main pipelines, laterals and sprinklers are fixed permanently throughout the entire area to be irrigated.

11. A central-pivot system consists of a radial pipeline supported on two wheels. Sprinklers mounted on the pipe distribute water to the field as the pipeline is moving.

5.3. Find in Text b English equivalents of the following:

подавати воду; ґрунтова поверхня; мінеральні добрива; поливати с/г культури; розпилювати воду; приводити у дію; вручну; високий ступінь; найважливіша частина; боротьба із с/г шкідниками; допоміжний трубопровід; постійно; підтримувати; вода під тиском; дощувальна установка з центральним шарніром; головний трубопровід; встановлений на трубі; повністю автоматизований; здатність утримувати воду; переваги над; наявні умови.

5.4. Complete the sentences with the words given below:

1. Sprinkler systems can be used for frost protection, … …, pest and … … .

2. Frequently … … of sprinkling may be higher than costs for … … .

3. Sprinklers with … … deliver water through very small … .

4. … … are fixed permanently throughout the … … to be irrigated.

5. … … is adaptable to all the main crops but rice which requires … … .

(perforated pipes, stationary systems, labour costs, holes, entire area, surface irrigation, disease control, standing water, sprinkler irrigation, fertilizer application).

5.5. Divide the text into parts, state the microtopics of each part and express the contents of each part in one or two sentences.

5.6. Write a summary of Text B in English.

5.7. Project work. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Try to collect as much information about sprinkler irrigation and types of sprinkler systems as possible. Discuss and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of sprinkler irrigation.


I. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences:

1. The simplest form of water filter … the sand filter.

a) is being; b) was being;

c) were; d) is.

2. The choice of the proper method of irrigation … on a number of factors.

a) depending; b) was depended;

c) depends; d) was depending.

3. Last week his mother was in hospital so he … with his younger brother.

a) stayed; b) was staying;

c) is staying; d) staying.

4. Each of the systems … satisfactory for this purpose.

a) are having; b) will have;

c) will be; d) were being.

5. These types of sprinklers … some limitations.

a) was; b) have;

c) has; d) having.

II. Complete the sentences matching the words from the column to the sentence gaps:

1. The portable and semi-portable systems are most commonly used in … .

1. mains

2. There are various types of power movable systems designed to reduce the … costs of moving pipe.

2. underground

3. Sprinkler systems have uses other than those of meeting the water … of a crop.

3. agriculture

4. Aluminium is most frequently used for surface … .

4. laterals

5. Type of material best adaptable for either mains or laterals is determined by whether or not they are … or laid on the surface.

5. labour

6. A fully portable system consists of either a stationary or a portable main lines, … and sprinklers.

6. requirements

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