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6. My Future Speciality: Land Improvement

1. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

land improvement


land amelioration


to meet the requirements

відповідати вимогам, потребам

vicissitude of nature

мінливість природи



swampy lands

заболочені землі



to retard

сповільнювати, затримувати

river banks strengthening

укріплення берегів річок

surface water runoff control

контроль поверхневого стоку

inundation canal

затоплюваний канал

to be engaged in

бути зайнятим чимось



environment protection

охорона довкілля

thorough knowledge

ґрунтовні знання



leaching operations


post-graduate course


with the view

з наміром, з метою

newly-fledged specialist

молодий спеціаліст




керівник, завідувач, директор

on the contrary


2. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian:

Land improvement is one of the main agricultural trends of scientific and technical progress in agriculture, the most important factor of agricultural production intensification.

Normally, vegetation grows on soil watered by rain. Where rain is so seasonal that it does not meet the requirements of a particular crop or is deficient, the drying of the soil to an ever-increasing degree retards or eventually prevents vegetable growth. Irrigation can compensate for the vicissitudes of nature by supplying water regularly and in sufficient volume. On the contrary, the overmoistened or swampy land needs to be drained before it is possible to use it for agricultural production. Hydroamelioration involves measures to make favourable conditions for vegetable growth: irrigation and drainage, afforestation, river banks strengthening, surface water runoff control, sandy soil and ravines strengthening, carrying out leaching operations, etc.

Over centuries various kinds of techniques and devices were devised to facilitate field irrigation, from inundation canals and simple devices for dipping water from rivers and wells to up-to-date irrigation systems.

Many thousands of people of varied professions are engaged nowadays in hydroamelioration and in branches of water management closely connected with it. One of the key professions among them is that of hydrotechnical engineer specializing in ‘hydroamelioration’. His activity embraces such problems as the rational use of water resources, the construction of water reservoirs, canals, pump stations, the construction of irrigation and drainage systems, etc.

Within the range of his duties lie:

research into reclamation awaiting areas;

carrying out research into water resources use and construction of hydrotechnical works;

rational water use and protection of water resources;

developing and programming of the tasks of operational planning, monitoring, and control of water;

distribution process;

personnel management in individual subdivisions of water economy;

mastering and inculcation of advanced technology, employment of up-to-date machinery, equipment and material.

For successful realization of his duties a future engineer will need thorough knowledge and skills in many subjects.

Hydrotechnical engineers are trained at higher educational institutions of the country. The leading one among them is National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use.

It has been training specialists of this profile for over 75 years now.

While at the university, students have to master the following general subjects: strength of materials; building machines; theoretical mechanics; hydrology; descriptive geometry and drawing, a foreign language as well as special subjects such as hydraulic structures; technology, organization and planning of hydrotechnical works; land improvement; water economy; building technology and organization; labour law and environment protection.

Besides taking theoretical training students must have practical one at different hydrotechnical construction sites and enterprises. Practical training for students is a valuable complement to their strictly academic course of studies.

After graduation from the university newly-fledged specialists can work at the land improvement and hydrotechnical sites of the country. They can take up the posts of a foreman, engineer, chief engineer, superintendent or a research worker at research institutes etc. The graduates who demonstrated necessary aptitude to research work can take a post-graduate course in native or other institutes of the country with the view to obtain an academic degree. Besides, the graduates can extend their knowledge by self-education, or at advanced courses, they can also participate in different scientific and technical conferences.

Our university as a Ukrainian institution of higher learning seeks to represent established principles, specific ideals and definite traditions of Ukrainian educational heritage. By means of its curriculum and educational policy it strives to equip the young men and women with occupational competence and scholarly training necessary to meet the emerging needs and arising challenges of new epoch in the life of Ukraine.

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