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2. Прочитайте та вивчіть зразки промови головуючого на відкритті конференції:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I declare the conference open.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and in my own name I wish to welcome the guests and the participants of the Conference to Rivne.

I wish you every success. My first and pleasant duty as a chairman is to introduce to you our honourary guest Mr.N.


Dear friends, it is an honour and privilege for me to welcome you to our country and to this Conference. I wish you every success. I am very happy to introduce to you our guest of Honour Mr.X.

3. Прослухайте текст а:

A. Introducing the speaker

I am very happy to be able to introduce our speaker today. Professor Jones has been at Riverside University since 1970. He graduated from the University of Visconsine and received his M. A.1 and Ph.D.2 in history from Columbia University. He has published several papers and books in his field. He is a member of several professional organizations. Prof. Jones has agreed to speak to us today.

4. Уявіть, що ви головуєте на конференції чи наряді. Познайомте аудитора з доповідачем.

5. Прочитайте діалоги. Зверніть увагу на підкреслені вирази:

In the lobby3


– Who is to chair the meeting today?

– Doctor Barton, he is a great authority in his field.

– Oh, yes, he knows his jobs from A to Z.

– Besides, he always makes some constructive suggestions. A pleasure to deal with him,

– I hope the meeting doesn't stretch out too long.

– Don't expect it'll be over soon. We have a wide range of problems to discuss at the top level.


– I say, Bill. Do you know who is engaged in this research problem?

You mean of those present? Sure. It's Professor Hewitt. He is one of the leading specialists in Ecology.

– Do you happen to know him well?

– Fairly well. I used to meet him at some scientific gatherings more than once.

– I have a favour to ask of you. I'd like to meet him. Could you arrange it?

– I guess I can. Though he's pretty filled-up I'm afraid.Well, with luck I'll introduce you to him.

– It'll be splendid. I have quite a few questions to ask him. So I'll be waiting for you at the auditorium during the coffee break.

6. Складіть власні діалоги, в яких ви розмовляєте з одним із учасників конференції під час перерви. Використовуйте підкреслені вирази та ситуації з наведених вище діалогів. Speech patterns to text в

1. The chairman speaks of the work to be done by the session and of guests present at the conference.

2. Should the chairman rise, the member must step speaking and take his seat (if asked).

7. Використайте виділені моделі у власних реченнях.

8. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст в: The Chairman and His Duties.

The success of the meeting depends a great deal on the chairman (when a lady takes me chair she should be addressed as Madam Chairman). The Chairman shall direct the debates, maintain order, close the debates when necessary, put questions to the vote and announce the results of the vote The Chairman's address to the audience should be much shorter than any of the speeches that follow.

Work to be done. Anyone who wants to take the floor should ask the Chairman beforehand or by simply raising his hand after the Chairman opens discussion. The Chairman requires every speaker to keep to the point, to avoid repetition and digression. Should the chairman rise while a member is speaking, the latter must stop and take his seat if asked so. Lately a new practice has been widely introduced for scientific gatherings with numerous participants: the papers are divided between sections and generalized by a principal speaker for each section with the discussion following afterwards.

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