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III. Vocabulary study

3.1. Translate into Ukrainian the following words with common stem and word-combinations:

– active, activable, activate, activation area, activator, actively, reclamation activities, activist, activated, activize;

– consume, water consumer, consumership, consumable goods, consumed energy, consumption, consumptive articles;

– filter (n), filter (v), filtering, filter-paper, filter-tipped cigarette, filtration system, filtrate; filtrable, filtrability, filter-press, anti-filtration measures;

– perfect, perfectible design, perfecting machine, perfectibility, attain perfection, perfective aspect, perfectionism, perfectly, perfector, perfecto, perfectionist, perfect irrigation technology;

– relate, related enterprise, international relations, relationship, relational, relative density, relatively useful device, theory of relativity, relator, relativism, relativistic electron;

– substantiate, substantial argument, substantiality, substantialize, raise substantially, substantials (n pl), substantiation.

3.2. Match the words from the left-hand column to the corresponding translation from the right-hand column:

задовольняти потреби

water supply


reclamation activities


to meet the requirements

меліоративна діяльність

long-range forecasting

головний споживач води

to raise substantially


atomic power station

значно підвищувати


галузі народного господарства

to account for

довгостроковий прогноз

timber floating

невід’ємна чаcтина


водні ресурси

major water consumer


water resources

атомна електростанція

branches of national economy

рибні промисли

part and parcel

3.3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

efficiency of reclamation projects, responsive to irrigation crop, available information, water resources utilization, approximately, underground water, various needs, water transport, hydropower, communal water supply, thermal power station, storage capacity, purely irrigation purposes, rehabilitation of existing irrigation systems, on the basis, economic calculations, dynamic salt-water balance, operational control, water content of the sources.

3.4. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words:

програма розвитку меліорації, вдосконалення планування, сільськогосподарський сектор, водогосподарські розрахунки, всебічно, на основі прогнозування, вживати заходи, широко застосовувати, більш ніж, Дніпровський каскад, науково обґрунтований облік, підвищити ефективність використання води, вдосконалювати зрошувальні технології, джерело, відводити воду, вибирати оптимальні методи використання водних ресурсів.

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