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3. Project work. In small groups of 3 or 4 students summarize the stages of Hydroenergetics development in Ukraine. Supplement II

It is interesting to know

Getting wiser about water...

UK companies use a staggering 1300 million m3 of water every year: three times more than the quantity needed. This factor is contributing to real concern about the sustainability of water use in the United Kingdom, and to fears of a 'desert state'. Companies use the majority of water, and can play a major part in reducing wastage. According to the Environment Agency, 55% of publicly supplied water is used by industry and commerce.

What's the problem?

1. Over the last decade, demand for water has reached unprecedented levels. However, many firms still waste money – as well as water-through poor water management.

2. A dripping tap alone can waste 26 litres of water a day, or £750 a year. Something as seemingly harmless as a hose left running to drain all day can cost up to £46 500 annually.

3. Last year 1.8 million m3 of water was lost through leakage. Though water companies make headlines when it comes to identifying leaks in the public water supply, at least of leaks are at the customer end. Businesses have a responsibility to mend their leaks.

Steps to stop water waste...

Before starting a waste minimization campaign it's good to get support, interest and involvement of senior management in order to introduce performance measures and demonstrate a clear link between cutting waste and performance. Measurement of indices enables senior management to track progress,

... In the office

Office-based firms can save money in the kitchen, washrooms and toilets. For a example:

– stop dropping taps – and save up to £750 per year;

– fit push-button taps and save up to half the water used by conventional taps;

– install water displacement devices such as cistern bags - supplied free by water companies;

– change to automatic flush controllers on urinals ensuring flushes only during office hours or after use – this can cut use and cost in half;

– check pipes for leaks – expensive on the water bill, also damaging to the building.

...And in industrial firms

Water costs UK industry £1 014 million a year, so the scope for savings is substantial. Many manufacturers use a great deal of water during production, in boiler rooms, canteens and in vehicle washing. Industrial businesses can reduce water consumption by:

– water metering, which will help them understand and manage water and effluent;

– switching off water supplies when they are not needed;

– avoiding overflows and eliminating leaks;

– fitting flow restrictors and automatic shut-off devices;

– providing training and clear instructions for operators;

– avoiding unnecessary cleaning;

– sweeping up slurries rather than using a hose;

– re-using or recycling wash, wastewater or rinse waters;

– using natural convection or forced air cooling instead of water cooling where appropriate;

– using process wastewater as cooling water.

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