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IV. Get ready to render the text

4.1. On the basis of textual word-building chains with the stems “vary” and “improve”, state the number of paragraphs dealing with:

– the comprehensive use of water resources for multiple needs of national economy;

– the measures aimed at optimizing methods of water resources utilization in the course of land reclamation.

4.2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the annual amount of water taken from all sources to meet the requirements of national economy of our country?

2. What’s the total water supply used for agriculture?

3. Why does the relationship between land reclamation and water resources development become ever so close?

4. What needs of national economy are most of water reservoirs in the country used for?

5. Where are the largest canals in Ukraine, serving irrigation purposes, located?

6. Are any measures applied in order to optimize the methods of water resources utilization?

7. Why do water management computation techniques require improvement?

8. What is scientifically substantial record of the forecast changes of water resources aimed at?

9. Why does the importance of long-range forecasting of weather and sources’ water content increase?

10. What are the ways of raising the efficiency of water use at reclamation projects?

4.3. Ask your groupmates questions in English about:

– які галузі національної економіки забезпечує водою система водного господарства країни;

– який обсяг водних ресурсів заплановано використовувати в майбутньому для потреб сільського господарства;

– чи є поверхневий стік єдиним джерелом води для зрошувальних цілей;

– які заходи вжито для вдосконалення методів використання водних ресурсів в процесі меліорації земель;

– на що спрямовані протифільтраційні заходи і вдосконалення зрошувальної технології.

Denotative Graph.

4.4. Add two or three sentences to the given statements using the material of the text and Denotative Graph:

1. Most of water reservoirs in Ukraine are used comprehensively. 2… 3… 4…

2. In order to optimize the methods of water resources utilization, the following measures are applied . 2… 3… 4…

3. The work aimed at raising the efficiency of water use at reclamation projects proceeds in two main directions. 2… 3… 4…

4. Each year the amount of water taken from all sources is in excess of 30 km3. 2… 3… 4…

4.5. Get ready to speak on the following topics (3-5 sentences):

1. The major water consumer within the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

2. Water reservoirs used for various needs of national economy of our country.

3. Ways of optimizing water resources utilization in the course of land reclamation.

4.6. Write down your annotation of Text a.

V. Additional text

5.1. Memorize the following words:

reclamation of swamped lands

меліорація заболочених земель

to be linked with

бути пов‘язаним з...

inadequate water supply

недостатнє водопостачання

in accordance with

згідно з...

water management

водне господарство

to tackle

розглядати, розробляти

to put into service

ввести в дію

arid areas

засушливі землі

in ancient times

давно, в давні часи

to create favourable conditions

створювати сприятливі умови

to ensure


in recent years

за минулі роки, недавно



sewerage system

каналізаційна система

public utilities

комунальні послуги

in the average year

в середньому за рік

all-round utilization

всебічне використання

to devote special attention

приділяти особливу увагу

industrial enterprises

промислові підприємства

hydroelectric power station


to be limited

бути обмеженим

to generate

виробляти, генерувати

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]