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IV. Get ready to render the text

4.1. Answer the questions:

1. What is one of the largest consumers of water?

2. Does a site use water from one source only?

3. What water sources can you name?

4. What does the choice of a source depend on?

5. What must be done with the abstracted water before drinking it?

6. What treatment processes do you know?

7. What is water disposal?

8. Where is industrial wastewater discharged to?

9. Is wastewater always treated on site?

4.2. Work in pairs. Ask your groupmate questions in English about the following matters and let him / her answer them:

– чи споживає промисловість велику кількість води;

– скільки є способів постачання води для промислових та комерційних підприємств; у чому вони полягають;

– яким чином здійснюється водовідведення на промислових підприємствах;

– чи завжди промислові стічні води очищаються.

4.3. Add two sentences to the given statements using the information from the text and Figure 2:

1. Generalized flow of water to industry and commerce in Fig.2 comprises two important processes.

1. ... 2. ...

2. There are two ways of industrial water supply.

1.... 2.... 3. …

3. Before water is used for a particular purpose it may require treatment.

1. ... 2. ...

4. Water is disposed from manufacturing site in the following ways.

1. ... 2. ...

4.4. Get ready to speak on the following topics (3-5 sentences):

1. The sources of water supply for industry and commerce.

2. The ways of disposing industrial sewage.

3. Water treatment processes in industry.

4. Treatment of industrial wastewater.

4.5. Using Figure 2 retell the text “The Use of Water”.

VI. Additional text

5.1. Memorize the following words.

to distribute water

розподіляти воду

to evaluate


catchment area

площа водозабору

to carry out

виконати, здійснити

preliminary survey

попередня, первинна розвідка



to check



долина, низина

the foot of the hill

основа, підніжжя пагорбу

to fail

зазнати невдачі



5.2. Read Text b “Water Supply Source“: text b. Water supply source.

1. The purpose of water supply system is to distribute water to the locations where it is needed. A source of water must be found which is adequate in quantity and quality. An understanding of the geological properties of the Earth is necessary to recognize and evaluate the potential sources of water for this system.

2. The choice of a source of supply for development depends on a number of factors, chief among which are:

– the quantity and quality of the water available;

– the possibilities of sanitary control of the catchment area;

– whether the water can be supplied to the consumers by gravity or has to be pumped;

– the distance from the source to the houses.

In order to obtain full information on these points it is necessary to carry out a very careful preliminary survey.

3. The first step in starting any water scheme is to determine what sources of supply are available. Frequently a good source is not difficult to find but it is usually advisable to check all alternatives as some may be more economical and safer to develop. Sometimes suitable sources are not obvious and a search should then be made in the valleys, along the foot of the hills, where the vegetation is greener, and such places. If the search fails to reveal a satisfactory source an investigation of the ground water becomes necessary, and for this a knowledge of the local geological formations is most helpful.

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