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2. Match them correctly by writing the letter in the box beside the description of the source.

Energy sources

The sources of energy on the left, and the descriptions of the sources on the right, are not matched correctly.


Wind Power

The heat of the magma deep down in the earth.


Wave Power

Energy generated by atoms joining together.


Geothermal Energy

The movement of air.


Solar Power

The movement of the sea.


Nuclear Fusion

Heat of the rays of the sun.

3. Having read the texts try to formulate answers to the following questions:

1. What part of a turbine changes the steam back into water?

2. After electricity has been produced by a generator, what must it pass through before it goes into the national grid?

3. What percentage of electricity in the U.K. is generated by coal?

4. What makes a turbine turn in a power station?

5. What is the source of energy in the sun?

6. What do we call the liquid rock deep down in the earth?

7. Have scientists succeeded in finding a way to get fusion to work on earth?

8. Of the five kinds of energy sources shown on the Future Sources poster, which do you think is most important for the future of humans?

9. In one sentence, say why you decided on the answer you have given to Question 8.

4. Project work. Discuss the following information.

The fossil fuels of coal, gas and oil will not last forever. Once they are burned to produce energy, or used to make other products, they are gone forever.

The following figures show about how long fossil fuels will last if we continue to use them at the present rate.


225 years


58 years


32 years

Discuss what life will be like when the different fuels run out.

What things will no longer work?

How will people's lives change?

Text 4.

1. Look through the following texts below and give the main idea.

Getting drinking water to your tap

To get the water from our Water Treatment Works to our customers we have a 24,900km long network of water mains and pipes. We also have 590 water pumping stations to help move the water along the pipes and 850 local storage reservoirs. Our system of water mains and pipes needs improvement. The average age of our pipes network is about 40 years, although some pipes are nearly 100 years old. The condition of our water mains and pipes affects water quality at the tap (particularly colour), the amount of leakage, water pressure and bursts, which cause interruptions to supply. Our goal is to improve the overall state of our water mains and pipes network to tackle each of these problems where they happen.

Current standing

Each year we carry out a total of 220,000 tests for water quality. We test for over 100 different quality parameters, including colour, taste and smell. Overall compliance with the bacteriological standards set for drinking water measured at our local storage reservoirs and at our customers’ taps is now 99,7%.

Cleaning your waste water

In Wales, we collect, treat and dispose of the waste water from our customers. As far as we are able, we deal with this waste water safely and in a way that has the least possible impact on the environment. Most of our Sewage Treatment Works (STWs) use biological processes to break down and clean the sewage. However, in all, only 55% of the sewage we collect goes to these STWs. The rest goes to 129 sea outfalls which currently have limited or no treatment facilities. This means that the waste water produced by the equivalent of about 1,6 million people still goes into the sea with no more than screening. The top priority therefore for the next 5 years is to make significant improvements to coastal sewage treatment. It will add up to a major environmental improvement programme for our region and will comply with new European legislation.

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