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Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “can” in the following sentences.

1. Some parrots can speak. 2. Look! I can lift the chair with one hand. 3. I can see nothing without my glasses. 4. Speak up! I can’t hear you. 5. What can I do for you, sir? 6. Tony, you can take my car tonight. I’m not using it. 7. You can’t borrow my car. I’m using it myself. 8. You can’t write the examination test in pencil. 9. She can’t be sitting here. Everybody has gone home. 10. He could still be at home. 11. Can he still be at home? Can’t he be at work? 12. I don’t know who rang but it could have been Tom. He promised to give a call. 13. I had no key so I couldn’t lock the door. 14. He couldn’t help laughing. 15. Can I speak to Mr. Black, please? – I’m afraid he is out at the moment. Could you ring back later? 16. He could be joking. 17. You can’t be joking. 18. You could be right. I’m not sure. 19. You can be either a friend or an enemy but you can’t be both at a time. 20. I wish I could have a friend like you. 21. It wasn’t easy but our team was able to win the match. 22. I asked the teacher if I could open the window, but she said I couldn’t because it would be too noisy.

Ex. 2. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive after the verb “can/could”. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I have a high temperature. I can’t (to leave) the house. 2. A friend of mine couldn’t (to do) it. I don’t believe it. 3. You could (to help) him when he was in trouble. 4. Rugby can (to call) hand football. 5. I could (to help) him but I didn’t know if he needed my help. 6. He could still (to write) the test. He hasn’t left the classroom. 7. Can this lady (to be) Barbara? She can’t (to change) like that. 8. The situation was bad but it could (to be) even worse. 9. We didn’t go out last night. We could (to go) to the disco but it was cold and we decided to stay at home. 10. I could (to lend) him $100 but he didn’t ask me. 11. This problem can (to solve) easily. 12. Can/Could she be still (to run) a high temperature? 13. It can't (to be) 10:00 now. Your watch is fast, I suppose. 14. It can’t (to be) 10 p.m. It was still light. 15. She can (to be) about 30 now. At least she can’t (to be) more than 32. 16. She can’t (to work) in the garden now. It’s already dark. 17. Can she (to wait) for us all this time? 18. The island can’t (to reach). 19. I simply couldn’t (to refuse). They would have been hurt. 20. I don’t know what he has been doing all morning. He could (to work) at his report. 21. He could (to die) if you didn’t phone him an ambulance.

Ex. 3. Tell what you can do now but you couldn’t do some time ago.

Model: Can you understand your parents?

Now I can. But when I was younger (some years ago), I couldn’t understand them.

  1. Can you stand on your head?

  2. Can you bear the noise?

  3. Can you get on well with people?

  4. Can you travel alone on a plane?

  5. Can you relax with people you don’t know well?

  6. Can you cope with any difficult task?

  7. Can you play the guitar/the piano/the violin?

  8. Can you drive/ride the bicycle?

  9. Can you trust all people?

Ex. 4. a) Tell two things you can do perfectly well and two things you can do a bit.

b) Tell what you can’t do in any case.

c) Tell what you will be able to do in the future.

Ex. 5. Answer the questions about your personal qualities.

  1. Can you laugh at yourself?

  2. Can you always tell the people what you really think?

  3. Can you usually get what you want?

  4. Can you keep calm in stressful situations?

  5. Can you keep your temper under control?

  6. Can you always see both sides of an argument?

  7. Can you express your feelings easily?

  8. Can you ignore criticism?

Ex. 6. Transform the sentences as in the models. Expand the sentences to illustrate the difference in the use of “can”.

Model 1: It can/could be his fault. (возможно, это его вина)

It can’t be his fault. (не может быть, чтобы)

Can it be his fault? (неужели…)

  1. It can be dangerous.

  2. It can be true.

  3. It can be her handwriting.

  4. It can be Tom’s book.

  5. It could be like that.

  6. It could be Brian.

Model 2: He can’t/couldn’t go home. (не может быть/не мог…)

He can’t have gone home. (не может быть, чтобы он уже ушел; вряд ли …)

Can’t he have gone home? (неужели…)

  1. He can’t tell you about it.

  2. He can’t write a letter to Tony.

  3. You can’t see him.

  4. He can’t walk so fast.

  5. He can’t be joking.

  6. He can’t make such a serious mistake.

  7. She couldn’t read the book.

Model 3: He didn’t notice you. (он не заметил тебя)

He can’t/couldn’t have failed to notice you. (он не мог не заметить)

Can/could he have failed to notice you? (неужели он не заметил)

  1. He didn’t understand me.

  2. He didn’t pass the exams.

  3. He didn’t notice my mistake.

  4. He didn’t commit the crime.

  5. They didn’t realize what had happened.

  6. She lost sight of them in the crowd.

  7. He left without saying good-buy.

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using “can/could” in the required meaning.

  1. When traveling by air нou are allowed to take up to 20 kilograms without paying extra.

  2. I am convinced that it is possible for all people in the world to live in peace and friendship.

  3. Is it possible that we have been asleep for more than 3 hours?

  4. The teacher said that he allowed the children to go home.

  5. The doctor said that the patient was not permitted to leave the hospital, as he needed a longer course of medical treatment.

  6. Will you be so kind as to tell me the way to the nearest post office?

  7. Would you be able to become a skilled engineer?

  8. I wonder how she managed to learn so many foreign languages.

  9. It’s unbelievable that she has failed to get in touch with him.

  10. Most probably he didn’t see you, otherwise he would have come up to you.

Ex. 8. Change the sentences so as to use “to be able to”.

Model: Can you speak English? (soon)

Not yet, but I will be able to speak soon.

  1. Can you hand in your course work? (in some days)

  2. Can you look through my composition now? (in the evening)

  3. Can he skate well? (with time)

  4. Can you return my book? (tomorrow)

  5. Can you follow the speaker? (when I have a little more practice in spoken English)

  6. Can we join your sports club now? (in January)

  7. Can you visit us this week? (next week)

Ex. 9. Fill in “can/can’t”, “could/couldn’t”, “(not) to be able to” in the appropriate tense form.

1. I was sitting near the stage, so I … see and hear well. 2. Sorry, I … stay here any longer. 3. We … get in touch with him in such a short time. 4. I … come tomorrow, I’m afraid, I’m too busy. 5. You … swim across the river in this place, it’s extremely dangerous. 6. … translate the text last Monday? – No, I … but I … to translate it next week. 7. There are two things you … do here, to smoke and make noise. 8. You … leave without paying. 9. That … be the hotel I told you about. 10. I … hear Ann’s voice well, but I … hear what she says. 11. When I was a child I … understand adults, now as I’m an adult I … understand children. 12. My grandparents were bilingual. They … speak Belarusian and Polish. 13. ... you show me that umbrella, please? 14. Tomorrow I … to take part in the game because of my injury. 15. When I first went to England I ... neither read nor speak English. 16. I know the town well so I ... advise you where to go. 17. ... I speak to Mr. Green, please? – He is out at the moment. ... you ring back later? 18. He … climb up to the top: he was scared. 19. She … reach the window by standing on her friend’s shoulders. 20. I’m sorry, but I … come to your party next week.

Ex. 10. Fill the spaces using “can/can’t”, “could/couldn’t”, “to be able (to)”, “to be allowed”, “to manage” in the necessary tense form.

1. I can’t understand Peter. I never … to understand him. 2. I can’t swim well now but I … swim very well when I was a child. 3. Women … vote in England until 1922. 4. Did they find your house? – Yes, it took them a long way but they … . 5. The policemen chased the thief but he … to escape. 6. In the future people … to live on other planets, I suppose. 7. I … get tickets for the performance. They were all sold out. 8. We’ll … to get home soon to have lunch with you. 9. Although it was hard I … to solve the crossword. 10. I’m locked. I … get out. 11. This jacket was priced at 50 pounds, but I … get a discount because of this little mark on the sleeve. 12. He said he … the task by himself. 13. If they hadn’t phoned for an ambulance he … die. 14. You … to drive in the park. 15. Can you … without the dictionary? – Yes, I … already … with half of the text. 16. You … take your dictionary. I don’t need it any more. 17. I lost my key yesterday and ... open the door. 18. When the sun rises we ... to continue our way. 19. ... you show me the way to the station? 20. Excuse me, how ... I get to the nearest supermarket? 21. The boy was very tired but he ... to reach the opposite shore of the river. 22. What ... help people live through a difficult time? 23. Steven is enjoying his computer classes. Two weeks ago, he … even use the mouse but now he … edit his homework. By next month, he … to do research on the Internet.

Ex. 11. Translate into English.

1. Я ничего не вижу без очков. 2. Я вижу Ирину на улице. Она меня не может видеть, потому что я в машине. 3. Вчера ночью было так душно. Я не мог спать. 4. Сделай это, пожалуйста, для меня. 5. Вы не могли бы еще немного подождать? 6. Этой ручкой нельзя писать. 7. Неужели это ее муж? Он в два раза старше ее. 8. Неужели они проиграли? 9. Неужели он верит этому? 10. Неужели он не верит этому? 11. Неужели вы его не видели? 12. Неужели так холодно сегодня? 13. Не может быть, чтобы он не одобрил это решение. 14. Не может быть, чтобы взрослый человек говорил такие глупости. 15. Не может быть, чтобы она вам об этом рассказала. 16. Не может быть, чтобы он опоздал на поезд. Он раньше никогда не опаздывал. 17. Не может быть, чтобы я неправильно вас понял. 18. Не может быть, чтобы они не знали об этом. 19. Он не мог это забыть. 20. Жаль, что погода плохая, мы бы пошли гулять в парк. 21. Жаль, что его нет дома. Он мог бы помочь нам. 22. Где они могут находиться сейчас? 23. К сожалению, я ничего не могу о ней вспомнить. Это было так давно. 24. Несмотря на трудности, он сумел добиться многого. 25. Ты бы мог сдать экзамены гораздо лучше, чем ты их сдал. 26. Я смогу вернуть ваш доклад после того, как просмотрю его. 27. Он как раз тот человек, который может объяснить вам, что нужно делать. 28. Мы смогли закончить работу, хотя у нас было мало времени. 29. Он не мог не восхищаться городом. 30. Вы не могли не знать этого. 31. Она не могла не плакать. 32. Нам наконец-то удалось найти тот магазин, в котором мы были вчера. 33. Я слышу запах газа на кухне.

Ex. 12. Insert the suitable form of “can” and “to be able to”.

Journey’s end

The journey to Western Papua had been very hard. We … make much progress in the heavy rain and we … only cross rivers with great difficulty. After two months’ journey, we … see smoke in the distance and knew we must be near a village. There was another boiling river in front of us, but we … cross it by using a rope bridge we had brought with us. At last we approached the village and wondered how we … to communicate with the chief. None of us … speak the local language. Soon, a young dignified and smiling man approached us. “… you speak English?” I asked hopefully. “Of course”, the young man replied. “I was educated at Oxford University. I’m Chief Naga. Welcome to my village!”

Ex. 13. Think of the situations round the following proverbs.

  1. Love cannot be forced.

  2. What is done, cannot be undone.

  3. Change of habit cannot alter nature.

  4. Can leopard change its spots?

  5. A man can do no more than he can.

  6. What can’t be cured must be endured.

  7. Old friends cannot be sacrificed for new ones.

  8. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

  9. You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.

  10. Success is the ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in the pockets.

  11. Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a Family (J.C. Bryan).


Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “may/might” in the following sentences.

1. May I come in? – Yes, you may/No you may not. 2. May I have a question?   3. Drivers may go at 60 kilometres an hour here. 4. You may stay at your friends' over the weekend. 5.  She may never be married. 6. You’d better come earlier, there may be a crowd. 7. I may try to fix the TV but nothing will come of it. 8. Students may not bring their textbooks into the examination room. 9. Don’t worry. He may not notice you. 10. Don’t be angry with her. She may have done it by mistake. 11. Tom asked me if I might switch off the radio. 12. You might have come an hour ago and not to be late. Your sister might just as well come in time. 13. There might be some cheese in the fridge. 14. I’ll wait so that he might have time to think it over. 15. You might be more thankful for all I’ve done for you. 16. It might have been taken for a joke if he hadn’t been so serious.

Ex. 2. Use “may/might” followed by the appropriate Infinitive.

1. You (not to bother) him. He is very busy this week. 2. He (to sleep) but I’m not sure. 3. He spoke English so well that he (to be taken) for an Englishman. 4. Take your chance. You at least (to say) “Good morning”. 5. You (to say) “Good bye” before leaving. It was not polite of you to leave without doing so. 6. He (to warn) me about it before. 7. I can’t find him anywhere. He (to go) shopping. 8. Don’t call him now. He (to write) his essay. 9. Why aren’t you at the station? They (to be) arriving soon. 10. The decision (to announce) next week. 11. I (to ask) you to explain the rule once again? 12. I’m afraid it (not to stop) raining by the time. 13. You (to leave) school when you are 15.

Ex. 3. Paraphrase the sentences as in the models expressing request, advise, permission, possibility, prohibition, reproach.

Model 1: Do you think I could have one of these sandwiches?

May/Might I have one of these sandwiches?

I wonder if I might have one of these sandwiches.

Do you think I could …

swim in the sea?

go fishing on Sunday?

speak English at the meeting?

leave the room for a moment?

have another drink?

come to your place one of these days?

Model 2: Don’t keep silence!

You may not keep silence. The children have already woken up.

Don’t …

keep that secret

look at me like that

explain me anything

put on warm clothes

think I am so stupid

smoke here

Model 3: Where is Frances?

I don’t know. She may be on holiday.

  1. Where is my passport?

  2. Where are my slippers?

  3. Why is he late?

  4. Why is he in bed?

  5. Who was that man?

  6. What did he buy?

  7. When will he finish his work?

Model 4: a) If you were more careful you might …

If you were more careful you might avoid the accident.

b) If you had been more careful you might …

If you had been more careful you might have avoided the accident.

  1. If nothing happened they might …

  2. If nothing had happened they might …

  3. If they arrived an hour earlier they might …

  4. If they have arrived an hour earlier they …

  5. If I bought a lottery ticket I might …

  6. If I had bought a lottery ticket I might …

  7. If he had some money he might …

  8. If he had had some money he might …

Ex. 4. Express ironical requests based on the following sentences. Expand the situations.

Model 1: You may praise the boy.

You might have praised the boy. He deserves it.

  1. You may order the room in advance.

  2. The news may kill me.

  3. You may come and help me do the room.

  4. He may try that again.

  5. You may meet her at the station.

  6. The weather may be bad. Don’t go there.

  7. The fire may start if you don’t fix the electric plug.

  8. You didn’t switch off the light before leaving.

Model 2: You didn’t give me a full account.

You might have given me a full account. You were expected to do this.

  1. She didn’t wear her new dress to the party.

  2. He didn’t remember the child’s birthday.

  3. The boss didn’t ask my opinion.

  4. I didn’t think of the possible consequences.

  5. I didn’t know it was so urgent.

  6. Kate didn’t notice her friend though she was wearing bright clothes.

  7. You didn’t help your mother to clean up after the party.

Ex. 5. Express the same using “may/might”.

Model: It is possible that we’ll know the results tomorrow.

We may know the results tomorrow.

  1. Perhaps these are your keys.

  2. Guests are allowed to wear casual dress.

  3. There’s a possibility that the flight will be cancelled.

  4. My parents say they will allow me to go on a camping tour.

  5. I was shivering from cold. So he permitted me to put on his coat.

  6. It is prohibited to stay in the hospital after 7 p.m.

  7. My cousin is going to arrive tonight.

  8. We are allowed to go whenever we want.

  9. Maybe rain, maybe snow. Maybe “yes”, maybe “no”.

  10. Maybe, he will get a new job soon.

  11. Maybe George won’t go for a walk with us.

  12. It will probably rain at noon.

Ex. 6. Use “may/might” or “to be allowed to”.

1. You ... find this book at any library. 2. ... I speak to you for a moment? 3. ... I see your passport, please? 4. I ... never be able to see you again. 5. You ought to buy it now; prices ... go up. 6. When he was a child he ... do exactly as he liked. 7. Warning: No part of this book ... be reproduced without the publisher's permission! 8. The teacher said to the students that they ... find this book at any library. 9. He has refused but he ... change his mind if you ask him again. 10. She ... not to drive since the accident. 11. He ... not believe you. 12. We … to go by boat because there was no wind. 13. The girls … to go to the disco in case they come back by 11.

Ex. 7. Translate into English, use modal verbs “can/could”, “may/might”.

1. Можно задать вам вопрос? 2. Можно посмотреть Ваш паспорт? 3. Сегодня очень пасмурно. Возможно, будет дождь. 4. Возможно, они уже давно занимаются этим вопросом, но пока еще нет никаких результатов. 5. Почему Джон еще не пришел? – Он, возможно, придет позже. – Он мог бы предупредить, что опоздает. 6. Я уже полчаса ищу свою записную книжку. Не может быть, чтобы я ее потерял. – Возможно, ты оставил ее дома. 7. Ты бы мог предупредить нас, что не сможешь выполнить эту работу в срок. 8. Я звоню им второй раз, но никто не отвечает. Не может быть, чтобы они уже ушли. – Возможно, они завтракают на кухне и не слышат звонка. 9. Неужели он забыл заказать нам номер в гостинице? – Он, вероятно, заказал на свое имя. 10. Почему вы думаете, что вы правы? Вы вполне можете ошибиться, как и всякий другой.

Ex. 8. Act out the conversation in pairs paying attention to the use of “may/might”.


Have you made your holiday plans, Den? I’m thinking of going to the seaside in the summer.


Well, that’s very kind of you. When are you thinking of going?


Oh, I might leave some time in August. At the end of it, I think.


Do you know how much it’s going to cost?


I don’t know for certain. It might be not very expensive, if you live in a camping.


Oh, that’ll be nice. Are all our friends going?


I think, most of them may be going. Not Susan, of course. She is off to Italy again. She may have been staying there for 2 weeks already.


Has she gone by plane there?


I don’t know really. Somebody said she might have gone there by sea. Well, will you go with us?


Thank you very much. I’ll think of it..

Ex. 9. Think of the situations round the following proverbs.

  1. The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.

  2. A fair face may hide a foul soul.

  3. Think of the devil and he may appear.

  4. The bird may be known by its song.


Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “must” in the following sentences.

1. We must all help your parents. 2. I must excuse myself, I was not quite right. 3. Must I work hard? – Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t. 4. He must be suffering! 5. You must have been a comfort to your parents.6. Kate must have been ill, otherwise she would have come to see us. 7. You mustn’t sit up so late? 8. The editor must have failed to read the story. 9. You must be a member of the club before you can come here. 10. Nothing must be done in a hurry. 11. You really must consult the doctor today. 12. She must be angry with me. She doesn’t phone me. 13. This coat must be expensive. It is in fashion. 14. He must have failed to notice her. 15. When I was almost ready to go she must have changed her mind. 16. I must be leaving right now.

Ex. 2. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive.

  1. I’m afraid I must …, Sam.

a) be going b) have gone

  1. You must … for me for a long time, Peter.

a) be waiting b) have been waiting

  1. The typist must … a lot of mistakes. The boss was not happy.

a) have made b) be making

  1. The water is streaming down the street. It must … for some hours.

a) have been raining b) rain

  1. According to the state plan, many new houses must … this year.

a) be built b)have been built

  1. I must … you it wasn’t as simple as that.

a) tell b) have told

7. She speaks English much better. She must … a lot.

a) have been practicing b) practice

8. They must … now for the exams that are fixed for tomorrow.

a) be preparing b) have been preparing

9. You must … home instead of wasting time here.

a) go b) be going

Ex. 3. Say: a) what you must always do and what you mustn’t do.

b) what you must do today and what in the nearest future.


drive carefully/fast

obey/disobey traffic rules

be polite/patient

be reasonable

be honest

violate the rules

stay here any longer

improve your pronunciation

speak out at the meetings

speak to the dean

respect the rights of others

interrupt people

learn to drive

learn grammar better

learn some new recipes

send an e-mail

sign the documents

attend the lectures

Ex. 4. Express supposition.

Model: It (должно быть идет дождь) outside.

It must be raining outside.

  1. These people (должно быть устали), look at their faces.

  2. Helen (должно быть не заметила) John or at least she pretended not to see him.

  3. He (должно быть) very clever and intellectual.

  4. They (должно быть) rich. There is a big car parked outside the gate.

  5. Kate (должно быть болела), otherwise she would have come to see us.

  6. The child is crying bitterly. Something (должно быть случилось).

  7. She (должно быть не имела опыта).

  8. They (должно быть пригласили) Jane to dinner. She is getting ready.

  9. The room (должно быть была вакантной) for a long time, considering the price.

Ex. 5. Express prohibition.

Model: The baby is sleeping. (to shout)

You mustn’t shout.

  1. What I am telling you is a top secret (to tell).

  2. This book is very valuable (to lose).

  3. Jill is seriously ill but she takes many pills to recover as soon as possible (to take so much medicine).

  4. Tom has a bad habit to take the things he likes without permission (to steal other people’s property).

  5. Ann is running a high temperature (to go out).

  6. The boy can swim badly but he is going to reach the shore with the help of flippers (to swim too far from the shore).

Ex. 6. Express the same using “must/mustn’t”.

Model: Who is that young man? Perhaps he is her elder son.

This young man must be her elder son.

1. It’s necessary for many students to pay for education. 2. I advise you to go and see him in the hospital. 3. I see no reason why we should argue. 4. What’s the use of crying? Nothing will help. 5. There is no need to bother him. 6. It is absolutely unnecessary for you to take part in the discussion. 7. The doctor asked the patient not to neglect his advice not to get into trouble. 8. It is against the rule to smoke in the corridor. 9. Notice reads that dogs should be kept on a lead. 10. Evidently he didn’t know about it, he would have come if he knew. 11. She is sure to go on business next week. 12. He has a bad memory, he doesn’t remember the latest events.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

1. Кристина должна убрать в квартире. 2. Кристина должно быть убирает в квартире. 3. Должно быть уже убрала в квартире. 4. Она, должно быть, уже прочитала эту книгу. 5. Ты должна прочесть эту книгу. 6. Она, должно быть, уже читает эту книгу. 7. Я должна поблагодарить вас. 8. Люди не должны забывать о своем прошлом. 9. Должно быть, книга уже прочитана. 10. Должно быть, это не было сделано вовремя. 11. Вам нельзя входить сюда. Идет экзамен. 12. Она, должно быть, забыла их адрес. 13. Дети не должны играть со спичками. 14. Не надо приходить сюда каждый день. 15. Здесь нельзя гулять. 16. Не смей плакать. Ничего не вернешь. 17. Нельзя заходить в палату. Это запрещено. 18. Не разрешается останавливаться в этом месте. Вас оштрафуют. 19Нельзя переходить улицу на красный свет светофора. 20. Не смей смеяться над ним. 21. Тебе не надо оставаться здесь. 22. Нельзя брать чужие вещи без спроса. 23. Ни в коем случае не выходи из комнаты. 24. Не смей спорить с Тамарой. Она права.

Ex. 8. First act out the following conversations in pairs. Then report them.

I thought he was married


Mark must be spending his evenings playing chess, I think he must try to do something more useful.


Well, chess isn’t so bad, after all. It’s an interesting game. Henry must be in a worse position. He usually stays at home cooking and washing up.


He must have failed to get married.


He is married. His wife is a modern woman. She believes in equality of men and women.


Oh, it must be she who is always sitting in a cafe and discussing the problems of equality with her friends.


She is.


She must be very intellectual.


She is.


And how do you usually spend your evening?


I usually sit in the pub drinking beer and discussing philosophy.


It must be your hobby.


It is.

Ex. 9. Think of the situations round the following proverbs.

  1. If you want to eat the fruit, you must learn to climb the tree.

  2. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

  3. As you brew, so you must drink.

  4. If the mountains will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountains.

То Have (to)

Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “to have to” in the following sentences.

1. I have to stay in bed because I have fallen ill. 2. She has to get up early, she was going on an excursion. 3. He had to go there though he didn’t want to. 4. I will have to hurry to the station to catch the morning train. 5. The documents have to be filed. 6. It’s raining. I have to take my umbrella. 7. Do you have to obey the instructions. – Yes, I do, but I won’t have to do it tomorrow. 8. George has to take his exam once again, doesn’t he? 9. Lawyers have to solve many problems that still exist in our society.

Ex. 2. a) Say what you have to do today and what you will have to do tomorrow.


to stay at home

to rush to school

to take the dog out

to have grammar test

to explain everything

to get rid of the bad habits

b) Ask you partner what he had to do yesterday.

Ex. 3. Explain why your partner had to:

to take a taxi

to change the trains

to wait for the train

to walk all the way home

to look up new words in the dictionary

to earn his own living

Ex. 4. Ask your friend why he has to:

to go shopping

to repair the TV by himself

to wear glasses

to go to the police station

to take the exam again

to pay tuition

to be quiet

to pay extra money to the dentist

Ex. 5. Complete the following sentences using “to have to”.

  1. I’m afraid it’s going to rain, so … .

  2. It’s getting late, so … .

  3. He’s lost my book, so … .

  4. Mother is away, so … .

  5. We had little time, so … .

  6. He didn’t earn enough money, so … .

  7. She understood she wasn’t right, so … .

  8. The situation is rather grave, so … .

  9. He is seriously ill now, so … .

  10. I had much work to do, so … .

Ex. 6. Practice the following according to the model.

Model 1: She used to help him a lot with his English.

Now she doesn’t have to. He knows the language very well.

  1. I used to lose a lot of time to get to the office.

  2. When he was a student he used to work mostly in the library.

  3. She used to argue a lot on the subject.

  4. He used to copy a lot of documents by hand.

  5. When she came to live in this country she used to ask a lot of questions.

Model 2: Now I must think of such things but last year …

Now I must think of such things but last year I didn’t have to.

  1. With this new job I must keep a lot of things in my mind but a few months ago … .

  2. Now we must get up early but during our vacations … .

  3. Now she must take a bus to get to the Institute but when she lived in the centre … .

  4. Now he must help his parents but a few years ago … .

  5. Now I must go to my doctor quite often but when I was your age … .

Model 3: Do you want to speak at the meeting?

I’ll have to.

  1. Is she going to explain why she has been absent the whole week?

  2. Will he agree to the operation?

  3. Are they going to return by the September, 1?

  4. Will she answer the telegram?

  5. Are they going to follow your advice?

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

1. Лена вынуждена сказать правду, другого выхода нет. 2. Ей придется последовать совету врача и переменить климат. 3. Партнерам придется согласиться с нашим решением, нравится оно им или нет. 4. Ему пришлось прекратить спорить с отцом, это было бесполезно. 5. Единственное, что тебе нужно сделать, это известить нас о дне твоего приезда. 6. Из-за плохой погоды мне пришлось остаться вчера дома. 7. Почему вы не пришли? – Я не смогла. Мне пришлось заканчивать работу. 8. Мои занятия начинаются в 10 часов, поэтому мне не надо вставать рано. 9. Автобусы практически не опаздывают, поэтому мне не надо долго ждать. 10. Единственное, что ему придется сделать, это отказаться от их помощи. 11. Офис находится далеко от дома, поэтому я вынужден ехать автобусом на работу. 12. Мне придется оставить все и поехать в больницу. 13. Твоим родителям придется прийти в школу и поговорить с директором. 14. “Это не бесплатно. Вам придется заплатить,” – предупредила администратор. 15. Завтра выходной. Нам не надо идти на работу. 16. Дорогой Алан, мне приходится писать тебе, потому что у меня неприятности.

Ex. 8. Retell the text paying attention to the use of “to have to”.


A lady once wrote a long story and sent it to a famous editor. After a few weeks the story was returned to her. She got angry and wrote to the editor.

“Dear Sir!

Yesterday you sent me back a story of mine. How do you know that the story isn’t good? Either you have misunderstood the story or you must have failed to read it all, as I have pasted together pages 18, 19 and 20. When it came back the pages were pasted.”

The editor wrote back:

“Dear Madam!

At breakfast when I open an egg, I don’t have to eat all the egg in order to discover that it is bad.”

To Be (to)

Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “to be to” in the following sentences.

1. The Chairman is to open the ceremony. 2. The congress was to be held in the Palace of the Republic. 3. We are to meet at the entrance to the University tomorrow. 4. Who is to answer the first? 5. When is Bob to come? 6. He was to write a report on their problem but he failed. 7. I wonder if he was to get in touch with Mr. Black in London. 8. She was to be operated on heart. 9. She is to take the medicine three times a day, isn’t she? 10. The Principal says I’m to arrange the meeting. 11. The jubilee is to be celebrated this summer.

Ex. 2. Combine the verb “to be to” with the appropriate form of the Infinitive (active or passive).

  1. My dear Katherine, is it you? Am I (to believe) my own eyes or not?

  2. We were (to meet) at the restaurant but she didn’t come.

  3. “I don’t know exactly where Charles is (to find)”, he said.

  4. Mr. Franklin was (to dine) with them that night but he had to stay at work.

  5. But where will we ourselves go? What is (to happen) to us?

  6. I want to know on what terms this girl is (to accept).

  7. You want someone to save you, don’t you? But how is it (to do)?

  8. No one is (to admit) into the room except the nurse. His disease is catching.

  9. Bob was (to make) a report at the conference but he fell ill.

  10. I was (to ring him up) at 6 o’clock but it entirely slept my memory.

  11. According to the development plan many new houses are (to build) this year.

  12. The plane was (to take off) at night, but the weather was too bad.

  13. There was (to be) an interesting concert last night, but then it was postponed.

  14. I stood at the window, looking at them disappear, and my heart kept repeating “Good-bye, good-bye!” I was not (to see) them for many years.

  15. Nobody met me when I came. I was (to arrive) by ten o’clock train, but I couldn’t get a ticket for it.

Ex. 3. Imagine that you are planning an exchange visit to London. Answer the following questions that need further discussion.

  1. Who is to participate in an exchange visit?

  2. Where is it to take place?

  3. When are you to go to London?

  4. When are your guests to come to your city?

  5. Who is to meet them at the airport?

  6. Where are they to stay?

  7. How long are your guests to stay in Minsk?

  8. What events are they to participate in?

  9. Whom are they to meet?

  10. What cultural programme is to be provided for them?

Ex. 4. Express the same using “to be to”.

1. He promised to come tonight. 2. They plan to take their examinations in June. 3. We agreed that the one who came first would reserve seats for the rest of us. 4. We decided to go for an outing on Sunday but we couldn’t because of the rainy weather. 5. We were told to finish our work in time but we failed to do this. 6. He plans to get in touch with me on Tuesday evening. 7. I promised to arrive a day later but could not warn any of my friends. 8. Rosemary agreed to meet me at Oxford and drive me to the Rembers. 9. He is expected to join us at the railway station at 5 p. m. 10. It’s planned that I’ll go on business to Manchester next month. 11. He was destined to live a long and happy life. 12. It is arranged that Marianne would meet me at the bus stop.

Ex. 5. Complete the following using “to be to”.

    1. I can’t go to the cinema with you (to be in the hospital at five).

    2. He won’t be present at the meeting tomorrow (to take his exams in English).

    3. You needn’t start writing the article at once (to hand it only next month).

    4. We are expecting him in Brighton (to join us there).

    5. Don’t let the child watch this film (children, not supposed to see such films).

    6. They went there by different roads (but, to meet near the lake on the same day).

    7. We will have to get up early (to leave at 6.30).

    8. We didn’t want to start the discussion of the book without him (to say a few words about the author).

Ex. 6. Translate into English.


1. Поезд должен прибыть через пять минут. Давай поторопимся. 2. Поезд должен был прибыть пять минут назад. Нам надо было поторопиться. 3. Нам предстояло совершить путешествие по красивейшим местам на юге Франции. 4. Я должен доставить вещи на вокзал. Так мы договорились с братом. 5. Ей предстоит сдавать вступительные экзамены в следующем году. 6. Во время нашей поездки по Лондону мы должны посетить целый ряд музеев, театров, парков и т. д. 7. День, когда мы должны были отъезжать, был дождливым, но не холодным. 8. Кому первому выступать на собрании/сказать ей об этом/выйти из самолета? 9. Нам предстоит сегодня встретиться с интересным человеком. 10. Собрание должно состояться после занятий. 11. Я знал, что Фрэнк должен был прийти в клуб. 12. Они должны были остановиться в гостинице, но свободных мест не было, и они остановились у своих знакомых. 13. Вы стойте здесь, хорошо? 14. Они должны были провести свой медовый месяц в Испании. 15. Я должен был закончить эту работу в конце недели, но не закончил. 16. Он должен был прийти и помочь.


Мне суждено было

  • стать учителем. Это была моя детская мечта;

  • побывать в самых отдаленных местах;

  • повстречаться с очень интересными людьми;

  • встретиться с ним еще раз;

  • стать его мужем/ее женой.

Как мне быть? Что мне делать?

  • Что мне ей сказать?

  • Что со мной будет?

  • Разве лучшее еще наступит?

  • Ты же не покинешь нас сейчас?

Ex. 7. Find Russian equivalents to the following proverbs. Agree or disagree with their meaning.

  1. All truths are not to be told.

  2. If thing were to be done twice, all would be wise.

  3. Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.


Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “need” in the following sentences.

a) 1. You needn’t explain such simple things. You should know them quite well. 2. You needn’t have done this. It was useless. 3. You needn’t have paid for it, it was free. 4. We needn’t go to school today. We have an excursion to the museum. 5. Need I go there right now? – Yes, you must/No, you needn’t. 6. My doctor said I needn’t worry, everything will be all right.

b) 1. I need a new dress, a bag and a lipstick. There are many things that a woman always needs. 2. We need a moderately priced hotel. 3. He needs your help and advice how to get out of this extreme situation. 4. My grandparents’ house needs repairing. It also needs painting and cleaning. 5. Do you need to work on Saturdays? 6. Do you need to show your passport every time. 7. Pat is a clever student, but she needs to work very hard. 8. We don’t need to come at 12, do we?

Ex. 2. Rewrite the sentences using “need” with an object or a gerund. It will be necessary to change some words.

Model: a) I think it’s time for your house to be painted.

Your house needs painting.

b) How many people should we have for a full team?

How many people do we need for a full team?

  1. There is a lot to do. We should have more time.

  2. The doctor says that I should have more exercise.

  3. You are never here when I (need) you.

  4. How much money I (need) for the weekend?

  5. You (need/have) a special license to drive a lorry?

  6. This floor is dirty: it should be cleaned immediately.

  7. Your tires are very old. It’s time to change.

  8. The dog is hungry. It wants to be fed.

  9. The baby is dirty. It’s time to wash her.

  10. Your hair should be washed.

Ex. 3. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use “need with the proper form of the Infinitive.

Model: a) It is not necessary to hurry so much. We have much time left.

We needn’t hurry so much. We have much time left.

b) It was not necessary to hurry so much. We had much time left.

We needn’t have hurried so much. We had much time left.

  1. Why do you mention all these figures? The situation is clear as it is.

  2. Why do you want to press your trousers? They aren’t creased at all.

  3. Why do you want to do it all today? It’s not urgent.

  4. It is not necessary to take the six thirty train. A later train will do as well.

  5. It was not necessary for mother to cook this enormous dinner. We have brought all the food the children may want.

  6. You don’t have to stay any longer, boys. You can go home now.

  7. There is no need to complain. It can be worse.

  8. There was no necessity for her to do it herself.

  9. It was no use talking to him. His mind was made up.

  10. There were no customs officers, so we didn’t have to show our passports.

Ex. 4. Write “(didn’t) need to” or “needn’t have done” and the correct form of the verb to complete these sentences.

Model: … (to catch) the bus this morning, because Vic gave me a lift.

I didn’t need to catch the bus this morning, because Vic gave me a lift.

  1. You … (to go). You did right.

  2. You … (to go) to the post office to ring him up. There was a telephone booth round the corner.

  3. … (to lend) that money. I found out later that he had already borrowed all the money he wanted.

  4. I … (to do) that work – the teacher didn’t even look at it.

  5. I … (to take) the tent because I knew I could hire one at the campsite.

  6. You … (to buy) such an expensive present, but I’m very glad that you did.

  7. I … (to take) any money: they had already told me that it wasn’t necessary.

  8. I … (to count) the money: they had already told me that it was done automatically.

  9. I … (to work) so hard for my exams: they were much easier than I expected them to be.

  10. I … (to get up) so early: I had forgotten it was Sunday.

  11. I had some friends in the town, so I … (to stay) in a hotel.

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

1. Мне надо купить много подарков. 2. Им может понадобится выступить перед аудиторией. 3. Тебе надо полить цветы. 4. Не надо беспокоиться, все будет хорошо. 5. Не надо спорить, и так все ясно. 6. Вам не надо покупать эти книги, они есть в библиотеке. 7. Не надо делать все упражнение, десять предложений достаточно. 8. Не надо взламывать дверь. У меня есть ключ. 9. Не надо поливать грядки. Часто идет дождь. 10. Нет необходимости писать ему, лучше позвони. 11. Не надо брать такси. Мы пойдем пешком. 12. Нет необходимости объяснять. Все уже решено. 13. Не надо заказывать билеты. Я уже заказал. 14. Не надо было заказывать билеты. Я купил их вчера, но забыл сказать. 15. Не надо было делать такой длинный доклад. Все устали. 16. Не надо было тратить все деньги. Это неразумно. 17. Незачем было приходить так рано. Офис еще закрыт. 18. Незачем было браться за это дело. Ты не справишься. 19. Тебе не стоило приходить, но ты почему-то пришел. 20. Тебе не надо было приходить. Ты сделал правильно, что не пришел. 21. Зря вы вдавались в детали. Они несущественны. 22. Зря вы ушли так рано, было интересно. 23. Это не должно было случиться. 24. Мне придти завтра? – Нет, незачем/Да, приходи.

Ex. 6. Act out the dialogues paying attention to the use of “need”.


  • Here’s the concert hall. We needn’t have hurried so much. When does the concert begin?

  • It won’t begin until 7.

  • Then we needn’t have taken a taxi. We could have walked here.

  • You see I like to come in good time. Besides I wanted it to be a pleasure for you.

  • Oh, thank you. It’s kind of you.


  • Need you sit up so late at night?

  • Yes, I must. You see, tomorrow I am to hand my essay in.

  • Let me have a look at it. Oh, you needn’t have written such a long essay. Then you could have written it quicker. Must (need) I help you?

  • No, you needn’t. I’ll try to cope with it myself.

Ex. 7. Imagine you are in the situation described in the text. What will you say?

A doctor is giving certain directions to a young man. He tells him not to neglect his advice or he may get into trouble and have to go to hospital. The young man asks the doctor about the medicine (whether to take it with water or milk), some vitamins, a diet, etc. The man thanks the doctor for his help.

Act out the conversation between the doctor and his patient. Try to follow these patterns in some of your sentences.

  1. What about vitamins? Need I take any? – Yes, you must.

  2. Must I also get more sleep? – No, you needn’t, but you must keep regular hours.

Should, Ought (to)

Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “ought to” and “should” in the following sentences.

1. You should buy a new hat, this one doesn’t suit you. 2. You are overweight. You shouldn’t eat so much. 3. I am feeling sick. I shouldn’t have worked so much. 4. I should have told them what I thought. I didn’t tell them, now I am sorry. 5. Our guests should/ought to be here soon. Finish up with your preparations. 6. I ought to practiced more. I want to play better. 7. I ought to have practiced more. I didn’t practice enough. 8. I ought to tell you the truth. You will know it sooner or later. 9. Why should I go there ? What should I dress? 10. It’s time you should go to bed. 11. You should pass the exam successfully because you have been working hard.

Ex. 2. Combine “should”/“ought to” with the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.

  1. I’m afraid I should (to be) the last person to know about it.

  2. Didn’t he say anything to you about it? You should (to ask) him.

  3. When a man is old enough to do wrong he should (to be) old enough to do right also.

  4. “We should never (to come) here”, she burst out.

  5. You should (to go) to the concert. Why should you (to miss) the music?

  6. I realize now I shouldn’t (to say) anything.

  7. Should a baby (to play) with a box of matches?

  8. I ought to help him it’s my duty.

  9. You ought to look neat.

Ex. 3. Express your disagreement with the following statements, giving your reasons.

  1. You should go to bed.

  2. You should give him all possible support.

  3. You should make a speech at the conference.

  4. You should thank him for his advice.

  5. You should have a talk with Pete.

  6. You should write your course paper as soon as possible.

  7. You should finish reading this book by tomorrow.

  8. You should help him to catch up with the group.

  9. You should ring them up in the evening and speak about it.

  10. You should buy this computer, it is really good.

Ex. 4. Give advice as in the model.

Model: 1) I often have a sore throat. (to eat less ice-cream).

You should eat less ice-cream .

  1. The boy is a little pale. (to play out-of-doors)

  2. I’m afraid you’ll miss that train. (to take a taxi)

  3. There is no one in. (to try the room next door)

  4. She may have forgotten all about her promise. (to phone and remind her)

  5. I don’t know which hat to take. (to take the one which goes with your hat)

  6. I have a slight irritation in my throat. (to smoke less)

  7. This child simply won’t eat soup. (not to give her sweets before dinner)

  8. She makes a lot of spelling mistakes. (to make smb. copy passages out of a book)

  9. The dog is afraid of him. (not to shout at him)

  10. The students seemed unable to follow what I was saying. (not to speak so fast)

Ex. 5. What would you advise a friend who …?

  1. spends much time watching TV;

  2. is often late for classes;

  3. wants to know English;

  4. doesn’t want to drop smoking;

  5. wants to learn to play chess;

  6. can’t wake up early in the morning;

  7. doesn’t pay attention to his/her health;

  8. is going to spend summer in the south;

  9. is going on a journey round the world.

Ex. 6 Change the sentences using “should” so as to express criticism.


  1. I’m sorry I didn’t encourage my sister to practice the piano every day.

  2. It’s a pity you didn’t reserve a ticket in advance.

  3. It’s a pity we didn’t support his proposal.

  4. I don’t think it was clever of her not to change her room for a larger one.

  5. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the party last night. It was great.

  6. It’s a pity she didn’t use a dictionary. She made a lot of mistakes.

  7. I don’t think it was clever of you not to take part in the conference.

  8. It’s a pity Joan didn’t follow her mother’s advice.


  1. Kate left the door unlocked.

  2. I sat in the sun all day.

  3. Ann went to the country in the nasty weather.

  4. You overslept that morning and were late for your classes.

  5. My sister didn’t feel well yesterday but went to the disco.

  6. It was rather cold yesterday but Nick didn’t put on a warm jacket. Now he’s ill.

  7. I needed this book very much but I didn’t buy it.

  8. The secretary didn’t pass the letter to Mr. Brown.

Ex. 7. Respond to the statements given below. Begin your responses with “Why should I/we …? It’s time …”.

to discuss my problems with him;

to go and consult a doctor;

to have a long walk;

to tell us your opinion on the problem;

to complete the work;

to phone him first;

to pack our suit case;

to give them a call;

to return the books to the library;

to go and see Ann. She is ill;

Ex. 8. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use “ought to”/”should” to express probability referring to the present or future.

Model: In all probability you will have a celebration of your Mother’s birthday. She is fifty.

You ought to/ should have a special celebration of your Mother’s birthday. She is fifty.

  1. I expect you will make this day a holiday for your mother, not for yourselves.

  2. Most likely you will prepare a big dinner for such an occasion.

  3. Very likely you will dress in your very best on this day.

  4. It’s likely you will buy some souvenirs for your mother.

  5. If the weather is fine, I think it’s probable that you will take your mother away into the country.

  6. Most probably it will be the most wonderful day in your mother’s life.

Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. Вам следует оставить ей записку. Она придет поздно. 2. Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу в оригинале. 3. Ей следует обратить внимание на свое здоровье. Она выглядит уставшей. 4. Ему следовало бы прислушаться к вашему мнению. 5. Вам следует тщательно продумать план ваших действий. 6. Тебе не следовало ходить туда без предупреждения. 7. Вам следует посетить эту выставку. 8. Вам следовало посетить эту выставку еще вчера. 9. С какой стати вы должны все делать сами? Она может помочь вам. 10. Вы не должны задавать такие вопросы. 11. Вам следовало бы обратиться за советом к ним. 12. Ей надо было бы раньше вспомнить об этом. 13. Зачем мне идти туда пешком? 14. Вам не следовало бы говорить такие вещи в ее присутствии. 15. Вам следует быть осторожнее. 16. Думаю, вам надо ему позвонить. – С какой стати? – Он ваш родственник.


  1. Тебе надо бы (следовало бы, нужно бы)

  • сделать что-то для него;

  • помочь ему в те трудные дни;

  • еще раз прочитать свое сочинение. Там есть ошибки;

  • знать об этом.

  1. Тебе не следовало бы (не надо бы, не нужно бы)

  • говорить никому об этом;

  • оставаться дома;

  • вмешиваться в их дела;

  • разговаривать с ним таким тоном. Он мог обидеться.

  1. Зачем мне (с какой стати)

  • делать это?

  • ходить туда?

  • звонить ему?

  • встречать ее на вокзале и провожать домой?

  1. Откуда я знаю,

  • что они сейчас обсуждают на встрече?

  • что она сейчас делает?

  • что с ним делать?

  • куда она пошла?

  1. Уж он-то знает,

  • что делать в такой ситуации.

  • как это сделать.

  • что она нуждается сейчас в помощи.

  • как сделать правильный выбор.

Ex. 10. a) Act as a guide and give some instructions to your visiting friend who has never been to a big city.

Model: You should get over fear of heavy traffic. You should keep to the right side of the road. You should remember the rules of crossing the street. You should be careful stepping on the escalator. You shouldn’t smoke inside a bus or a trolley-bus.

b) Act as a doctor. Give some instructions to your patient.

с) Act as a teacher. Give some corrections to your pupil.

d) Act as the directing manager of a firm. Give some instructions how to organize the work in it.

e) Act as a supervisor on university practice. Give some instructions to your students.

Ex. 11. A fire-fighter is visiting your school. He wants to tell the students what they should/shouldn’t do if there is a fire. Look at the prompts below and say what his advice is.

Model: You should leave the classroom at once.

  • call the fire brigade

  • stay behind to collect your things

  • follow your teacher’s instructions

  • use the lift

  • run down the stairs

  • go to a safe place

  • panic

Ex. 12. Act out the following dialogue.


Well, Mr. Park. After examining your heart and lungs, I suggest the following. Firstly, you should give up smoking!


Oh, but doctor…


Secondly, you should avoid drinking beer. I recommend milk instead.


Milk, but I hate it!


Well, your blood pressure is much too high. You should stop drinking coffee in the morning.


No coffee either!


You are too fat. So you should take long walks in the fresh air. And you should keep to a strict diet for a month.


Oh, I don’t fancy that at all!


And how about sports? Well, you should play football or go swimming.




And you should follow all my instructions if you don’t want to lose even you present state of health.

Ex. 13. Read the following mini- dialogues and act them out.



Look here, Jackie, didn’t you promise me that you wouldn’t stay in the playground after school for hours to play games?


Yes, father.


And didn’t I promise to punish you if you stayed?


Yes, father, but as I hadn’t kept my promise, why should you keep yours?



Do you think I should put more fire into my poems?

His friend:

No, I really think you should put more of your poems in fire.


Aunt Aggie:

When I use a hammer I always hurt my thumb with it. What should I do to prevent that?


The only thing I can think of, Madam, is that you should hold the hammer with both hands.

Ex. 14. Choose any proverb and use it in the situation of your own.

  1. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  2. He who laughs at crooked man should need walk very straight.

  3. Love should not be all on one side.

  4. Blind men should judge no colours.

  5. Law makers should not be law breakers.

  6. Liars should have good memory.


Ex. 1. Comment on the use of “shall” and “will” in the following sentences.

1. I want to win the prize and I shall do it. 2. Don’t worry. You shall catch up with to rest of the group in no time. I’ll help you. 3. I wanted to apologize, but the necessary words won’t come. 4. The rain went on and on, it wouldn’t stop. 5. Shall I do washing up or will you do it yourself ? 6. Will you show me how this tape-recorder works? 7. Shall I help you carry the bags? They seem very heavy. 8. Girls will be girls. 9. You shall be given everything you want. I’m sure. 10. I will come here to see my friends. 11. Don’t be so noisy, will you? 12. I will be having a short rest now if you don’t mind. 13. The engine won’t work. 14. Will you post this letter for me? 15. Shall I go and learn if he has done the work? 16. You will do what I said! 17. That will be Tom coming home now. Go and open the door for him. 18. I shall punish you if you behave like this!

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences using “shall” or “will” as appropriate.

1. … I open the door? 2. … I leave my name and telephone number? 3. … you sign here? 4. … you tell me exactly what happened? 5. … we wait downstairs? 6. … you follow me? 7. … I peel an orange for you? 8. … I explain it in Russian? 9. … that be all, madam? 10. Let’s stay at home this evening, … we? 11. Who on earth is that ringing you at this time of night? – It … be Jack. 12. Robin is a very naughty child. He … never do what he is told. 13. If you phone my secretary at 5, she … be able to tell you the result. 14. I don’t expect Claire … be able to attend the meeting next week. We … just have to forward the minutes to her afterwards. 15. You … never manage to get all that work done by tonight. – Oh, yes. I … . 16. “The number you want is engaged”, – said the operator – “… I try it for you again later?” 17. It’s best to have an early night as we … be making an early start tomorrow.

Ex. 3. Express request or order using “will”. Explain the difference.

Model: Give me my bill, please. – Will you give me my bill, please.

You will give me my bill.

  1. I need some money.

  2. Please, let me leave.

  3. Do it at once.

  4. Turn the music down, Roy.

  5. Carry these heavy boxes upstairs, please.

  6. Give me a light, please.

  7. Please, have a dance with me.

  8. I ask you to entertain my colleagues.

Ex. 4. Make these invitations very welcoming. Use will/won’t, would/wouldn’t you like, shall we, could.

Model: Shall we go out for a walk?

come to our party next week

stay a little longer

have lunch with us

come on an excursion

have a dance with me

come round for a game of chess some time

bring my wife with me next time

meet my brother next time he is here

go swimming with you

entertain your colleagues

Ex. 5. Make inquiries about the following situations

Model: Let’s go to the duty-free shop. – Okay. What shall we buy there?

Let’s go to Paris for the weekend.

Let’s take a vacation.

Let’s buy a new video camera.

Let’s make all the arrangements for the presentation.

Let’s go out tonight.

Let’s spend some money.

Let’s have a drink.

Let’s hire a car.

Ex. 6. Make offers or requests using “would you mind (not) doing” or “would you like me to…”.

Model: Would you mind ringing this number?

accompany you

come in quietly

have a dance

have a meal out

go to the concert

show me your passport

take some medicine

feed the cat

water the plants

let me know about this

grind some coffee

have some biscuits

stay a little longer

bring your wife with you

have holidays in the Bahamas

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the sentences using “will” in the meaning of willingness, intention, persistence.

Model: I can do this work for you willingly.

I will do this work for you.

  1. Can you do me a favour, Pete? – Yes, willingly.

  2. I don’t want to go till you listen to me.

  3. Keith doesn’t want to go to the doctor or take any advice. He doesn’t want to see anyone.

  4. I’ve told you again and again that I don’t want to be interfered with when I am working.

  5. I’ve proved to you that I love you more than anybody else loves you and you still don’t want to leave that Glenn Kent and go with me.

  6. Only don’t talk to me about divorce, for I simply don’t want to hear of it.

  7. You must be tired, dear. Do you want to go to bed?

  8. “I am not lying”, – I said. – “If you don’t want to believe what I say why do you keep asking me?”

Ex. 8. Reply to the following to express promise, warning or threat using “ will”, “shall”.

Model: You haven’t told me what Nick’s letter is about. (read the letter yourself)

Will you read the letter yourself.

  1. That guy has injured my knee! (to punish)

  2. I’m very tired. I can’t see the end of my project. (to have a rest soon)

  3. I can’t stand that heat! It’s unbearable! (to give some coca-cola to drink)

  4. Nicky is telling lies about your private life. (to have a scandal)

  5. I won’t do this work! I consider it’s wasting my time. (to do it the way I’ll tell you)

  6. There’s no one in. (to try the room next door)

  7. Sylvia is light-minded. The exams are near and she hasn’t done anything yet (to fail an exam).

  8. I must leave for a couple of days. (to speak to the dean, to be allowed).

Ex. 9. Translate into English.

1. Мне помочь тебе с английским? – Да, пожалуйста. 2. Мне будет очень жаль, если ты не последуешь моему совету. 3. Я чувствую себя очень неудобно. Что мне делать? 4. Я не буду делать этого. – Нет, ты сделаешь это немедленно. 5. Ручка не пишет. – Возьми мою. 6. Машина не заводится. Что мне делать? 7. Сварить кофе? 8. Дать чашку крепкого чая? 9. Мне начинать? 10. Чего ради он должен тебя выручать? 11. Сделай мне, пожалуйста, одолжение, встреть меня на вокзале. 12. Ты не зайдешь ко мне сегодня? 13. Она бывала всегда опаздывала. 14. Она бывала часами сидела у телефона и ждала. 15. «Я попытаюсь сделать так, как ты хочешь», – ответила Лариса. 16. Ты не сдашь экзамен, если будешь продолжать в том же духе. 17. Мне будет очень жаль, если ты не последуешь моему совету. 18. Скорее всего мясо будет пережарено. 19. Уверен, что они добьются своего. 20. Я тебя не подведу. Я обещаю. 21. Животное даже не пошевелилось. 22. Сейчас же иди домой и принеси дневник. 23. Она не говорит, в чем дело. 24. Он не желает меня слушать. 25. Ты сделаешь то, что тебе велят.

Ex. 10. Act out the following dialogues.


  • Good morning. My name is Brown. I have an appointment with Mr Smith for 10.30.

  • Yes, certainly, Mr. Brown. Mr. Smith said you’d be coming over. But would you mind waiting a few minutes? Mr. Smith’s on the phone just now. You will be called in as soon as he's finished with the call.


  • When are you having the English exam?

  • The day after tomorrow. I’m trembling at the thought. What shall I do?

  • Calm yourself. Relax, you will pass it. Are you really so scared?

  • No, I’m not. Just excited.

Ex. 11. Read the following story. Then retell it using the patterns under study. Act the story out.

April, 1 is the day on which in some countries people try to play tricks on others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says “April Fool!” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs too.

On April, 1 a country bus was going along a winding road when it suddenly slowed down and stopped. The driver anxiously turned switches and pressed buttons, but the bus wouldn’t move. Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old. It isn’t going as well as it used to go. There’s only one thing to do if we want to get home today. If you will lean forward suddenly as hard as you can, that should get the bus started again. “All the passengers obediently said,” We will try,” pressed back against their seats and waited anxiously.

Then the driver turned to his front and asked, “Are you ready?”

The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer, “Yes!” “One! Two! Three!” counted the driver. The passengers swung forward suddenly – and the bus would started forward at a great rate.

The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief. But their smiles turned to surprised and then delighted laughter when the driver merrily cried, “April Fool!”

Ex. 12. Find Russian equivalents to the fell proverbs.

  1. As you sow, you shall mow.

  2. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

  3. He who doesn’t work, neither shall he eat.

General Review of All Modals

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences and discuss the difference in their meaning.

  1. They might tell me but …

They may have told me but …

They might have told me but …

I might have been told but …

They may tell me but …

  1. You mustn’t tell her that …

You don’t have to tell her that …

You needn’t tell her that …

You oughtn’t to tell her that …

  1. I should have trusted him but …

I had to trust him but …

I shouldn’t have trusted him but …

I didn’t have to trust him but …

I needn’t have trusted him but …

  1. She can’t have lunch because …

She can’t be having lunch because …

She couldn’t have lunch because …

She can’t have had lunch because …

  1. We could have tea early because …

We were able to have tea early because …

We managed to have tea early because …

  1. He may not have seen her, so …

He can’t have seen her, so …

He may not be seeing her, so …

He can’t be seeing her, so …

He may not see her, so …

He can’t see her so

Ex. 2. Express permission.

a) asking for permission with can/could, may/might.

Model: borrow the pen. – Can I borrow your pen?

b) giving/refusing permission with can/could, may/might, mustn’t, can’t.

Model: have one more cake. – You can/can’t have one more cake.

sit with you help you tidy the room enter the room

use your phone ask you for advice park the car

see your driving license have a look at your photo stay up late

have some more wine come to your place have one more question

Ex. 3. a) Fill in the correct word expressing permission: “allow/permit”, “permission”, “may”, “might”, “can”, “could”. Indicate where two words are possible.

Ben wanted to ask his teacher for … to leave school early on Friday afternoon, but he didn’t really expect that she would … him to do so. He explained about some dental appointment, which he could possibly miss, but somehow, she didn’t seem to believe him!

‘Miss Jones, … I leave school at 3.30 on Friday, please? You see, I have this dental appointment and …’

Miss Jones replied that he … go ten minutes earlier, but not half an hour earlier! She knew that if she … Ben go earlier, the other pupils would expect to be … to leave earlier, too, and she couldn’t possibly … this become a regular occurrence!

‘I’m sorry, Ben, but I really can’t … you to go at 3.30. However, you … go at ten minutes to four, just this once, and I’ll give you some extra homework to do in the dentist’s waiting-room!’

b) Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation between Ben and Miss Jones.

c) Retell the conversation first as Miss Jones, then as Ben.

Ex. 4. a) Insert the correct word expressing possibility/probability: “may”, “might”, “maybe”, “possible”, “can”, “could”.

Sue was expecting Peter to take the afternoon off in order to do some urgent work on the house. But he hasn’t arrived. Sue and her sister are discussing what may have happened to him.


I wonder where Peter’s got to. He said he’d be here in time for lunch. I’m rather worried.


Don’t worry! He … still come.


I doubt it. It’s past 2 o’clock. But I do think he … rung me up!


He … done, and we didn’t hear the phone? Or … his boss couldn’t give him time off, after all.


Yes, that’s … . I suppose.


Or the car’s broken down again on the way home, … !


Yes, he said that he thought it … well do so if he drove too fast.


Oh, dear! If he’s stuck on that lonely road he won’t be home until midnight! You … wait an hour for another car to pass.


Or he … an accident! Do you think I should call phone the police?


Gracious, no! Don’t fuss! He … be on his way right now!

(Ten minutes later, the phone rings).


Sorry, Sue, but I can’t get away from the office. An urgent piece of work. I shall be pretty late, I expect. It … be 8 or 9 before I get home. I hope you weren’t starting to worry.


Gracious, no! Of course not!

b) Work in groups of three. Role-play the conversation.

c) Retell the conversation as: Sue, Elizabeth, Peter. Use any additional information you want. Remember to use modal verbs and words listed above.

Ex. 5. Choose the correct verbs expressing necessity or lack of it.

1. You ... keep out of that room. It's private.

a) don't have to b) mustn't c) must

2. I'm going to retire soon. Then I won't... work any more.

a) must b) have to c) can

3. You ... vote in our country until you are 18.

a) have to b) must c) aren't allowed to

4. Tomorrow is a holiday. We ... go to work.

a) don't have to b) aren't allowed to c) have to

5. The law says that you ... report a motor accident to the police.

a) can b) are to c) have to

6. Kate wants better grades next term. She ... harder.

a) must have studied b) will have to study c) can study

7. Next week the European Parliament ... introduce a new law on safety at work.

a) is to b) will be to c) had to

8. They say it's going to clear up by tomorrow morning. – Oh, good. That means I ... take my umbrella.

a) must not b) don't have to c) can't

9. It was 6 o'clock ten minutes ago. Your watch ... be right.

a) can't b) mustn't c) don't have to

10. What's the matter with him? He's acting kind of strange. – He ... be sick. Everyone around him has the flu.

a) must not b) must c) has to

11. Our ancestors ... great skill, intelligence and strength to create these wonderful things.

a) must have b) must have had c) will have

12. A tree has fallen across the road. It ... down by the storm.

a) must have been blown b) must be blown c) can't be blown

Ex. 6. Express absence of necessity or prohibition with mustn’t, can’t, needn’t, don’t need/have to.

Model: It is forbidden to smoke here. – You mustn’t smoke here.

1. You are not allowed to enter the club without a card. 2. You can do it later. It is not necessary. 3. It was not necessary to work yesterday because it was Sunday. 4. There was no need to go to the supermarket. 5. She is ill, she is not allowed to go to school. 6. The office is closed, they never work on Sundays. 7. It is not necessary for him to wear a school uniform. He goes to a private school. 8. James may stay at home and don’t go with us. 9. We agreed to meet at the library at 9 o’clock so I have no other option. 10. John is not going to catch the bus. He has a car. 11. It is not necessary for me to go to the bank today, I did it yesterday. 12. It is not possible for you to eat so much. 13. You are not allowed to play in their garden. 14. You can’t park here. It’s forbidden.

Ex. 7. Supply suitable verb forms indicating the necessity and absence of necessity to do something: must, needn't, shall have to, shan't have to, had to, didn't have to, will have to, won't have to.

Ben's mother is considering the things she has already done and the things she has still to do in the near future.

Model: 1) Since I went to the butcher's yesterday, I ____ today.

Since I went to the butcher's yesterday, I needn't go there today.

2) I didn't visit Jane last week, so I ____ call on her tomorrow.

I didn't visit Jane last week, so I'll have to call on her tomorrow.

  1. I forgot to ring up Mrs. Barlow yesterday, so I ____ do it today.

  2. I ____ go to the market this morning, as I went there yesterday.

  3. I didn't make an appointment with the dentist yesterday, so I ____ do it next week.

  4. I phoned Ben's headmaster yesterday, so I ____ phone him tomorrow.

  5. I ____ go to the dressmaker's yesterday, after all, so I expect she'll want me to go next week instead.

  6. Since I ____ pay some overdue bills last week, I'm a little short, so I ____ go to the bank this afternoon.

  7. I forgot to pick up the things from the cleaner's yesterday, so my husband ____ pick them up tomorrow.

  8. Ben paid the milkman yesterday, so I ____ pay him this morning.

  9. If I go to the chemist's this morning, I ____ go tomorrow.

  10. If I do my aunt’s shopping, Ben ____ do it for her next week.

Ex. 8. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains “must”, “have to”, “be to”, “should”.

Model: I'm sure that Helen feels really lonely. – Helen must feel really lonely.

  1. Do I need a different driving license for a motorbike?

  2. You needn't come with me if you don't want to.

  3. Was it necessary to build the road to take traffic away from the city centre?

  4. It wasn't necessary for her to take time off work when her son was ill.

  5. I expect her to come and help.

  6. It has been arranged that Tom will paint the fence.

  7. Probably, she was upset when she heard the news.

  8. Due to circumstances I'm sure to borrow money from my sister.

  9. The hall is packed. Probably, there are about a thousand people at the meeting.

  10. Certainly, I’ll go to the school. The head teacher has called me to her office.

  11. I'm sure that David took your books by mistake.

  12. Keep your eyes on the road.

  13. Drive with the headlights on at night.

Ex. 9. Imagine you are in the following situation.

A doctor is giving certain directions to a young man who’s just run down a bit. He tells him not to neglect his advice or he may get into trouble and have to go to hospital. The young man asks the doctor about the medicine (whether to take it with water or milk), some vitamins, a diet, etc. The man thanks the doctor for his help.

Act out the conversation between the doctor and his patient. Try to follow these patterns in some of your sentences.

  1. What about vitamins? Need I take any? – Yes, you must.

  2. Must I also get more sleep? – No, you needn’t, but you must keep regular hours.


a) Choose proper modal verb.

  1. … (Can, May) you keep your temper under control?

  2. … (Can, Must) she be waiting for us all this time?

  3. He … (can’t, mustn’t) have left without saying good-bye.

  4. I … (can’t, can) understand Peter. I never ... (to be able, can) to understand him.

  5. … (May, Can) I have a question?

  6. You … (may, can) praise the boy. He deserves it. You … (might, may) have praised him long ago.

  7. He … (may, must) not know that he is seriously ill.

  8. She … (must, may) ring you today, she promised.

  9. She … (must, may) ring you today but I’m not sure.

  10. Those who live in glass houses … (should, would) not throw stones.

  11. You (needn’t, mustn’t) explain such simple things. They … (should, have to) know them quite well.

  12. You … (needn’t, mustn’t) have done this. It was useless.

  13. You … (must, have to) send him an official invitation so that he could get ready for the celebration.

  14. You …(should, ought to) call the police if you see an accident.

  15. Kate isn’t here. She ... (must, might) be working, I’m sure.

  16. They ... (should, must) have got lost! They don’t know the city well.

  17. … (Must, Have to) I really do this translation today? – No, you ... (mustn’t, needn’t). You ... (may, have to) do it tomorrow if you like.

  18. There was no train to the town, so I ... (had to, must) drive.

  19. The exercise is not very difficult. It … (can, may) be done without help.

  20. If you have a new heart attack you …(must, should) be taken to hospital.

  21. She is young. She … (can’t, may not) be more than 20.

  22. She ... (must, should) have been angry when she heard the news.

  23. Mary ... (mustn’t, can’t) be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago.

  24. You (must, can) pay your landlady otherwise she may turn you out.

  25. – Somebody phoned you at lunchtime but I couldn’t catch the name. – It ... (may, should) have been my brother. He sometimes rings me up.

  26. I’m afraid it is going to rain. I … (to have to, should) take the raincoat with me. I … (to be to, to have to) come back in the rain.

  27. I …(to have to, must) stay in that city forever. It was to be.

  28. What I … (to be to, to have to) do? Where I … (to be to, should) go now? I … (to have to, must) know the answer to these questions.

  29. He owes you a lot of money. You ... (should, ought to) not lend him any more.

  30. You ... (mustn’t, needn’t) drive so fast, there is a speed limit here. If there is a policeman, he ... (to be able, may) fine you.

  31. You ... (ought to, should) buy it now, because prices ... (may, must) go up.

  32. ... (Could, Should) you turn down the radio, please? I hear nothing what you are saying.

  33. These old houses … (to be to, must) be pulled down in a few months.

  34. Various reasons ... (may, can) be found for the rapid destruction of tropical forests.

  35. Julie is taking a typing course. She knows she ... (not to be able, to be able) to pass her secretarial exams next year unless she improves her typing speed.

  36. Mr. Wilson explains why he is taking a pill: “I ... (should, have to) take these pills for my blood pressure”.

  37. Mother to daughter: “You ... (have to, must) be home by 11 p.m.” Daughter to her best friend: “I ... (must, have to) be home by 11 p.m.”

  38. ... (Shall, Will) I carry that bag for you? Oh, thank you.

  39. It was crazy to drive like that. You ... (must, could) have killed somebody.

  40. You ... (needn’t, mustn’t) come this weekend – it’s not really necessary.

  41. I was very tired but I ... (could, was able to) reach the shore.

  42. We ... (mustn’t, needn’t) drive fast; we have plenty of time. They ... (mustn’t, needn’t) drive fast there’s a speed limit here.

  43. They ... (to have to, ought to) put off their trip because their daughter had suddenly fallen ill. But I hope they ... (to be able, can) to go in a week time.

  44. Excuse me. ... (Should, Could) I use your computer? This computer is so simple that it ... (to be able to, can) be operated by anyone.

  45. It’s raining cats and dogs. You ... (to be able to, to have to) wait until it stops.

  46. We agreed that the next meeting ... (to have to, to be to) be held in February.

  47. Pete ... (to have to, must) write an essay yesterday, so he wasn’t present at the meeting.

  48. I … (can’t, mustn’t) find my bag anywhere, I ... (might, could) have left it in the shop.

  49. Mary’s parents ... (ought to, must) trust her more. They ... (needn’t, shouldn’t) treat her like a child.

  50. –Why are Bob and Mary late? – Well, they ... (might, should) have missed the 5 o’clock train.

b) Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets together with must or can in the proper form.


He … (to be) rich. There’s a big Volvo parked outside the gate.


But it … (to belong) to him. I saw him driving a Mazda last night.


Look – there’s a woman getting out of a Mazda now, Jack. She …(to be) his wife.


That means they … (to have) a car each. They … (to have) plenty of money. I wonder where were they living before they moved here.


They … (to come) from Scotland. The removal van had the name of a Glasgow Company on it.


Well, he … (to live) there all his life. He talks like a Londoner. I heard him shouting at the van driver.


I wonder if they like the house. They … (to hear) about the trouble the Wilsons had with it. Otherwise they wouldn’t have bought it.


Yes. The Wilsons … (laugh) like anything when they finally sold the house!


Hello. You … (to be) our new neighbours. Come in.


No, thanks. I won’t come in. But I wonder if you can help us? We … (to get) all the keys of the house, because we can’t open the door of one room. There’s a funny noise coming from inside it. The Wilsons … (to leave) something in there … .


Jeff wanted to take Ann to the disco on Saturday. She waited for him at home for an hour. But he didn’t turn up and he didn’t phone. Ann was angry, so she phoned Nick and Jane and asked them to take her to the disco.


Something … (must have delayed/may have delayed) Jeff. He … (could have phoned/must have phoned) Ann to explain. He … (might have had/must have had) an accident on the way to her house.


He … (must have forgotten/should have forgotten) about the disco.


No. He … (cant’ have forgotten/might not have forgotten ) about Ann.

c) Choose the proper form of the modal verb in brackets.

Natural Grief

Young man:

I like the room, it’ll suit me all right if you … (could/would) reduce the price by the week.


The price is but reasonable. I’m afraid it … (can’t/mustn’t) be reduced.

Young man:

The room … (must have been/should have been) vacant for a long time, considering the price.


We … (can/may) afford to choose our lodgers.

Young man:

I assure you, madam, I am a very good lodger. When I left, my landlady almost wept with grief.


Very likely, you … (must have left/might have left) without paying.

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