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III тип условных предложений

Условные предложения III типа выражают маловероятные или нереальные предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени. Глаголы в главном и придаточном предложениях стоят в перфектных временах (the Future Perfect и the Past Perfect, Active and Passive).

If I had lived a hundred years ago I couldn’t have spoken on the telephone.

The accident would not have happened if he had driven slowly.

Had you done all your homework you would have passed the test better.

Как и в предыдущих случаях, в условных предложениях третьего типа союз if может опускаться, а глагол had стоять перед подлежащим.

Had he known your address he would have written a letter to you.

Примечание. В условных предложениях II и III типа могут употребляться следующие структуры: 1) but for this smb would do smth; but for this smb would have done smth;2) to do smth … would help smb; to have done smth … would have done smb.

Смешанный тип условных предложений

Иногда действие в главном предложении и условие в придаточном не совпадают по времени. В таком случае имеет место так называемый «смешанный» тип условных предложений (split condition), характерный для всех типов условных предложений.

If you had worked harder last year, you would know English better now.

(условие относится к прошедшему, а результат – к настоящему).

If I were strong enough I should have gone in for mountaineering long ago.

(условие не относится к какому-либо конкретному времени, а результат относится к прошедшему).

Действие в главном и условие в придаточном предложениях могут не совпадать с точки зрения их реальности/проблематичности. В таких случаях могут употребляться формы действительного и страдательного залогов.

If they ask you about it what would you say.

Условные придаточные предложения II и III типа могут иметь особую структуру, начинаясь со слов if it were (had been) not for… ; but for; except forесли бы не. Они выражают нереальное условие своим лексическим значением.

If it were not for my mother I would have never come back.

But for your help I would have been in trouble.


Ex. 1. Define the mood in the following sentences.

1. Marry, please, get ready. Get ready, guys! 2. Dress warmly. 3. Come in and make yourself at home. 4. Turn left at the traffic lights. Look both ways. 5. Don’t touch that! 6. Do tell me everything. 7. Dial 999 if you want Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade. 8. He said, “Get out of my way!” 9. Let’s begin our discussion. Let Marry start first. 10. I am a student. 11. It's cold. 14. Не doesn't like cats. 12. I wish you good luck. 13. I wish you were lucky. 14. Will you come here again? 15. If I see him I will tell him everything. 16. If I saw him I would tell him everything. 17. If I had seen him I would have told him everything. 18. If we were earning more money you could buy a house in the countryside. 19.If I were you I would trust her more. 20. I might take a couple of days off if the weather were better in April. 21. He suggested that we should climb the mountain. 22. He suggested climbing the mountain. 23. It’s important that students should take interest in public life. 24. I’d better live in the city than in the country. 25. I’d rather had lived in Ancient Greece in than Ancient Rome. 26. I wish I were you. 27. I wish I could have helped her. 28. Had I time I would come. 29. If it were summer now… 30. If only he arrived tomorrow... 31. Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us. 32. Whatever you may say, our decision remains unchanged. 33. But for the fog we would have reached our destination ages ago. 34. If interested apply the consultant. If necessary, take a taxi. 35. Supposing you won the football match, what would you do? 36. He acts as if he were in charge. 37. I feel as if an express train had hit me. 38. It’s high time that you got down to business. 39. God bless you.

Ex. 2. Comment on the use of Conditionals in the following sentences.

Conditional sentences: type I (real condition)

  1. If I see him I will tell him everything.

  2. If you (not to go) away I’ll send for the police.

  3. If he (to be) late we’ll go without him.

  4. Ice (to turn) to water if you heat it.

  5. What may happen if my parachute (not to open)?

  6. Unless I have a quiet room I (not to be able) to do any work.

  7. Should you require anything else please (to ring) me up.

Conditional sentences: type II (unreal condition referring to the present)

  1. If I won a big prize in a lottery I would give up my job.

  2. If she (to do) her hair differently she might look quite nice.

  3. More tourists (to come) to this country if it had a better climate.

  4. I (not to go) there if I were you.

  5. What would you do if the lift (to get) stuck between two floors?

  6. What you (to do) if a burglar came into your room at night?

Conditional sentences: type III (unreal condition referring to the past)

  1. If I had known that you were in hospital I would have visited you.

  2. If you (to arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

  3. If I (to try) again I think that I would have succeeded.

  4. Rome (to be captured) by its enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled.

  5. Suppose he phoned you, would you answer?

  6. Hardly has anyone been concerned about the pollution some decades ago.

Conditional sentences: mixed types

  1. If you go to Paris where would you stay?

  2. If Jim hadn’t missed the plane, he (to be) here by now.

  3. If I ask you to marry me what you (to say)?

  4. George would be happier now if he had (to become) a doctor.

  5. If you hadn’t left your map at home, you (not to be lost) now.

  6. My grandmother would be happier and healthier if she (not to have) so much worries in her life.

Ex. 3. Change the following sentences of real condition into sentences of unreal condition.

Model: If I have time, I shall help you.

а) If I had time, I should help you.

б) If I had had time, I should have helped you.

1. If he works hard, he will pass the exams well. 2. If they finish their work quickly, they will go home early. 3. If you don't listen to the teacher, you will learn nothing. 4. If he lives in England, he will go to Oxford University. 5. If the storm is over we’ll have a pleasant walk. 6. If she is here she will give us some advice. 7. If Peter comes he will explain everything. 8. The flight may be cancelled if the fog gets thicker. 9. If I leave home I think I will be lonely. 10. If you don’t remind me I may forget. 11. If you ring me up I’ll tell you a secret.

Ex. 4. Use the proper form of the conditionals in the main clause.

    1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (to visit) you.

    2. If I knew that the traffic lights were red I (to stop).

    3. If you had obeyed my instructions you (not to get) into trouble.

    4. If I hadn't been wearing tight shoes I (to catch) the bus quite easily.

    5. If he tried again I think he (to succeed) in passing his driving test.

    6. If the fire brigade didn’t come immediately, their house may (to burn down).

    7. If I had known that she was in trouble I can (to comfort) her.

    8. If you helped me with this exercise, I (to do) the same for you one day.

    9. If you were in, I (to phone) you tonight.

    10. If I were you I (to take) those words back.

    11. If Sarah joined the club, she (to make) more friends.

    12. If John hadn’t overslept he (not to be) late for work.

Ex. 5. Use the proper forms of the conditionals in the subordinate clause.

  1. I wouldn’t have believed it if I (not to see) it with my own eyes.

  2. He might have understood it if you (to speak) slowly.

  3. He would take me with him if I (to be) ready.

  4. The newspaper would print the story if it (to be) true.

  5. You would hear everything if you (not to talk) so much.

  6. If you (to wear) this dress nobody would have recognized you.

  7. I would take a couple of days off if the weather (to be) better in April.

  8. I might have taken a couple of days off if the weather (to be) better in April.

  9. Sarah might enjoy herself if she (to go) out more.

  10. If I (to have) an umbrella with me I wouldn’t have got wet.

  11. If Mark (to train) harder, he would be a good sportsman.

  12. If I (to have) a car I could give you a lift.

Ex. 6. Form the conditional sentences.

Model: He is busy and does not come to see us.

If he were not busy he would come and see us.

  1. I’ll go to the dentist because I have a toothache.

  2. He broke his bicycle and so he did not go to the country.

  3. He speaks English badly: he has no practice.

  4. I had a bad headache yesterday, that’s why I did not come to see you.

  5. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg.

  6. I was late for the bus so I took a taxi.

  7. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening.

  8. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advise because I am not acquainted with him.

  9. You know the rule well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that’s why you always make any mistakes.

  10. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble.

  11. The pupils worked hard and did well in their examinations.

  12. She won’t try to enter the foreign languages department because she is not good at foreign languages.

  13. I can’t read that book. I don’t know where to get it.

  14. I won’t be able to meet him at the station. I don’t know him at all.

  15. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.

Ex. 7. Complete the sentences using the proper forms of the conditionals.

    1. You would be angry if ...

    2. This world would be monotonous if …

    3. Her life might have been saved if …

    4. If the fire had been noticed earlier …

    5. If you had a good sense of humour …

    6. You would look better if ...

    7. The accident would have been prevented if …

    8. If I’d had a car …

    9. If he had put the flowers into the water at once …

    10. If he had taken my advice ...

    11. If you lived on the 25 floor …

    12. If I lived in St. Petersburg …

Ex. 8. Fill in “unless” (если не), “lest” (чтобы не) or “if” (если).

1. … Harry doesn’t phone we’ll leave without him.

  1. … the children don’t behave themselves they won’t go to the zoo.

  2. … you’re more careful you may have an accident.

  3. … I were you I would do the same.

  4. … flowers are not watered they will die soon.

  5. … it stops snowing the plane won’t take off.

  6. …they turn that radio off I may go mad.

  7. I’ll arrive in time … I’m delayed by the traffic.

  8. We won’t go on holiday … we can take our dog with us.

  9. She fears … she should be blamed.

  10. I began to be worried … the children should get lost in the forest.

  11. She began to be worried … she should get into trouble.

  12. He was afraid … anyone should know the truth about his past.

  13. She fears … her partners should let her down in business.

  14. She drives carefully … she should violate the traffic rules

Ex. 9. Put the proper forms of the conditionals.

1. If you (to bring) me the book, I would have read it. 2. If he didn't ring me up, I (not to come). 3. If he (not to write) to me, I wouldn't have answered him. 4. If I (to be) you, I would have apologized to her. 5. If he were in, he (to answer) the phone. 6. If you (to pass) your examination, we would have a celebration. 7. I wouldn't have gone there if I (to be) you. 8. You wouldn't have so many accidents if you (to drive) slowly. 9. What might happen if I (to press) the button? 10. I should not have taken your umbrella if I (to know) that it was the only one you had. 11. If he knew it was dangerous, he (not to come). 12. We (to stay) at home if we had known he was coming. 13. He might (to understand) everything if you had spoken not so fast. 14. If the train service had been better I (to arrive) on time. 15. He says he refused the job, but this had nothing to do with the salary. He (to refuse) even if they (to offer) him twice as much. 16. I don’t believe you: you only say that you want to know languages. If you (to be) really interested in languages, you (to study) them. 17. Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I’m sure they (to be) healthier if they (to spend) more time playing outside. 18. Could I leave the hostel and get a flat, mother? – No, you can’t. I know very well what (to happen) if you (to have) a flat. You (to play) the guitar all night and (to miss) your lessons in the morning; then you (to fail) your exams and (to have) to repeat the year. 19. Suppose you (to fail) your entrance exams, what you (to do). – I wish you (not to ask) me such questions. – It’s high time you (to prepare) for the exams. 20. If I tell you a secret, you (to promise) not to tell it to anyone else? 21. Unless you pay him regularly he (not to work) for you at all.

Ex. 10. Open the brackets using the proper form of the conditional in the subordinate clauses.

a) 1. You work much, I suggest that you (to take) a leave. 2. The doctor suggested that she (to have) a long rest in the Crimea. 2. The teacher demands that we (to revise) all the grammar rules before the exam. 3. The manager insists that they (to sign) the contract. 4. My mother recommends that I (not to sit) up late doing my homework. 5. The government demanded that the ambassador (to be) recalled. 6. The teacher suggests that we should stay after classes. 7. The teacher demands that the pupils shouldn't be late for classes. 8. Parents often insist that their children (to study) music. 9. The doctor advised that I (to try) this remedy. 10. We arranged that Pr. Smith (to meet) at the airport. 11. The policemen ordered that everybody (to leave) the scene of crime. 12. The teacher demanded that we should stay after classes. 13. He suggested that our classmates (to meet) in a year.

b) 1. It is important that you (to pass) your entrance examinations successfully to be admitted to a higher school. 2. It is desirable that you (to do) sports regularly. 3. It is necessary that the pupils (not to miss) lessons. 4. It is necessary that he (to buy) winter shoes. 5. It is important that you (to do) this work yourself. 6. It is desirable that they (to take part) in the work of the conference. 7. It was essential that she (to be prepared) for this news. 8. It is recommended that you (to take) this medical course twice a year. 9. It is demanded that people (to obey) the laws of the country they live in. 10. It is important that everybody (to know) his rights and duties. 11. It is desirable that people (to help) each other in difficult life situations.

Ex. 11. Paraphrase the sentences making wish-clauses.

Model 1: I’ve got a temperature. – I wish I didn’t have a temperature.

  • I want to play outside in the snow.

  • I’ve got a sore throat.

  • I have to take medicine.

  • I have to stay in bed.

  • I can’t go to my friend’s party tonight.

  • None of my friends are here with me.

Model 2: It rained every day last week. – I wish it hadn’t rained every day last week.

  • The beach was a long way from the hotel.

  • The hotel was dirty.

  • My hotel room was small.

  • I lost my luggage.

  • My wallet was stolen.

Ex. 12. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model.

Model: It’s a pity you are ill.

I wish you were not ill.

  1. Unfortunately they won’t return before New Year.

  2. It’s a pity you are not with us these days.

  3. My friend regrets not having entered the university.

  4. I am sorry I made you upset by telling you this news.

  5. It’s a pity that the results of man’s interference in nature are so tragic.

  6. He insisted on being given a chance to prove his point of view.

  7. It’s a pity you are so busy these days.

  8. What a pity he is leaving us so soon.

  9. It’s high time for you to get down to business.

  10. I don’t know if we are late because I don’t have a watch.

  11. I don’t know what’s wrong with my car.

  12. It’s a pity he is not with us now.

Ex. 13. Complete the following statements with a short comment, contrasting wishes with facts.

a) Model: I wish I earned more but … actually I don’t.

  1. I wish I could speak English better but …

  2. I wish he couldn’t criticize me all the time but …

  3. I wish we’d left earlier but …

  4. I wish he would leave but …

  5. She wishes he would remember her birthday but …

  6. If only she loved me but …

  7. If only I had listened to my parents but …

  8. If only I had better computer but …

  9. If only I could change something in my life but …

  10. I wish I hadn’t failed the test but …

b) Model: I can’t drive but … I wish I could .

  1. We didn’t move into a new flat, but we wish we …

  2. I’m not very wealthy, but I wish I …

  3. She probably won’t help me, but I wish she …

  4. He hasn’t got any pets, but he wishes he …

  5. They don’t go out very often, but they wish they …

  6. He won’t listen to my advice, but I wish he …

  7. The weather isn’t fine, but I wish it …

  8. Nobody called me, but I wish they …

  9. I don’t have a watch but I wish I …

Ex. 14. Choose between “hope” and “wish” in each sentence.

  1. I hope/wish I’ll see you again soon.

  2. I hope/wish the weather improves soon.

  3. I hope/wish I knew the answer.

  4. I hope/wish you didn’t have to go.

  5. I hope/wish you’d stop shouting so much.

  6. I hope/wish nothing goes wrong.

  7. I hope/wish it would stop raining.

  8. I hope/wish we could meet next week.

  9. I hope/wish you can come to my party.

  10. I hope/wish I were younger.

Ex. 15. Complete the sentences.


Why did you decide to become a musician?

When I was very young, my parents took me to concerts every weekend, my grandparents bought me a violin, and my mother gave me violin lessons. When I was older, I studied music in high school and college, I sang in the school choir.

If my parents … every weekend,

If my grandparents … .

If my mother … .

If I … in high school and college,

and if I … ,

I … a musician.


I’m really glad I went to the Gold Star Business School.

If … to the Gold Star Business School, I … to program a computer.

And if … a computer, I … a job at the Reliable Insurance Company.

And if I … a job at the Reliable Insurance Company,

I … to Los Angeles on business, I … met your mother.

And if … , you … born!

Ex. 16. Open the brackets using the proper form of the wish-clause.

1. I wish I (can) speak English better. 2. We wish weekends (to come) more often. 3. I wish I never (to meet) him. 4. I wish I (to spend) my money on something else instead of buying that bicycle. 5. He wished he (to know) about your arrival. 6. I wish I (to spend) more time swimming last year. 7. I wish you (not to lose) so much time. 8. I wish I (to be) you. 9. I can hear the speaker all right but I wish I (can, to see) him too. 10. I sometimes think that if they (to have) children they (to make) just as many mistakes as I do. 11. Richard doesn’t enjoy being single. He wishes he (to marry). 12. Mrs. Smith drives an old used car. She wishes she (to have) a more reliable car. 13. I wish my refrigerator (to stop) making that horrible noise. 14. Sometimes I wish I (to be) a child again. 15. He wishes he (can) earn more money. 16. I wish she (to visit) me more often. I really miss her. 17. I wish I (to be) a princess. 18. I wish we (to have) a bigger house. This one is too small. 19. I wish I (to have) a tie to match my suit. 20. That was a lovely meal, but I wish (not to eat) so much. 21. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round. 22. I wish I (to be) at yesterday’s party: it must have been very merry. 23. I wish I (to bring) my camera last summer. 24. I wish I (can) give up smoking. 25. I wish I (can) tell the future. 26. Do you wish you (to be) in the Guinness Book of Records? 27. Of course I am not a young man. I wish I (to be) younger. 28. It is too late to change anything in life. I wish we (to meet) twenty years ago. 29. My life wasn’t interesting. I wish my life (to be) more interesting now. I wish something exciting (to happen) in future.

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions.

  1. Would you go to the department store if you wanted to buy a new coat?

  2. Would you buy the suit if it were your size?

  3. What would you do if you had any free time?

  4. What motor car would you buy if you needed it?

  5. Where would you spend your holiday if it were in February?

  6. How much time would it take you if you went to Moscow by train?

  7. What is required of shoes?

  8. What is required of a shop assistant?

  9. What is demanded of a customer?

  10. What new laws would you like the government to introduce?

Ex. 18. Translate into English.

1. Если бы вы приняли лекарство, вы были бы сейчас здоровы. 2. Я пошлю ему телеграмму, если он завтра не приедет. 3. Если бы театр был ближе, мы смогли бы пойти пешком. 4. Без вашей помощи, я бы не справился с заданием. 5. Вы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси. 6. Если бы я ее хорошо знал, я позвонил бы ей домой. 7. На вашем месте я стал бы изучать компьютерное дело. 8. Если бы вчера вечером не шел дождь, мы пошли бы к нашим друзьям. 9. Если бы я был там, я помог бы ему/Будь я там, я бы помог ему. 10. Случись так/Если бы так случилось, что я не пришел, чтобы ты делал? 11. Желательно, чтобы ты знал не только свои права, но и обязанности. 12. Необходимо, чтобы были приняты соответствующие меры. 13. Важно защитить природу, иначе ничего не останется будущим поколениям. 14. Преподаватель предложил обсудить проблему сегодня же. 15. Я боялся, чтобы он не был убит террористами. 16. Боюсь, как бы она не забыла о нашей встрече. 17. Если бы не дождь, мы бы смогли пойти на прогулку вчера вечером. 18. Жаль, что у меня нет машины. 19. Жаль, что мы не ходили на концерт вчера. 20. Если бы только он мне позвонил… 21. Если бы мои мечты осуществились… 22. Я предложил пойти и навестить его в больнице. 23. На твоем месте я бы позвонил ей. 24. Мне бы лучше пойти домой. 25. Тебе давно пора бросить курить. 26. Она встретила нас так, как будто знала много лет. 27. Было бы глупо, если бы я не воспользовался этой возможностью. 28. Если бы вы прислали свою статью раньше, она была бы уже опубликована. 29. Как жаль, что в детстве не было компьютеров. Моя жизнь могла бы быть более интересной. 30. Если бы я только могла говорить по испански. 31. Если бы он не пил так много.

Ex. 19. Make a situation of at least two sentences using the Subjunctive.

I wish I were

at home

a scientist

a poet

a spaceman

a sailor

a composer

If I were at home I would

go to bed

invent a time machine

write a beautiful song

write an interesting novel

flight to other planets

sail to Africa

I wish I had

a car

a computer

an elder brother

some money

a telephone

If I had a car I would

drive you home

tell him my secrets

buy a new dictionary

e-mail a letter to you

ring you up

I wish you

had phoned me

go to the library

asked me for help

win the game

had a ticket

turn on TV

If you had phoned me we would

have met

read this article

get a good mark

to be pleased

go to the theatre

hear him speaking

Ex. 20. Complete the sentences with “if”. Look at the prompts and make sentences, as in the model.

Model: If the airline hadn’t been on strike, his flight wouldn’t have been delayed.

If his flight hadn’t been delayed, …

the airline/not be/on strike →

his flight/not be/delayed →

he/arrive/in New York/on time →

he/attend/the meeting →

he/sign/the contract →

his boss/be/pleased with him →

she/give/him/a promotion

Ex. 21. Rewrite the sentences using an “if” construction.

Model: – Why didn’t you buy a season ticket? – Because I lose everything.

If I had bought a season ticket I would have lost it.

  1. He smokes 20 cigarettes a day which makes no good for his health.

  2. The flats are not clearly numbered, so it’s difficult to find anyone.

  3. I live a long way from the center, that’s why I’m always late for work.

  4. I’m sorry I have no watch so I can’t tell you the time.

  5. I had damaged my car so I couldn’t drive to London.

  6. I didn’t recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses.

  7. I walked up the stairs because the lift wasn’t working.

  8. I don’t like country life, perhaps, because I wasn’t brought up in the country.

  9. It rained all the time. Perhaps, that’s why he didn’t enjoy the visit.

  10. She doesn’t love him, so she won’t marry him.

  11. She must have loved him very much because she has been waiting for him for many years.

  12. Why didn’t you tell me that your parents were coming to dinner.

  13. Why didn’t you tell me that our English class was cancelled.

  14. I’m sorry I can’t lend you any money because I don’t have it.

Ex. 22. Read some more examples of different forms of Subjunctive Mood.

    1. I wish(ed) he were a pilot.

    2. I wish(ed) you had brought your camera.

    3. I wish he could/would come to the party.

    4. She is afraid that he may leave without seeing her.

    5. Ann was afraid that she might be misunderstood.

    6. He feared lest he should miss the train.

    7. He wondered if it were/was true.

    8. He left the door open so that Mary could/might see the children playing in the garden.

    9. She turned away so that we should not see her tears.

    10. She put the letter away lest her husband should see it.

    11. They spoke of her as though she did not exist.

    12. Our life goes on as if nothing had happened.

    13. Nothing would have happened if he had kept silent.

    14. If I could write poems I would dedicate them to you.

    15. What would he do if he were to meet them?

    16. If it were not for his friend/but for his friend he would feel very lonely in the big city.

    17. If it had not been for the rain/but for the rain he would have gone to the country on Saturday.

    18. Even if you were right I would not defend you.

    19. Even though I had been a stranger he would have invited me to see his flowers.

    20. Oh, if only I knew what to do!

    21. If only he had listened to me!

    22. Oh, if only it would stop raining!

    23. It would be foolish to sell such a picture.

    24. The house would be too expensive for him.

    25. Twenty years ago I wouldn’t have thought it possible.

    26. He knows I could never tell him a lie.

    27. He would sooner die than give up his habit.

    28. Will you do it? – I’d rather you did it.

    29. Success attend you!

    30. Be yours a happy life!

    31. So be it!

    32. Come what will.

Ex. 23. Speculate on the problem.

  1. What three wishes would you choose for yourself if you knew that they would come true?

  2. What would happen if:

    • everyone in the world spoke the same language;

    • countries opened their borders to everyone;

  3. What would you do if:

    • you won $1000000; (pay my debts back, all the rest will wait)

    • you could travel anywhere in the world;

    • you were the Minister of Education;

    • you could have any job you wanted;

    • you were a king;

    • you had magic powers;

    • you lived in Australia;

    • you saw a ghost.

  4. What would you be able to do if you were a bird.

Ex. 24. Read the text and in turn make conditionals. Work in two teams.

There was a family who was very poor so they lived in a little house. One day the children were hungry so the mother went to the market. On the way she crossed a bridge and saw something in the river. She leant over the bridge and her purse fell into the water. It sank to the bottom of the river so she couldn’t reach it. A fish swam by and swallowed it. She had no money so she went home. There was no food in the house so the father went fishing. He caught a big fish so he had something for his wife to cook. She cut the fish open and found her purse inside with all the money still in it.

Team A: S 1: If they hadn’t been poor, they wouldn’t have lived in a little house.

Team B: S1: If the children hadn’t been hungry, the mother wouldn’t have gone to the market.


a) Use the proper form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If I ... (to be) you I would agree.

  2. If you were in my place, what you ... (to do)?

  3. If today ... (to be) a holiday, I ... (to go) to the beach.

  4. I ... (to help) you with it if I ... (to have) more time, but I’m afraid I haven’t got any spare time at all at the moment.

  5. The weather isn’t fine. I ... (to take) a walk if it ... (to be) nice.

  6. Maybe I will have enough time tonight. If I ... (to have) enough time, I ... (to write) a letter to my cousin.

  7. I didn’t have enough money yesterday. If I ... (to have), I ... (to go) to the park.

  8. It was very cold yesterday. If it ... (not to be) so cold, I ... (to go) swimming.

  9. Snow is predicted for tomorrow. If it ... (to snow), I ... (to stay) home.

  10. Maybe I will buy a car. And if I ... (to buy) it, I ... (to drive) to Springfield next month to visit my friend.

  11. I am not going to buy a car. If I ... (to buy) a car, I ... (to go) to Springfield to visit my friend.

  12. If I ... (to know) that you were ill last week, I ... (to go) to visit you.

  13. If I ... (to win) the Nobel prize one day in future, I ... (to be) extremely happy. But it’s almost impossible.

  14. I must get in touch with Sue. I wish I ... (to know) her phone number! Sue is a fantastic dancer. I wish I ... (to dance) with her!

  15. Vegetarians believe that if nobody ... (to eat) meat, everyone ... (to live) longer.

  16. If the North Pole ... (to melt), the water ... (to flood) many cities.

  17. If I ... (to know) it was your birthday, I ... (to send) you a card.

  18. What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we ... (not to miss) the plane, we ... (to kill) in the crash.

  19. If I ... (to be) to start again, my choice of a career … (to be) the same.

  20. I am sorry I can’t lend you any money. You know if I ... (to have) it, I ... (to lend) it to you.

  21. Thanks to Dr Jones I’m still alive! If it ... (not to be) for him, I ... (to be) dead for certain!

  22. Thank you very much! If you ... (not to help) me, we ... (not to finish) the work so quickly.

  23. If you … (to take) your medicine yesterday you … (to be) well today.

  24. If I were not so absent-minded I … (not to leave) my passport at home yesterday.

  25. I wish you ... (to be) more considerate when you were negotiating the pay-rise.

  26. You work too much I suggest that you ... (to take) a leave.

  27. The teacher demands that we ... (to revise) all the grammar rules before our English exam.

  28. My mother recommends that I ... (not to sit up) late during my homework.

  29. It’s important that you ... (to pass) your entrance exams successfully and be admitted to the university.

  30. It’s necessary that pupils ... (not to miss) their lessons.

  31. We wish weekends ... (to come) more often.

  32. I wish I ... (not to go) to the party after all.

  33. George … (to be) happier now if he … (to become) a doctor.

  34. He ... (to may, understand) it if you ... (to speak) slowly at the conference tomorrow.

  35. If you ... (to ask) politely, I might have helped you.

  36. I wish you ... (to come) earlier last night. You could… (to meet) my sister.

  37. If they ... (not to have) e-mail, it would be difficult for them to keep in touch.

  38. I … (may, to make) a bad mistake if I ... (not to read) the instructions beforehand.

  39. If everyone ... (to speak) the same language, do you think life ... (to be) better?

  40. I wish the baby ... (to stop) crying and ... (to start) playing with his toys.

  41. She wishes she … (to see) him at yesterday’s party.

  42. The government demanded that the ambassador … (to be recalled).

  43. My boss once made a terrible mistake. If I ... (not to help) him he could ... (to go) to prison.

  44. My friend once made a terrible mistake. If I … (to help) him he … (to be) in prison now.

  45. But for your help, we … (to be) in trouble now.

  46. If it … (to be) not for you, they … (never to know) my address.

  47. What a terrible thing to happen! Just think, if we … (not to miss) the plain, we …(to kill) in an accident.

  48. If Nick … (to go) to University he … (may, to become) an architect. If he … (to become) an architect he … (can, design) bridges now.

  49. I don’t believe you: you only say that you want to know languages. If you … (to be) really interested in languages, you … (to study) them.

  50. I feel as if I … (to fly).

b) Copy, writing the proper form of the verb in brackets.

Both Right and Both Wrong

The black car screamed round the corner on the wrong side of the road and passed a white car doing exactly the same thing in the other direction. Both drivers stopped and got out of their cars. “If I (to be) …on my side of the road, you (to kill) … me”, driver A shouted. “But you weren’t on your side of the road,” driver B shouted back. “If you (to drive) … more carefully, you (not to be) … on the wrong side of the road.” “If I (to know) … what was round the corner, I (to keep) … to my side of the road,” driver A said. “If you (to know) … what was round the corner, you (not to drive) … so carelessly.” Suddenly, both men stopped shouting and driver A said, very quietly, “If we both (not to be) … on the wrong side of the road, we (to be) … dead now”. Without speaking a further word, both men shook hands and drove away.


Mrs. Watson is our local authority on Shakespeare. However, she probably … (not to be) if anyone else in town … (to know) very much about plays. Since the other townspeople are not very competent in literary matters, she … (to feel always) safe if she … (to make) any sort of pronouncement about the poet. For example, at times she says, “If Shakespeare … (to be) alive today, he … (to be) the highest playwright on Broadway.”

If her friends … (to want) to tease her, they … (to reply), “If Shakespeare … (to try) to sell Romeo and Juliet these days, producers … (to laugh) at him”. In answer, Mrs. Watson sniffs and says that if her friends … (to have) any appreciation for art – which, in her opinion, they certainly lack – they … (not to utter) such foolish remarks. She sometimes adds that if she … (not to know) them as well as she does, she … (to consider) them completely illiterate. She makes her feeling clear by saying, “If I … (to be) you, I … (to spend) some time on the plays instead of talking nonsense about the author. If Shakespeare … (not to be) a truly great thinker, he … (not to be) able to write his undying masterpieces”.

Mrs. Watson can continue in a similar way for hours. If her listeners … (to show) signs of impatience, she … (to say usually), “(to speak) up if you … (to have) pressing chores to perform” Then, as if ignoring the interruption, she flatly states, “All other Elithabethans were obtuse. If they … (to be) aware of Shakespeare’s magnificience, they … (to leave) more tokens of their esteem. Geniuses are seldom appreciated by their contemporaries.”

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