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Особые случаи

а) на вашем месте – If I were you (If I were in your shoes)

б) вместо would – could, might

в) чаще для 3-го типа вместо if можно поставить глагол:

If you had watched the film yestreday, you would have liked – Had you watched....

Домашнее задание:

  1. Она купит конверт, если почта будет открыта

She will buy an envelope, if the postoffice is opened

  1. Она купила бы конверт, если бы почта была открыта

She would buy an envelope if the postoffice were opened

  1. Она купила бы конверт вчера, если бы почта была открыта

She would have bought an envelope if the postoffice had been opened yesterday

  1. Если пойдет дождь, мы останемся дома

If it rains, we will stay at home

  1. Если пошел бы дождь, мы остались бы дома

If it rained, we would stay at home

  1. Если дождь пошел бы в прошлое воскресенье, мы остались бы дома

If it had rained last Sunday, we would have stayed at home

Трансформации условных предложений

They don’t speak French, so they don’t understand her

If they spoke French, they would understand her

Если бы они говорили по-французски, они понимали бы ее.

настоящее → II тип

прошедшее → III тип

утверждение → отрицание

отрицание → утверждение

He didn’t turn to the right and lost his way

If he had turned to the right, he wouldn’t have lost his way - Если бы он повернул направо, он бы не заблудился

If she hadn’t gone to the sea, she wouldn’t have sunburnt - Если бы она не поехала на море, она бы не загорела

She went to the sea and she sunburnt - Она поехала на море и загорела

Домашнее задание:

  1. Если у нас будет словарь, мы переведем текст

If we have a dictionary, we will translate the text

  1. На Вашем месте я поехал бы туда поездом

If I were in your shoes, I would go there by train

  1. Если бы Вы пришли вчера в 7 часов, он был бы дома

In case you had come at 7 o’clock yesterday he would have been at home

  1. Если бы они выучили слова, они бы легко перевели текст

If they learnt the words, they would translate the text easily

  1. Они споют песню, когда выучат слова

They will sing a song, when they learn the words

  1. Если бы мне дали эту книгу вчера, я бы написал сочинение

If I had been given this book yesterday, I would have written a composition


Примеры трансформаций

  1. The sun shines and it is warm – Солнце светит и тепло (реальное действие)

If the sun didn’t shine, it wouldn’t be warm (меняем на нереальное – 2 тип – но нужно оставить смысл)

  1. He was rich, so she married him

If he hadn’t been rich, she wouldn’t have married him (меняем на 3 тип)

  1. The sudents are listening to the text

The text is being listened to (by the students)

  1. They have just been invited by her

She has just invited them

  1. They said Mary had arrived, there the day before

They said: “Mary arrived here yesterday” (прямая речь в косвенную)

  1. The teacher said: “Pupils, don’t copy the text”

The teacher told his pupils no to copy the text

Домашнее задание:

  1. Если бы вы хотели прочитать эту книгу, вы бы ее нашли

  2. Я думаю, что эти предложения переведены неправильно

  3. Он сказал, что интересуется иностранными языками

  4. Интересно, сможет ли она выполнить эту работу?

  5. Чем больше товаров они продают, тем больше прибыли они получают

  6. Он не знал, было ли куплено все необходимое

Домашнее задание:

  1. Он спросил, кто изобрел эту машину

He asked, who had invented that machine

He asked who had that machine had been invented by

  1. В доме никто не живет с прошлого года

Nobody has been living in the house since last year

The house hasn’t been lived in since last year

  1. Он сказал, что если будет холодно он останется дома

He said, that if it was cold he would stay at home

  1. Его спросили, было ли холодно, когда он остался дома

He was asked if it had been cold when he had stayed at home

  1. Астрономами была обнаружена новая звезда

A new star was found by astronomers

  1. К этому времени работа не будет закончена

By this time the work will not have been finished

Домашнее задание:

  1. She has got this book at home, so she doesn’t need to go to the library

If... she hadn’t got this book at home, she would need to go to the library

  1. The vet looked after the animals, so he received a fortune

If ... the vet hadn’t looked after the animals, he wouldn’t have received the fortune

  1. Mr. Dupont said: “This man deserves a reward!”

Mr.Dupont said, that man deserved a reward

  1. He said: “How many hours was Concorde tested?”

He asked how many hours Concorde had been tested

  1. He said: “Are you Mr. Dupont?”

He asked if he was Mr. Dupont

  1. She said: “Please, please, don’t ask so many questions!”

She begged not to ask so many questions (нет согласования времен, только I form).

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