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Text с. The Founder of Virology

Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky, a prominent Russian scientist, was born in 1864. In 1888 he graduated from Petersburg University and began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology.

When D. I. Ivanovsky was investigating the tobacco mosaic disease (мозаичная болезнь табака) he was able to come to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent, many times smaller than bacteria.

To prove this phenomenon D. I. Ivanovsky had to make many experiments on various plants. He had to pass the Juice of the diseased plant through a fine filter which could catch the smallest bacteria. At that time a little over 70 years ago everybody considered that bacteria were the smallest living organisms. But when D. I. Ivanovsky had completed to pass the juice through a fine filter, he was able to come to conclusion that the living organisms smaller than bacteria existed in the environment, because when he introduced the filtrate of the diseased plants to healthy ones they became infected.

Before D. I. Ivanovsky nobody had been able to prove the existence of viruses. Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky was the first scientist who was able to establish the new branch of microbiology—virology.

  1. Выучите следующие слова. Предложения переведите:

wound [wu:nd] га рана, ранение. There was a large and deep wound on the lateral surface of the leg.

throaf [Grout] n горло; fo have a sore throat иметь больное горло; fo gargle one’s throat полоскать горло. The doctor revealed redness in the patient’s throat. He has a sore throaf.

property [‘proparti] n свойство. The main property of phagocytes is to destroy the invading microbes.

mucus [‘mjurkas] n слизь. The inner surface of the nose is covered with mucus.

pathogenic [‘paeGo’d3enik] а патогенный, болезнетворный. Pathogenic microorganisms produce different diseas.

Class assignments

  1. Instead of the modal verbs use the equivalents in the proper tense:

1. The doctor must determine the origin of the disease for its successful treatment. 2. The doctor could reveal the consolidation in the lung by the X-ray examination. 3. The scientist can observe a rapid growth of microorganisms under the microscope. 4. The doctor says that this patient may sit up.

  1. Put the predicates info Past:

1. The infant must move as much as possible for the proper development of the body. 2. In this patient the proper functions of the heart can be impaired due to the grippe. 3. During work one must give rest to the organism (particularly to the brain and the eyes) every hour or half an hour. 4. His constant tiredness may impair his heart.

  1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

1. The researcher had to include various significant findings of his observations into the report. 2. At present the surgeon has to extend his investigations to make a proper conclusion. 3. We have to increase the amount of food given to this patient.

  1. Put general questions to the following sentences making other necessary changes:

1. Somebody wanted to speak to the doctor about the condition of patient Smirnov. 2. The boy has impaired something in his abdomen when he fell down. 3. Someone will have to describe the course of this patient’s disease. 4. Everyone knows that phagocytes destroy microorganisms.

  1. Translate the following sentences:

1. Все знают, что микроорганизмы размножаются делением. 2. Долгое время Кох нигде не мог обнаружить бактерии холеры. 3. До Везалия никто не мог точно определить строение сердца человека. 4. Должен ли был исследователь доказать что-то новое этим опытом? 5. Всем известно, что температура тела бывает наиболее низкой утром и наиболее высокой в ранние вечерние часы.

  1. Read the pairs of sentences and choose those corresponding fo Text C:

  1. a) Ivanovsky began to study various diseases of plants, b) Ivanovsky began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology. 2. a) Tobacco mosaic disease occurred due to viruses, b) Tobacco mosaic disease did not occur due to bacteria. 3. a) Ivanovsky had to pass the juice of the diseased plant through oxygenated fluid, b) Ivanovsky had to pass the juice of the diseased plant through a fine filter.

  1. Read and entitle Text D. Describe how bacteria invade the organism:


If there are no wounds on the skin no bacteria can invade it. But if any smallest wound exists then bacteria can pass into the tissue. The thin membranes about the eye, in the nose and throat have less protective properties against bacterial invasion and infection may often develop in these points.

The way by which a microorganism enters the human body is an important factor to determine the occurrence of any disease. Certain bacteria can persist and develop in the human body only coming into contact with the respiratory tract, others through contact with the mucus of the intestines.

The skin and mucus membranes of the body have a large number of bacteria, some of them are highly pathogenic in a favourable environment. The spread of these bacteria is controlled by the skin and phagocytes fighting against the invaders.



  1. В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на случаи употребления глагола ‘to be’. Ответьте на вопросы:

My friend is a surgeon. Мой друг—хирург.

The surgeon is performing an Хирург производит операцию.


The patient is operated on. Больного оперируют.

The surgeon is in the clinic. Хирург находится в клинике.

The surgeon is to operate on Хирург должен оперировать этого

this patient. больного.

В каком из английских предложений глагол to be употреблен: 1. с именем существительным с предлогом и в какой синтаксической функции? 2. с именем существительным без предлога и в какой синтаксической функции?

  1. с причастием настоящего времени, и что он образует? 4. с причастием прошедшего времени, и что он образует? 5. с инфинитивом глагола, и какое значение он приобретает в данном случае?

  1. В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на случаи употребления глагола ‘to have’. Ответьте на вопросы:

My friend has an atlas. У моего друга есть атлас.

He has proved his conclusions. Он доказал свои выводы.

We have to examine him. Нам нужно обследовать его.

Какое значение имеет глагол to have в сочетании с: 1. суще­ствительным? 2. Ill формой глагола? 3. инфинитивом глагола? (см. таблицу 15 стр. 280)

  1. Прочтите предложения и обратите внимание на способы выражения долженствования. Ответьте на вопросы:

Students must attend all the lectures.

Студенты должны посещать все лекции.

Students have to carry on scientific work.

Студентам нужно проводить научную работу.

The students are to visit this museum.

Студентам необходимо посетить этот музей.

The students should pay more attention to foreign languages.

Студентам следует обращать большое внимание на иностранные языки.

1. Какой новый способ выражения долженствования вы заметили в одном из этих предложений? 2. Как переводится глагол should в этом случае? (см. таблицу 19 стр. 291)

  1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

  1. One should remember that most viruses are destroyed at the temperature of 50-60° within 30-60 minutes. 2. During the experiment the scientist was to investigate the process of inhibition in the cortex of the experimental animals.

  1. D. Ivanovsky filtered the juice of the diseased plants through such fine filters through which even the smallest bacteria could not pass. 4. The environment must be provided with the proper amount of oxygen for the growth of aerobic microorganisms.

  1. Прочтите следующие слова. Переведите их:

antibacterial [,8entibaek’tian3l], colony [‘kolam], toxic [‘toksik], biologist [bai’alsdjist], expert [‘ekspa:t], injection [in’djekjh], penicillin [,peni’silin], nature [‘neitfa]

  1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

drug [drAg] п лекарство

dangerous [‘deindsaras] а опасный

disappear [,disd’pid] v исчезать

immediately [i’mi:ddatli] adv немедленно

common [‘кэтэп] а обычный; общий; распространенный

same [seim] а тот же самый, одинаковый

dry [drai] а сухой; v сушить; вытирать

extract [iks’traekt] v выделять; удалять

pure [pjua] а чистый

try [trai] о пробовать, стараться

fail* [fed] о не удаваться, терпеть неудачу; провалиться (на экзамене); to tail to do smth не суметь, не быть в состоянии сделать что-л.

*Иногда глагол to fail с последующим инфинитивом переводится от­рицанием не, а инфинитив переводится в том времени, в каком стоит гла­гол to fail.

The X-ray examination failed to reveal heart enlargement. Рентгенологи­ческое обследование не показало расширения сердца.

  1. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

antibacterial drugs, a dangerous disease, common pathogenic bacteria, the same family, dry bread, to extract pure penicillin, to try to do something immediately, to fail to reveal pathogenic microorganisms

  1. Прочтите текст E. Расскажите об А. Флеминге. Скажите, какими качествами должен обладать ученый:

Text Е. Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming was born in 1881. He did research work at one of the hospitals in London and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs.

One day Fleming’s assistant brought him a plate on which some dangerous bacteria were being grown. “This plate cannot be used for the experiment,” said the assistant. “Some mould [mould] (плесень) has formed on it and I’ll have to take another plate.” Fleming was ready to allow his assistant to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that the bacteria around the mould had disappeared. Fleming understood the importance of what had happened and immediately began to study the phenomenon.

He placed some mould on other plates and grew more colonies. By means of numerous experiments on animals he determined that this new substance was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria.

Fleming called this substance penicillin. It is of the same family of moulds that often appear on dry bread.

But many investigations had been carried out before a method of extracting pure penicillin was found. It was also very difficult for Fleming to interest biologists and mould experts in penicillin and to decide the problem of its production.

In 1942 Fleming tried his own first experiment. A friend of his was very ill, dying. After several injections of penicillin the man was cured. It marked the beginning of penicillin treatment.

Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: “Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I do not know why they do it. I didn’t do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it.”

  1. Повторите активные слова цикла, грамматический и текстовой материал и правила словообразования для обзорного занятия.

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