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Part VIII. Grammar

Выноска-облако 124

Инфинитив (the infinitive) Формы инфинитива

Форма инфинитива

Действительный залог

Страдательный залог


to ask

to be asking


to be asking



to have asked

to have been asking

Perfect Continuous

to have been asking


ЧПрямая со стрелкой 122Прямая со стрелкой 1214-конечная звезда 120аще всего инфинитив употребляется без частицы to в следующих случаях:

После модальных глаголов:

Не саn speak English. - Он умеет говорить по-английски.

4-конечная звезда 119

В обороте «Сложное дополнение» после глаголов to let, to make, to feel, to hear, to see, to notice, to watch:

I4-конечная звезда 118'll make him tell me the truth. - Я заставлю его сказать мне правду.

Если в предложении стоят два инфинитива, соединенные союзом and или or, частица to обычно опускается перед вторым из них:

Не promised to telephone or write. – Он пообещал позвонить или написать.

Exercise 20. Put “to” before the infinitive where it is necessary:

    1. My son asked me __________ let him __________ go to the club.

    2. You must make him __________ practice an hour a day.

    3. She was made __________ repeat the song.

    4. He is not sure that it can __________ be done, but he is willing __________ try.

    5. Let me __________ help you with your work.

    6. She asked me _________ read the letter carefully and _________ write an answer.

    7. You ought __________ take care of your health.

    8. I looked for the book everywhere but could not __________ find it.

    9. He was seen __________ leave the house.

    10. We had __________ put on our overcoats because it was cold.

  1. I think you ought __________ apologize.

  2. Make him __________ speak louder.

  3. Help me … carry this bag.

  4. I must __________ go to the country.

  5. It cannot __________ be done to-day.

  6. The man told me not __________ walk on the grass.

Exercise 21: Use the appropriate form of the infinitive.

  1. They want (to take) to the concert by their father.

  2. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday.

  3. This plant is known (to produce) tractors.

  4. He wants his son (to become) a lawyer.

  5. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.

Exercise 22: State the forms and functions of the infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1. Our plan was to introduce new methods of research. 2. Here is an example to be followed. 3. They must continue their experiment. 4. All you have to do is to write a letter. 5. He continued to read. 6. I didn’t ask to be told the news. 7. He has a lot of work to do. 8. I left my village to enter the university. 9. To make a choice between these two methods was quite difficult. 10. There are lots of contradictions to be found in your report. 11. The conference to be held tomorrow will be devoted to a dramatic breakthrough in chemistry.

Infinitive vs gerund gerund

We use the gerund after:

  • prepositions

E.g.: I am keen on dancing.

  • some verbs: admit, enjoy, deny, finish, imagine, keep, mind, recommended, suggest.

E.g.: He hates waiting for someone.

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