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Part II. Conversation Useful phrases:


Выноска-облако 593

Exercise 4: Find the right translation:

I’m afraid I have to make a serious complaint.

Я передам вашу жалобу начальству/администрации.

I’m afraid we can’t provide you with this drug at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you as soon as it will be on sale.

Боюсь, мы ничего не можем сделать с этим.

Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with …

Я хотел бы, чтобы этого не было.

Oh, I’m sorry about that.

Боюсь, я вынужден предъявить вам серьезную жалобу.

I wish it never happened.

Боюсь, мы не можем предоставить вам это лекарство в данный момент. Не могли бы вы оставить свой контактный телефон и адрес? Мы свяжемся с вами, как только оно поступит в продажу.

I’m sorry to have to say this, but …

Мне жаль это говорить, но …

Well, I’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do about it.


I’ll see that everything is put right.

Она пожаловалась мне на головную боль.

Sorry, I thought you didn’t mind.

Извините, я постараюсь что-нибудь сделать.

Don’t find faults with him.

Жалобами делу не поможешь

I’ll pass your complaint on to the person in charge/the manager.

Перестань ныть - у других тоже есть проблемы.

I’m sorry, I’ll see what I can do.

Простите, кажется что-то не так с …

Complaining won’t remedy the situation.

Я позабочусь о том, чтобы все было в порядке.

She complained to me about a headache.

Извините, я думал, что вы не возражаете.

Stop moaning, other people have problems too.

Он вечно на что-либо жалуется.

He’s always whining about something.

Не придирайтесь к нему.

Exercise 5: Make the dialogues using the phrases above according to the cases:

Case 1:

You have a cold and need an effective remedy. Ask the chemist for a piece of advice.

Case 2:

You are not satisfied with the quality of the medicine. Make a complaint.

Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make a similar one:












Good afternoon. Can you make up this prescription?

I wonder if you could come back at 3 o’clock, sir. I’ll keep the whole thing ready.

I’m afraid I can’t wait till three. My wife has a stomachache. Why don’t you give me these drugs now?

All right, I will. It might still take me about half an hour to make it up. You could take your seat there and wait.

I’d rather go home and come back later.

As you wish. But let me first look at the whole prescription. I want to make sure that I have all the drugs. Oh, I’m sorry. This one at number three is not available. In fact, it’s been out of stock in the whole market for quite some time. I’m afraid we can’t provide you with this drug at the moment. Could you leave your contact phone number and address? We will contact you as soon as it will be on sale.

Bother! What do I do now? What about giving me another drug with the same formula?

Well, I do have another one. I’m sorry to have to say this, but… I can’t sell any drug without a doctor’s prescription.

Even in an emergency?

I’m sorry. Under no circumstances. I’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do about it. But if I were you, I’d ring up the doctor and ask him about alternative. You could use my telephone.

Yes, that’s a good idea! Thank you so much. I’ll call him right away.

Exercise 6(a): Translate some cliché from the dialogue:

1. to have a stomachache. 2. to be on sale. 3. doctor’s prescription. 4. under no circumstances. 5. That’s a good idea. 6. Make up the prescription. 7. to make sure to have all the drugs.

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