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The presentation of information 459

7.4 Negation

7.4.1 Preliminaries

Negation in Russian,13 as in other languages, is a powerful operator: it selects out some word and its meaning and then forces one to consider alternatives. To assert “not ” is to allow or even suggest that, under some other circumstances, on some other occasion, in some other world, the opposite state of affairs might hold instead. The significance of negation, then, is not merely that some situation is denied, but that we are forced to consider both alternatives at once.

Negation can apply to various parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives). Negation interacts with other processes such as case.

7.4.2 Distribution and scope of negation

Negation in Russian is generally local.14 To negate a constituent other than the verb, the negative particle is placed next to the element itself.

[38]Gj heccrjve ecnyjve yfc эrpfvtyjdfk yt cnfhsq tot ghjatccjh Bdfy Ybrfyjhjdbx.

For the oral examination in Russian, we were examined by the not old as yet professor Ivan Nikanorovich.

[39]Uhb,s k/,zn hjlbnmcz gjl эnbv lthtdjv, f yt gjl ntv. Mushrooms love to grow under this tree, but not under that one.

[40]<. . .> bp yt cnjkm lfktrjuj ctkf

<. . .> from a not so distant village

[41]Z ghjxtk, ghjxtk lheujq hfp. Ahfps ,skb lkbyyst, d vjpue yt chfpe erkflsdfkbcm.

I read it, read it again. The phrases were long; they did not fix into my brain immediately.

[42]Yfcnz gjt[fkf yt yf cnfywb/

,f d cjdthityyj lheue/ cnjhjye.

?Yfcnz yt gjt[fkf yf cnfywb/

Nastia went not to the station

, but in the completely opposite direction.

Nastia didn’t go to the station

One might note that, in English, negating the predicate can often be understood, by synecdoche, to negate a constituent of the predicate phrase; thus it is possible, even preferable, to translate [41] and [42] into English with verb negation. When in Russian the negative particle is put next to the verb, it negates the verb, not some constituent of the verb phrase.

[43]Jlye tuj ktrwb/ z yt pf,sk j Ahtqlt.

One of his lectures about Freud I have not forgotten.

13 Brown 1999[a] treats many aspects of negation.

14 Dahl 1979.

460A Reference Grammar of Russian

Only occasionally does negation of the verb seem to have force over an argument ([44]):15

[44]Эnb xbyjdybrb gjybvfkb, xnj d flvbybcnhfnjhf[ ljkuj yt ecblbim ,tp dscjrjq extyjq cntgtyb.

These bureaucrats understood that you don’t stay long as an administrator without a higher educational degree.

Russian is fond of negating both a modal auxiliary and its dependent infinitive:

[45]Z hfpkbxfk b jlby ujkjc, b dnjhjq, nht,jdfdibt, xnj,s z yt cgfk, yj z yt vju yt cgfnm.

I made out one voice, and another, which were demanding that I not sleep, but I could not help but sleep.

7.4.3 Negation and other phenomena

Negation and existential pronouns: Negative particles form two series of negative existential pronouns. Pronouns in yb(-) occur with a negated predicate, and preclude any individual in a factual statement (§4.9.2). Another series of negative pronouns, in y†(-), combine with infinitives, whose subject, if overtly expressed, is dative. The construction denies the possibility that there could exist any possible entity that would fit in the predication (§5.10.5).

Negation and case: A negated transitive predicate often takes a genitive object instead of the expected accusative (§5.4). The subjects of existential intransitive predicates, which would otherwise be in the nominative, appear in the genitive when the predicate is negated (§5.3).

Negation and predicatives: Negating a copular sentence with a predicative noun is very likely to produce an instrumental case in the noun, for the reason that negation limits the validity of the state and invites the consideration of the alternative polarity in some other world (‘not in this time-world, but possibly in another time-world’). The validity of the state is then limited; the instrumental occurs naturally with states that are bounded (§5.2.5).

Negation and complementizers: Negation has an affinity with irrealis modality and essentialist reference of entities. As a consequence, negating a matrix predicate of speech (thought, belief, attitude), as in [46], sometimes elicits xnj,s -- the irrealis conjunction -- in place of xnj in complement clauses.

15 Besters-Dilger 1988:271--80.