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III. Writing Section

1. Translate the following text from English into Russian. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Higher Education in Our Country

A national higher school system plays an important role in the development of our country. Only highly qualified specialists can solve the most complex problems facing our society. Knowledge, science and culture open the prospects for the future. The efforts of the Belorussian scientists have always been focused on the fundamental problems of humanities, natural and social sciences.

At the beginning of the 20th century about 80 per cent of the Belorussian population were illiterate. Now Belarus is a country with a high educational level. There are 38 state higher educational institutions and the Academy of Sciences which was founded in 1929 to carry out research in different fields of science. The total number of students in our Republic is about 2,5 million (25 per cent of the population).

The Belorussian State University, the Polytechnical Academy, the University of National Economy and many others are the largest scientific and educational centres in the national higher school system of Belarus. Today the role of universities in the system of higher education becomes determining as they give training in fundamental humanities and natural sciences.

The basic principle of the organization of national education in Belarus is an equal opportunity for all its citizens. It should conform to the spirit and requirements of the time we live.

Specialized secondary and higher education is available for everyone according to his abilities. Every citizen can get free education in state institutions if he passes the entrance examinations successfully. One of the necessary qualifications for higher school is complete secondary education. Entrance examinations differ depending on the choice of a higher school. People can get a higher education through the full-time, evening and correspondent courses. Those who study well receive scholarships. All higher schools in Belarus are controlled by the state and are uniformly administrated. The system of public education is being constantly improved and that is a logical process.

Along with state higher schools existing in the Republic many non-state institutes of higher learning have been opened in different towns of late. Thousands of young people who for some reason couldn’t enter any of the state educational establishments have got an opportunity to continue their studies and to get a higher education. Tuition in non-state institutes is not free of charge, it is rather expensive. But everybody knows that money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

The academic year is divided into two terms, each ending in examinations. The students attend lectures and practical classes and have every opportunity to develop their talents and gifts. Sport has become an essential part of students’ life and they can do any sports they like.

The higher school today does not only give knowledge to the students but develops their abilities to think creatively and to work productively. Today’s scientific and technological progress demands of the higher school graduates to be prepared to deepen their knowledge individually and adapt themselves quickly to the changes in the branches of science or industry they have chosen as their speciality. This means that future specialists must be given a good grounding in basic subjects. In order to obtain practical experience all the students of higher schools have practical training at different enterprises, schools and offices.

Every year thousands of graduates receive diplomas of higher education and start working in different branches of science, economy and production. Some of them enter postgraduate courses to get more specialized study and to defend a thesis on a chosen scientific problem. We have every right to say that the future of our country in many respects depends upon the quality of education received by its citizens.